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Fix flaky target allocator test #913

pavolloffay opened this issue Jun 7, 2022 · 2 comments · Fixed by #928

Fix flaky target allocator test #913

pavolloffay opened this issue Jun 7, 2022 · 2 comments · Fixed by #928
area:target-allocator Issues for target-allocator


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The TA smoke test ( seems to be intermittently failing.

Failed test:

=== CONT  kuttl/harness/smoke-targetallocator
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | test step failed 2-install
    case.go:361: failed in step 2-install
    case.go:363: --- Deployment:kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/stateful-targetallocator
        +++ Deployment:kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/stateful-targetallocator
        @@ -1,9 +1,207 @@
         apiVersion: apps/v1
         kind: Deployment
        +  labels:
        + opentelemetry-targetallocator
        + kuttl-test-evolved-starfish.stateful
        + opentelemetry-operator
        + stateful-targetallocator
        + opentelemetry
        +  managedFields:
        +  - apiVersion: apps/v1
        +    fieldsType: FieldsV1
        +    fieldsV1:
        +      f:metadata:
        +        f:annotations:
        +          .: {}
        + {}
        +      f:status:
        +        f:conditions:
        +          .: {}
        +          k:{"type":"Available"}:
        +            .: {}
        +            f:lastTransitionTime: {}
        +            f:lastUpdateTime: {}
        +            f:message: {}
        +            f:reason: {}
        +            f:status: {}
        +            f:type: {}
        +          k:{"type":"Progressing"}:
        +            .: {}
        +            f:lastTransitionTime: {}
        +            f:lastUpdateTime: {}
        +            f:message: {}
        +            f:reason: {}
        +            f:status: {}
        +            f:type: {}
        +        f:observedGeneration: {}
        +        f:replicas: {}
        +        f:unavailableReplicas: {}
        +        f:updatedReplicas: {}
        +    manager: kube-controller-manager
        +    operation: Update
        +    subresource: status
        +    time: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
        +  - apiVersion: apps/v1
        +    fieldsType: FieldsV1
        +    fieldsV1:
        +      f:metadata:
        +        f:labels:
        +          .: {}
        + {}
        + {}
        + {}
        + {}
        + {}
        +        f:ownerReferences:
        +          .: {}
        +          k:{"uid":"1da5bb41-8289-43d6-a3e6-333cfd008ac7"}: {}
        +      f:spec:
        +        f:progressDeadlineSeconds: {}
        +        f:replicas: {}
        +        f:revisionHistoryLimit: {}
        +        f:selector: {}
        +        f:strategy:
        +          f:rollingUpdate:
        +            .: {}
        +            f:maxSurge: {}
        +            f:maxUnavailable: {}
        +          f:type: {}
        +        f:template:
        +          f:metadata:
        +            f:labels:
        +              .: {}
        +     {}
        +     {}
        +     {}
        +     {}
        +     {}
        +          f:spec:
        +            f:containers:
        +              k:{"name":"ta-container"}:
        +                .: {}
        +                f:env:
        +                  .: {}
        +                  k:{"name":"OTELCOL_NAMESPACE"}:
        +                    .: {}
        +                    f:name: {}
        +                    f:valueFrom:
        +                      .: {}
        +                      f:fieldRef: {}
        +                f:image: {}
        +                f:imagePullPolicy: {}
        +                f:name: {}
        +                f:resources: {}
        +                f:terminationMessagePath: {}
        +                f:terminationMessagePolicy: {}
        +                f:volumeMounts:
        +                  .: {}
        +                  k:{"mountPath":"/conf"}:
        +                    .: {}
        +                    f:mountPath: {}
        +                    f:name: {}
        +            f:dnsPolicy: {}
        +            f:restartPolicy: {}
        +            f:schedulerName: {}
        +            f:securityContext: {}
        +            f:serviceAccount: {}
        +            f:serviceAccountName: {}
        +            f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {}
        +            f:volumes:
        +              .: {}
        +              k:{"name":"ta-internal"}:
        +                .: {}
        +                f:configMap:
        +                  .: {}
        +                  f:defaultMode: {}
        +                  f:items: {}
        +                  f:name: {}
        +                f:name: {}
        +    manager: manager
        +    operation: Update
        +    time: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
           name: stateful-targetallocator
           namespace: kuttl-test-evolved-starfish
        +  ownerReferences:
        +  - apiVersion:
        +    blockOwnerDeletion: true
        +    controller: true
        +    kind: OpenTelemetryCollector
        +    name: stateful
        +    uid: 1da5bb41-8289-43d6-a3e6-333cfd008ac7
        +  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
        +  replicas: 1
        +  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        +  selector:
        +    matchLabels:
        + opentelemetry-targetallocator
        + kuttl-test-evolved-starfish.stateful
        + opentelemetry-operator
        + stateful-targetallocator
        + opentelemetry
        +  strategy:
        +    rollingUpdate:
        +      maxSurge: 25%!
        (MISSING)+      maxUnavailable: 25%!
        (MISSING)+    type: RollingUpdate
        +  template:
        +    metadata:
        +      creationTimestamp: null
        +      labels:
        + opentelemetry-targetallocator
        + kuttl-test-evolved-starfish.stateful
        + opentelemetry-operator
        + stateful-targetallocator
        + opentelemetry
        +    spec:
        +      containers:
        +      - env:
        +        - name: OTELCOL_NAMESPACE
        +          valueFrom:
        +            fieldRef:
        +              apiVersion: v1
        +              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        +        image: local/opentelemetry-operator-targetallocator:e2e
        +        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        +        name: ta-container
        +        resources: {}
        +        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        +        terminationMessagePolicy: File
        +        volumeMounts:
        +        - mountPath: /conf
        +          name: ta-internal
        +      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
        +      restartPolicy: Always
        +      schedulerName: default-scheduler
        +      securityContext: {}
        +      serviceAccount: stateful-collector
        +      serviceAccountName: stateful-collector
        +      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
        +      volumes:
        +      - configMap:
        +          defaultMode: 420
        +          items:
        +          - key: targetallocator.yaml
        +            path: targetallocator.yaml
        +          name: stateful-targetallocator
        +        name: ta-internal
        -  readyReplicas: 1
        +  conditions:
        +  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
        +    lastUpdateTime: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
        +    message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.
        +    reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable
        +    status: "False"
        +    type: Available
        +  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
        +    lastUpdateTime: "2022-06-07T07:46:52Z"
        +    message: ReplicaSet "stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc" is progressing.
        +    reason: ReplicaSetUpdated
        +    status: "True"
        +    type: Progressing
        +  observedGeneration: 1
           replicas: 1
        +  unavailableReplicas: 1
        +  updatedReplicas: 1
    case.go:363: resource Deployment:kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/stateful-targetallocator: .status.readyReplicas: key is missing from map
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | smoke-targetallocator events from ns kuttl-test-evolved-starfish:
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	PersistentVolumeClaim default-volume-stateful-collector-0		WaitForFirstConsumer	waiting for first consumer to be created before binding		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	PersistentVolumeClaim default-volume-stateful-collector-0		ExternalProvisioning	waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	StatefulSet.apps stateful-collector		SuccessfulCreate	create Claim default-volume-stateful-collector-0 Pod stateful-collector-0 in StatefulSet stateful-collector success		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	StatefulSet.apps stateful-collector		SuccessfulCreate	create Pod stateful-collector-0 in StatefulSet stateful-collector successful		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h		Scheduled	Successfully assigned kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h to kind-control-plane		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	ReplicaSet.apps stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc		SuccessfulCreate	Created pod: stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:52 +0000 UTC	Normal	Deployment.apps stateful-targetallocator		ScalingReplicaSet	Scaled up replica set stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc to 1		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:53 +0000 UTC	Warning	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h		FailedMount	MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ta-internal" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:54 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h.spec.containers{ta-container}		Pulled	Container image "local/opentelemetry-operator-targetallocator:e2e" already present on machine		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:54 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h.spec.containers{ta-container}		Created	Created container ta-container		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:55 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h.spec.containers{ta-container}		Started	Started container ta-container		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:56 +0000 UTC	Warning	Pod stateful-targetallocator-66fdc796fc-2qg7h.spec.containers{ta-container}		BackOff	Back-off restarting failed container		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:46:59 +0000 UTC	Normal	PersistentVolumeClaim default-volume-stateful-collector-0		Provisioning	External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/default-volume-stateful-collector-0"		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:47:14 +0000 UTC	Normal	PersistentVolumeClaim default-volume-stateful-collector-0		ProvisioningSucceeded	Successfully provisioned volume pvc-7c426ab2-8bea-4c74-8327-10df641ccb87		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:47:14 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-collector-0		Scheduled	Successfully assigned kuttl-test-evolved-starfish/stateful-collector-0 to kind-control-plane		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:47:16 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-collector-0.spec.containers{otc-container}		Pulled	Container image "" already present on machine		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:47:16 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-collector-0.spec.containers{otc-container}		Created	Created container otc-container		
    logger.go:42: 07:49:22 | smoke-targetallocator | 2022-06-07 07:47:16 +0000 UTC	Normal	Pod stateful-collector-0.spec.containers{otc-container}		Started	Started container otc-container	
@pavolloffay pavolloffay added the area:target-allocator Issues for target-allocator label Jun 7, 2022
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Locally I am getting this output from the TA container

