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Claim a new GCP Project

Kubernetes does not know what a ProjectClaim is. To teach it, we need to create new Custom Resource Definition that is going to be the definition of the ProjectClaim's object specification. Our operator is extending the Kubernetes API by aggregating adding new REST instructions related to this new ProjectClaim type. This allows us to create instances (called Custom Resources) of that type and put them into action.

Create the ProjectClaim object

Regardless of how complex API extension might sound like, as a user you only have to create a ProjectClaim CRD. You do not need to understand how API aggregation works behind the scenes. Please type:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/crds/gcp.managed.openshift.io_projectclaims_crd.yaml

Create an instance of ProjectClaim type

Now that Kubernetes knows what a project claim is, it is about time to claim for project. We can do that by creating a new ProjectClaim instance, configured with value of our own preference.

kind: ProjectClaim

Change the name of this instance and the namespace it is going to be stored:

  name: example-projectclaim
  namespace: example-clusternamespace

Define the expected state by changing the values for your preference:

  region: us-east1
  gcpProjectID: example-GCPprojectID
    name: example-projectreference
    namespace: gcp-project-operator
    name: example-entity
    id: example-id

For example, you can apply our example by typing:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/crds/gcp.managed.openshift.io_v1alpha1_projectclaim_cr.yaml

After running this, verify everything is applied into Kubernetes:

$ kubectl get projectclaim --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                  NAME                   STATE   GCPPROJECTID           AGE
example-clusternamespace   example-projectclaim           example-GCPprojectID   1m25s

$ kubectl get -n example-clusternamespace projectclaim example-projectclaim
NAME                   STATE   GCPPROJECTID           AGE
example-projectclaim           example-GCPprojectID   1m

A ProjectClaim instance named example-projectclaim has been created in our cluster inside the example-clusternamespace namespace. We have successfully extended the Kubernetes API by adding the Group, the Version v1alpha1 and a new Kind projectclaims with a Resource example-projectclaim. To verify this, you can access directly the selfLink like this:

$ kubectl get --raw /apis/

The API is not written in yaml but in .go files in the form a struct data type. There are two files you need to be aware of:

  • The ProjectClaim Go structs: ./pkg/apis/gcp/v1alpha1/projectclaim_types.go
  • The reconciler of the projectclaim controller: ./pkg/controller/projectclaim/projectclaim_controller.go

Kubernetes receives your request

The first log message says:

{"logger":"controller_projectclaim","msg":"Reconciling ProjectClaim","Request.Namespace":"example-clusternamespace","Request.Name":"example-projectclaim"}

This means the Reconcile() method has been triggered and it's time for the projectclaim_controller.go to act upon the example-projectclaim projectclaim instance.

func (r *ReconcileProjectClaim) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) {
    // This is the code
    // that is happening now

Fetch the ProrectClaim instance

instance := &gcpv1alpha1.ProjectClaim{}
err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), request.NamespacedName, instance)
if err != nil {
    // If failed to found the example-projectclaim it stops and not reconcile again for this resource (like a 'break;' statement)
    // If failed for another reason it will restart the Reconcile function (like a 'continue;' statement)

If there is no err we assume the example-projectclaim instance has been fetched successfully.

What is happening first is a series of checks ensuring certain things are setup correctly as they should do. Such as IsProjectClaimDeletion(), EnsureProjectClaimInitialized() and EnsureProjectClaimState(). That is enough to make put ProjectClaim into action.

Create the ProjectReference instance

Things are moving forward with the EnsureProjectReferenceExists() which the first time called creates the ProjectReference by calling c.client.Create(context.TODO(), c.projectReference).

In contrast to ProjectClaim custom resource, the ProjectReference instance is created by the operator instead of the user. The setup is implemented in a secondary file, called customresourceadapter.go that is still part of the projectclaim controller. Since there is no user to apply a *.yaml file, the controller creates a *gcpv1alpha1.ProjectReference instance with the following fields and values:

  • name: <namespace of the projectclaim instance>-<name of the projectclaim instance>
  • namespace: gcp-project-operator that is hardcoded in projectreference_types.go
  • ProjectClaimCRLink: {Name: name of the projectclaim instance>, Namespace: namespace of the projectclaim instance}
  • LegalEntity: the same ones with the projectclaim instance
  • ProjectID: it is empty for the moment (see: omitempty at projectreference_types.go)

So from now on, the adapter variable is a pointer to *CustomResourceAdapter so we can have shared access to the data.

