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Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


Juha Halmu jhalmu
Mostly backend. Mail and have a smile.

Me, my Laptop And I Helsinki, Finland

Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Software Engineer (Web/Mobile) Bordeaux, France

Paulo Renato Exadra37
Over 14 years of experience in Software Development |> 9 years as a Software Engineer (PHP, Elixir) |> 5 years as a Developer Advocate for Mobile API Security


luca zulian lucazulian
software developer • escape meta alt control shift • he/him • 𝜆𝑥.𝑥 • creating tech debt one LoC at a time

Milan, Italy

Matt Lambie mlambie
I like Brazilian jiu jitsu, coffee, Lego, comics, Xbox, endurance motorsport and cycling. Dad, husband, BJJ black belt, CTO.

@tomahawklabs Perth

Roman RomanTurner

Portland Oregon

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Mathew Garland swarmcommerce
An Elixir affecionado and Software Developer specialising in Elixir.

Swarm Commerce Melbourne, Australia

Qingo qingo


DC oldmonad


sandergol sandergol
I am an Elixir Backend Developer with over 7 years of experience. I have strong expertise in working with 5 different programming languages.
ColbyAlbo colbyalbo

Echo Spear United States

Romenig Lima Damasio romenigld
Technologies with Ruby, RoR, Elixir, Phoenix and Javascript.

Romenig's Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Vasil vasil1729
Back End Engineer

Functionary Labs Bangalore

Philippe Voyer philvoyer
Un programmeur gaucher de type cerveau droit. / A left-handed right brain programmer.

Université Laval (IFT-GLO) Québec

Lucas Carrias lucascarrias
What is the commit to life the universe and everything?

@Globant Teresina, PI

Noah Betzen Nezteb
Senior backend engineer. Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView, OSS, IndieWeb, local-first development, self-hosting, gamedev. Alaskan/Norwegian. Neutral good. DFTBA.

Seattle, Washington