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Dr. Manhattan's Smart Ass drmanhattanass
Dr. Manhattan's Smart Ass researching on cyber threat intelligence.
StellarWayne StellarWayne

Stellar Technologies Inc. Phoenix, AZ

Threat Hunting - DFIR - Detection Engineering
Christian Pfister cpfister71
Cyber Security


Chandrapal Badshah Chan9390
Security Researcher in Cloud and Cloud Native space


Adan Álvarez adanalvarez
Cybersecurity engineer working at @koa-health 👨‍💻


Jackson droidforensics
Blue-Team Cybersec | DFIR | Projects largely for personal reference or notes.

United States

john John-Resident
OpenSource Enthusiast
Ivo Damjanović idnovic
Information Security Practitioner


Andrew Rathbun AndrewRathbun
DFIR @ Unit 42, Admin of the Digital Forensics Discord Server, USMC Veteran, Former LE.

Unit 42 Michigan

Ardian Septa Nugraha ardiansn
Cyber Sec in Telco industry

Telkomsel Jakarta, Indonesia

Julien Houry y0sh1mitsu
DFIR Consultant


Dennis Yarizadeh DYarizadeh
My personal dump of documentations, training, coding, ect...
Bob Uithoven deegjoven
Senior Security Consultant navigating customers thru the 7 Seas of Microsoft Security

Insight Enterprises

Raul B. Netto Piuliss
Security Computing. Focus in threat analysis

@stratosphereips Prague, Czech Republic