This instance is created at the code side of things. It is not yet created on the cluster! For example it is like we have created file.yaml but we haven't run oc create -f file.yaml yet. So the next step is to actually create and save the example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim in the Kubernetes cluster by invoking c.client.Create(context.TODO(), c.projectReference). The result is returned back to the err = adapter.EnsureProjectReferenceExists() and there is not error. At this point if the creation is successful our new example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim will be created.

$ oc -n gcp-project-operator get projectreferences
NAME                                            STATE   CLAIMNAME              CLAIMNAMESPACE             AGE
example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim           example-projectclaim   example-clusternamespace   54m

A ProjectReference instance named example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim has been created in our cluster inside the gcp-project-operator. The operator has successfully extended the Kubernetes API by adding the Group, the Version v1alpha1 and a new Kind projectreferences with a Resource example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim. To verify this, you can access directly the selfLink like this:

kubectl get --raw /apis/

There are two files you need to be aware of:

  • The projectReference Go structs: gcp-project-operator/pkg/apis/gcp/v1alpha1/projectreference_types.go
  • The reconciler of the projectReference controller: gcp-project-operator/pkg/controller/projectreference/projectreference_controller.go

Cross-reference between the Claim and Reference

The ProjectClaim creates the ProjectReference and these two are aware of each of other via ProjectReferenceCRLink. That means the ProjectClaim is the parent object and if it gets deleted it will also remove its children (aka ProjectReference) as well.

The code populates a field for the example-projectclaim ProjectClaim instance, that is the projectReferenceCRLink. In that way both instances (projectclaim and projectreference) can cross-reference each other via this {project,claim}ReferenceCRLink respectively. The operator couldn't create the projectReferenceCRLink before, because there was no ProjectReference object created. So that field was empty (see: ProjectReferenceCRLink NamespacedName json:"projectReferenceCRLink,omitempty") so far that means the condition c.projectClaim.Spec.ProjectReferenceCRLink == expectedLink will be false. The code assigns the correct CR Link (see: c.projectClaim.Spec.ProjectReferenceCRLink = expectedLink) in the Go code, and then it updates the actual object in the Kubernetes cluster using the client.Update function (see: c.client.Update(context.TODO(), c.projectClaim)). We can verify that:

$ oc get -n example-clusternamespace projectclaim example-projectclaim -o yaml | grep -A 2 projectReferenceCRLink

    name: example-clusternamespace-example-projectclaim
    namespace: gcp-project-operator

Add a finalizer to ProjectClaim and wait

Before the end, ProjectClaim is doing is to add a finalizer to itself calling the EnsureFinalizer() function. At first it checks if the finalizer already exists and then, if it doesn't, it adds it. The addition of the finalizer is very important because it makes sure that the ProjectClaim will never get deleted while the children ProjectReference instance exists.

The last thing happening is setting the state of the ProjectClaim. A READY status it would be that our goal (the GCP Projection creation in Google cloud) has be completed. As a result, while this is still on going, the state is set at Pending mode by calling EnsureProjectClaimState(gcpv1alpha1.ClaimStatusPendingProject).

Contact Google GCP using a key

Earlier, when ProjectClaim called EnsureProjectReferenceExists() a ProjectReference instance created and got picked-up by the Controller.

One of the first things the ProjectReference does is to setup a client by calling getGcpClient(). The ProjectReference Controller expects to find a secret called gcp-project-operator-credentials inside gcp-project-operator namespace that contains the ServiceAccount and the key for accessing Google Cloud.

The secret looks like this: kubectl -n gcp-project-operator get secret gcp-project-operator -o json

    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "data": {
        "key.json": "HERE YOU WILL FIND YOUR KEY"
    "kind": "Secret",
    "metadata": {
        "creationTimestamp": "2020-03-11T14:26:49Z",
        "name": "gcp-project-operator-credentials",
        "namespace": "gcp-project-operator",
        "resourceVersion": "3650367",
        "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/gcp-project-operator/secrets/gcp-project-operator",
        "uid": "8b2da99a-6504-466d-a9ea-6f02b1cc6ce5"
    "type": "Opaque"

The code that parses this secret can be found at util.go at the function GetGCPCredentialsFromSecret()

  • If you don't have a key, you will see: clusterdeployment.getGCPCredentialsFromSecret.Get Secret \"gcp-project-operator\" not found","
  • If you have an invalid secret, you will see: "GCP credentials secret gcp-project-operator did not contain key {osServiceAccount,key}.json"

In case you don't have a key, you need to configure one. To do that, type:

oc create -n gcp-project-operator secret generic gcp-project-operator-credentials --from-file=key.json=your-file.json

Note: If you don't have a key.json follow these instructions.

