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Orion orionchat
Hi, i am Orion.


Xuemin Zhao xmzhao

Tencent Chengdu, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Real Robot | رئال ربات realrobotteam
Real Robot is an online store for selling digital products (Digital Goods) and you can buy anything you want digitally, website design tools (AI , Script,...)

Real Robot iran - tabriz

nelbta nelbta
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Craig Ellenwood inoculate23
An artist who works with code, video, machine learning.

Inoculate Media and Haawke Neural Technology Las Vegas, NV

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

k4sp3risme spoooky762
👻 Just Github's Resident Ghost 👻 I just like breaking things😑 🗡️ Owner Of Teams: **m3Rky & F4nT0m**

Team M3rky right behind you

Karan Bista kar137
Python | Backend | Django | ML Enthusiast


Aidin Khan aidin1324
Hello! I'm a computer science enthusiast passionate about machine learning. Mostly coding in Python, always building some projects.
Aidar Karimov aikarimovvw
ML developer | Student of NUST MISiS tg: @aidarkarimovvw

[email protected] Moscow

manish manishmuchhadiya
I am always eager to learn new things and expand my knowledge base which allows me to constantly adapt and improve me to provide better assistance.

Marwadi University Morbi,Gujarat

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

AlexGrig alexfdo

freelancer Moldova

Roman Troitsky DreamShaded
Основа на домашнем гитлабе, тут свалка, шаблоны + для конф демки

@Dreamshaded Moscow

Pankaj Doharey metacritical
Writing Javascript , Rails, Previous Bracket Cruncher(Clojure), Travelling through cyber space-time, equipped with functional Phazer 🔫⚡️

Remotepanda Emerald City of Oz

Anton Novoselov n0an
Code addict and lifelong learner


nikolay asmus asmusoid
graphic designer, artist, developer
Yootone Yootonn
🚀Troubleshooter.☮️ Neopro. 🕸️SynthetUUm. 🧠 Nset. Нейросеть Неволяжа. Нейросеть Prodigggy.

SynthetUUm UUWU

"Building the future, one line of code at a time and Creating solutions, one commit at a time"
MD. Ikramul Hoque ikramHoque
Building to simplify lives, breaking to deepen understanding.

BJIT Group Dhaka

Jobaer Islam Jobaer-Islam
Dept. of CSE, Uttara University | Web Developer
Andrew Chupakhin andxeg
Researcher by nature

ML Engineer at Align Technology USA, CT, New Haven

AI enthusiast, IT all-rounder, tending towards Apple, but generally versatile