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Hillson Ghimire hillsonghimire
Remote Sensing Specialist


Kshitiz Khanal kshitizkhanal7
Open Knowledge activist. Bad writer. Builder of things. Interdisciplinary is the way forward.

@okfnepal Open Knowledge Nepal Kathmandu, Nepal

William Schoenell wschoenell
Instrument Control Specialist

@carnegie-observatories Pasadena


National University of Singapore Singapore

Linwei Sang sanglinwei
A Ph.d student focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via fusing learning and optimization.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Lei Duan LDuan3008
Postdoctoral Fellow, Climate Change, Environmental and Atmospheric Science

Carnegie Institution for Science Stanford, CA, US

Alicia Wongel awongel
Postdoc in the Climate Energy lab at @carnegie.

Carnegie Institution for Science Stanford


National University of Singapore Singapore