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Ali Yılmaz aliyilmaz
software architect, swimmer
venciallee venciallee
Android Developer, Web Developer

ByteDance ShenZhen

Frank(Wang.Yan.Qi) yanqiw
Don't repeat yourself!

Accenture Technology ShangHai,China

German designer in Texas, doing a little development on the side.

Knut Graf Design Austin

Teng TengByte
code my life

Alibaba 2 ZOOM HeFei

Li Ping sunleepy

AIDC AI Business in Alibaba Group China Hangzhou

Telvin Roymen TBKHori
Problem solver. AI/ML Engineer. Dance to the RL beat. NLU & QML. Backend. CTO @LockjawInc.

LockJaw Ltd. Cambridge, UK


Philadelphia, Pa

Bruno Mundim bsbrunosm

Zup Brasília, Brazil

Brendan bbain123
There's no place like ~


Panos Thymianides pthymianides

Omikron Financial Holdings Europe Ltd

Daniel Dowler dandawg
AI/ML Principal Software Engineer

Red Hat Utah

Yongfan Ming sumowi

Central South University changsha,China

Raymond Weitekamp rawwerks
founder of @polyspectra. helping builders make their ideas real.

@polyspectra Berkeley, CA

Riley Seaburg RileySeaburg
Currently building all things Rusty Road

@GSA Wiley, Texas

Ray Besiga raybesiga
Technical Product Manager

Opareta Kampala, Uganda

Bruce Markham brucificus
Code spelunker & gamer from southwestern Virginia. Neurospicy hyper-focusing pedant, craftsperson, autodidact, navel-gazer.

Virginia, USA

Michael Stuart mikestuart
Solutions Architect South Padre Island, Texas

Omer Khalil skydowx

@venturenox Lahore, PK

Ian Shen 2b3pro
I fiddle with code.
Jeffrey Costa cosjef

MongoDB, ex-Akamai Atlanta, GA

Sean M. sean2137
Project and program management. Knowledge management and exploring tools for knowledge sharing.

Falls Church, VA

さきゅばのえ 398noe
Hi! my name is sakyuba-noe , just simple engineer in Japan! Nice to meet you 💯


Anuar Suleimenov treoa
Here could be your citation

Here is your dream company Kazakhstan

Kazuki Tanaka tk-aria
Like low level architecture and rapid iteration workflow also like native graphics software.

Somewhere in the game company Japan/Tokyo

Ryan ryantbd
Product Designer & Developer

Shenzhen, China

Howie Chen howie-chen
Web Engineer

RingCentral Xiamen, China

Rachel Wise wise-rachel
Neuroscience Grad Student / Former Senior SRE seeking research roles investigating how AI interaction shapes human cognition.

San Francisco


LevelUp 2x Phoenix, AZ USA