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Chen-Hsuan Huang renan991995

National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Srikanth Divi srikanth-divi
A Chemical Engineer working as a Research Associate with Prof. Michail Stamatakis @mstamatakis at Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London.

@UCL London

Shivam Pandit Shi30
I am passionate about unraveling the secrets of life's dance, merging science and technology for groundbreaking advancements in drug discovery.

Bangalore , India

Bernd Doser BerndDoser
Scientific Software Engineer, Creator of @BrainTwister

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Heidelberg, Germany

Evgeni Ulanov evulan

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research; HITS gGmbH Germany

Erik Poppleton ErikPoppleton
Staring into the RNA structure void... Current @HITS-MBM & @Biophysical-Engineering-Group, Formerly @sulcgroup

Heidelberg University/MPI for Polymer Research