So, up to this point the operator has the credentials to contact the Google GCP and exchange information with it. We don't know though if those are valid or not before we actually try to communicate. To communicate, we need a client. Let's build one in the next section.

Create the client for Google GCP

For the creation of a valid gcpClient instance we need to make sure that the credentials are valid for Google cloud. To do that we use a function CredentialsFromJSON defined at As soon as we get authenticated, we are creating all the required Google GCP environment using the google-api-go-client.

See the /pkg/gpclient/client.go for the creation of the client. This is done via Factory Pattern using the NewClient() method:

// NewClient creates our client wrapper object for interacting with GCP.
func NewClient(projectName string, authJSON []byte) (Client, error) {
        // code

Generate the GCP Project ID

One of the most important things, is the generation of the GCP Project identification which has to be unique. This is getting done when updateProjectID() is called (which uses GenerateProjectID() internally).

Verify if the region is supported

Also, not all the regions are available to deploy an OpenShift cluster as they have limited hardware quota. As a result, the Operator makes sure the chosen region propagated by the ProjectClaim complies with the requirements by calling checkRequirements().

Add a finalizer to ProjectReference

Similarly with ProjectClaim, we add a finalizer for ProjectReference as well by calling the EnsureFinalizerAdded(). The purpose is to make sure that ProjectReference will not get deleted while the actual GCP Project in Google cloud exists.

Create the GCP Project

Having an established communication with Google GCP, the client is now creating the actual GCP Project at Google's infrastructure and then it configures it.

Get the configmap

The procedure starts by calling EnsureProjectConfigured(). This is expecting to find a configmap with the name gcp-project-operator inside gcp-project-operator namespace. This has to be created by the user. If you haven't done it already, then type:

export PARENTFOLDERID=your folder’s ID goes here
export BILLINGACCOUNT=your billing ID goes here

oc create -n gcp-project-operator configmap gcp-project-operator --from-literal parentFolderID=$PARENTFOLDERID --from-literal billingAccount=$BILLINGACCOUNT

The Operator should be able to read the ConfigMap by calling getConfigMap().

Create the actual GCP Project

After having a client configured and authenticated with Google GCP, the Operator now creates a GCP Project by calling createProject().

Enable the APIs

To bootstrap an OpenShift cluster in Google GCP the Operator needs to enable the following required APIs by calling configureAPIS():

Next, the Operator is creating a Service Account and configures the Service Account Policies. It creates the Credentials, such as the Service AccountKey and the gcp-secret in the namespace example-clusternamespace. If everything goes well, it sets the status of ProjectReference to READY.

Configure a Service Account

The next step in the chain is creating a ServiceAccount (not in Kubernetes) in Google GCP. A service account in Google GCP is a special kind of account used by an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance, not a person. Applications, like this Operator, use service accounts to make authorized API calls. The creation of this ServiceAccount will be needed later by another Operator which will need to create virtual machine in order to install OpenShift. As a result, this ServiceAcount gets created now with the permissions to create projects in the operator namespace. This is done by calling configureServiceAccount().

You can find the service account by accessing the Service Accounts page and clicking at the project Id (which has been created by the Operator). The Operator creates a Service Account with an e-mail osd-managed-admin@<PROJECTID> and a hardcoded name osd-managed-admin.

Pass the key to the ServiceAccount

For the ServiceAccount to be able to do real tasks in Google GCP, it needs to have the correct permissions to do it. The creation of the key for the ServiceAccount is done by calling createCredentials() which uses gcpClient.CreateServiceAccountKey(). After the successful creation of the key in Google GCP, the Operator is copying it over to the Kubernetes as well calling the NewGCPSecretCRV2(). The new secret is called gcp-secret and can be found inside the example-clusternamespace namespace (it's the one where ProjectClaim lives).

The key can be found by issuing: oc -n example-clusternamespace get secrets gcp-secret -o yaml. If you decode with base64 the data section, it will reveal the private key that is connected to the Google GCP Service Account for the GCP Project.

Setting status to READY

After the successful completion of all of these steps the status of ProjectReference sets to READY. At the same time, the ProjectClaim controller sees that and sets the ProjectClaim status to READY as well. That is the last task done by the Operator. After this, it remains idle.