If you want to manage small and medium parts inventory and BOMs, PartHub is here for you. No matter if you are a passionate hobbyist, a niche manufacturer or a mid-sized electronics company looking for a way to keep track of your parts and not get slain by the learning curve of a full-blown ERP system.
PartHub is a Laravel application written in PHP and Javascript and makes heavy use of Bootstrap 5 for the front-end. Data is stored in an SQL database for highly efficient data manipulation and a response time quicker than a bat out of hell.
- Keep an up-to-date inventory of your parts easily
- Multiple storage locations per part, move stock between locations
- Send mail upon reaching minimum stock in given location
- Easily manage BOMs by uploading CSV file or simply adding parts
- Execute BOMs when building projects, stock gets automatically deducted
- Track stock history
- Works in any browser and is mobile-friendly
- Multi-user, teams
- Import data via CSV files
- Barcode scanner integration
- KiCad Support
- Mouser API Support
PartHub is currently my personal pleasure. I'm working on a nice outline how to host this on your own server.
- PHP 8.1 with mbstring, Image Processing, Exif, GD Image or Imagick
- Node
- Composer
- SQL databse (MySQL or MariaDB)
- Optionally your own webserver if you want to configure more in-depth
Works with SQL databases like MariaDB or MySQL.