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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ana Polo AnnaPS
Senior Engineer I at @VGVentures 🦄 Flutter Madrid & @FlutterSpain co-organizer 💙💙 I'm @TheFlutteristas

@VGVentures Spain

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Rodney Cousin cousin45487
eaglercraft server lists


SavvyClique™ SavvyClique
Just a chap building Scheiße for the future. [~]D

Neverslain Labs Los Angeles

Trevor Flahardy trevorflahardy
20-year-old computer science student.


Brigham Eaquinto BrighamEaquinto
Professional information organizer and guesser (aka, data scientist 😜) burdened with glorious purpose.

Idaho National Labratory Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, Western Hemisphere, Planet Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


Saudi Arabia

Spaceturd64 Thecodedoer
I like coding.


Gil Anavi thisguygil
B.Sc. in Computer Science from Reichman University

Austin, Texas

Bander Saleh bandersaleh
Software Developer

TA at RTC Renton, WA

Javier García Sanjuán TreyNet
Full Stack Multiplatform Developer


Richard Tavares RichardTavares
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | PHP | Laravel | Vue.js | MySQL

@iRede Extrema, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Flappy25 Flappy25
Codes in Python and Scratch

The Moon

Cruz Wootten LilWikipedia
i like non fiction, cs student, washed sound designer #FORTNITESAVEDMYLIFE #epicpartner

Personal Use Nevada

Mark Kozhydlo kozhydlo
Full Stack Developer | Specializing in React, Next.js, and Node.js. Passionate about clean code and building efficient solutions.

Ukraine, Lviv

Luke Daniel Harrison Sushiey

Coventry University Coventry, United Kingdom