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ALC alc999
Power and Energy


Canberk CanberkY12
M.Sc TUM IT for Built Environment & B.Sc METU Civil Engineering

Technische Universität München (MSc candidate) Münich

Robert LinaSusa

RM Soft Munich, Germany

F Rehmann c0nb4
I'm a researcher at TU Berlin. My interests include Information Models, Urban Building Energy Modeling, and digitalization of the built environment


Shihang Zhang ZhShihang

Tianjin University Tianjin, China

Yao Sun ya0-sun

Technical University of Munich Munich

Maciej Olejnik hydromac
HVAC & Pipe Desinger | MEP | Energy auditor | Python | Machine Learning | BIM | QGIS | Bonsai | OpenBIM | FreeCAD | REVIT | VBA | DAX | Power BI


Hao Lyu BoltzmannBlitz
Geoinformatiker, interested in machine-learning and computer-vision.

Uni-Kiel Kiel

Yinqiang Zhang YinqiangZhang
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Miroslav Simko mirsimko

Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences

Justin Shultz JustinShultz
Building Performance Analyst working at EYP Architecture & Engineering. Scripting to make my life more efficient.

EYP Architecture & Engineering Washington, DC

Veronika Richter veronikarichter

RWTH Aachen University Germany

Qirui hqrrr
My personal projects written after work. Qirui ≈ Chi(li-X-)Ray 😄

RWTH Aachen University Germany

Henning Metzmacher henning101
Doctor of Science from RWTH Aachen in Germany. I am currently working at ETH Zurich in Switzerland.