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Liz Roten eroten
Data Scientist & Cartographer

@Metropolitan-Council St. Paul, Minnesota

Greg Maya gregmaya
I believe in the power of space to shape behaviour. The HOW is what motivates me. Spatial Data Science.

Norman Foster Institute Madrid

Nick Bristow AtelierLibre
Architect and spatial data analyst
Tatiana Pará M de Freitas tatipara
Eng. Agrônoma, Especialista em Geotecnologias, Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Gestão, Pilota de Drone e Mãe da Maria e do Ben.


Ruben Talavera rtalaverag

Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid

Creative Technologist on the Data Stories project at Maynooth University, Ireland | Data Visualisation | Urban Sensing | Mixed Realities | 3D Dynamic Mapping

Virtual Architectures