PHPLint application is based on Symfony Console Component that hook into lifecycle of console application using events.
When you enable the OutputFormat
extension, PHPLint use the chain-of-responsibility pattern
via the Overtrue\PHPLint\Output\ChainOutput
object and its handlers (Overtrue\PHPLint\Output\*Output
print results to the standard outputJsonOutput
print results on JSON format to a file (default to standard output)JunitOutput
print results on Junit format to a file (default to standard output)CheckstyleOutput
print results on Checkstyle format to a file (default to standard output)SarifOutput
print results on SARIF format to a file (default to standard output)
Generated by bartlett/graph-uml package via the resources/graph-uml/build.php
This default handler is responsible to print PHPLint results to standard output. For example:
This handler is responsible to print PHPLint results on JSON private format. For example:
"status": "failure",
"failures": {
"/path/to/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php": {
"absolute_file": "/path/to/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php",
"relative_file": "fixtures/syntax_error.php",
"error": "unexpected end of file in line 4",
"line": 4
"/path/to/tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php": {
"absolute_file": "/path/to/tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php",
"relative_file": "fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php",
"error": "False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12",
"line": 12
"application_version": {
"long": "phplint 9.4.0",
"short": "9.4.0"
"time_usage": "< 1 sec",
"memory_usage": "6.0 MiB",
"cache_usage": "0 hit, 12 misses",
"process_count": 12,
"files_count": 12,
"options_used": {
"path": [
"configuration": ".phplint.yml",
"no-configuration": true,
"exclude": [],
"extensions": [
"jobs": 5,
"no-cache": true,
"cache": ".phplint.cache",
"no-progress": false,
"progress": "printer",
"log-json": "php://stdout",
"log-junit": false,
"warning": false,
"memory-limit": "512M",
"ignore-exit-code": false
This handler is responsible to print PHPLint results on Junit XML format. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="PHP Linter 9.4.0" timestamp="2024-07-05T08:21:51+0000" time="< 1 sec" tests="1" errors="2">
<testcase errors="2" failures="0">
<error type="Error" message="unexpected end of file in line 4">/path/to/fixtures/syntax_error.php</error>
<error type="Error" message="False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12">/path/to/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php</error>
This handler is responsible to print PHPLint results on Checkstyle XML format. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<file name="/path/to/fixtures/syntax_error.php">
<error line="4" severity="error" message="unexpected end of file in line 4"/>
<file name="/path/to/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php">
<error line="12" severity="error" message="False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12"/>
<file name="/path/to/fixtures/syntax_warning.php">
<error line="12" severity="error" message=" declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in line 12"/>
Since version 9.4.0, this format is optional and requires an extra package to be installed.
composer require --dev bartlett/sarif-php-converters
This handler is responsible to print PHPLint results on SARIF JSON format. Learn more at
This object represent the PHPLint results of all file checked.
It will allow to easily communicate with other extension or output handler. Thanks to the Event-Dispatcher component.