 k logs stateful-targetallocator-5954c9bcc-jxdbv -n kuttl-test-knowing-camel                                                                                                                                                                                                   ploffay@fedora
{"level":"info","ts":1654681359.3868444,"msg":"Starting the Target Allocator"}
{"level":"error","ts":1654681359.3868706,"logger":"setup","msg":"Can't start the watcher","error":"too many open files","stacktrace":"\n\t/app/watcher/file.go:19\\n\t/app/watcher/main.go:43\nmain.main\n\t/app/main.go:40\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}
{"level":"error","ts":1654681359.386908,"logger":"setup","msg":"Can't start the watchers","error":"too many open files","stacktrace":"main.main\n\t/app/main.go:42\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}

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=== CONT  kuttl/harness/smoke-targetallocator
    logger.go:42: 09:21:14 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | test step failed 2-install
    logger.go:42: 09:21:14 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | collecting log output for [type==pod,label:]
    logger.go:42: 09:21:14 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | running command: [kubectl logs --prefix -l -n kuttl-test-dominant-airedale --all-containers --tail=10]
    logger.go:42: 09:21:14 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | [pod/stateful-targetallocator-d966cf585-chrgw/ta-container] {"level":"info","ts":1655198411.0970092,"msg":"Starting the Target Allocator"}
    logger.go:42: 09:21:14 | smoke-targetallocator/2-install | [pod/stateful-targetallocator-d966cf585-chrgw/ta-container] {"level":"error","ts":1655198411.1046784,"logger":"allocator","msg":"Pod failure","component":"opentelemetry-targetallocator","error":"pods is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:kuttl-test-dominant-airedale:stateful-collector\" cannot list resource \"pods\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"kuttl-test-dominant-airedale\"","stacktrace":"main.configureFileDiscovery\n\t/app/main.go:154\nmain.newServer\n\t/app/main.go:121\nmain.main\n\t/app/main.go:55\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}

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