Account for only fetching tags that have a prefix with an optional delimiter before x.y.z (can be a ., - or _, or no delimiter)
- Account for when no tag meeting a constraint exists - should fail, not default to latest.
remove tests against real repos from _test.go files
add a script to run after a successful build that does a few
runs e.g. against a private repo, using a constraint, for a release, using from-path, using commit, using branch, using gpg. Compare to expected output.
rewrite it separating methods for fetchOptions, rel and tag structs.
correct docco.
fetch is far too overreaching a name - it only works with the github api, much to the exasperation of my bitbucket-using-colleagues.
Renaming this to ghfetch is not only clearer, it also frees up the fetch namespace for new variants such as bbfetch. At which point maybe my colleagues will speak to me again.
Still need to rename all vars, methods that use Fetch to use something else.
FetchTags returns the latest tag or else the one that meets a constraint.
Offer --which-tag
, which will only display a tag that would have been
- Account for when release asset does not exist - should fail
Let user specify net/http timeout (for those larger repos and assets)
Suppress output unless this is specified.
- for large tag sets
- for repo with no tags
- for repo with no releases
- for releases with out all assets requested
- keep-alive
- connection timeouts
- idle timeouts
- on all http calls with back-off
- on all api calls
I want to reduce cyclomatic complexitiy of functions. This can be achieved by returning only the one type of error from a function. e.g. not 'error' and FetchError, but only FetchError.
Separate out http response codes - see newError e.g. in github.go:callGitHubApi() Stop with error codes for anything else.
That means FetchError only needs a message constructed.
In fact we probably don't need FetchError at all, but just error, and some functions to construct the error messages.
FUBAR when a source-path is a single file.
The destination parameter should always be treated as a directory.
This dir should always be created.
Handle untgz based on file extension (.tgz or .tar.gz)
Only for release assets.
Should remove archive after extraction.
Should handle symlinks in tars.
See for using openpgp
Only if --release-asset specified.
Will not keep any downloaded {{release-asset}} unless a {{release-asset}}.asc or {{release-asset}}.asc.txt is attached to the release as well.
The file and asset are downloaded, then the pgp sig is checked and unverified download are deleted.
On success the downloaded .asc is deleted.