How to run the working group day to day:
- Chairs create meeting agendas on the Wiki and add link to WG pages.
- Run WG meetings and add notes to meeting Wiki pages and on appropriate Github Issues/PRs.
- The release announcements and process schedule will be communicated to WG forum by the chair.
- Meeting agendas will be communicated to the WG forum and mds-announce by the chair at least two days prior.
- Deliverables from a WG are developed by its Contributors and the WGSC.
- Maintainers review and approve contributions.
- Contributors fork the repository, and make their PR on the OMF repository.
- Chairs and maintainers triage the backlog of issues and PRs.
- Pull requests and release notes should include a summary of the major changes / impacts associated with the change or release.
- Proposed changes should come in the form of PRs to give the community ample awareness and time for feedback.
- WGSC members should update the labels and milestones for their issues and pull requests at least weekly.
- Review the project backlog for unassigned issues and PRs.
- Allow the working group chairs to assign items to a milestone.
- Leave comments on issues/PR based on meeting discussions and decisions made.
For information about WG leadership, see the Working Group Leadership document.