Using an Arduino with Wifi, we can connect to a real-time WebSocket crypto feed and output the real-time prices onto a mechanical FlipDigit display. WebSocket API and cryptos to track are all configurable in the code.
Flip Digits are 7-segment numbers that use small permanent magnetics to flip the segment on/off. Powered by a small electromagnetic to flip it retains its state even after power is disconnected. Read this if you'd like to know more.
- FlipDigit 7x4 display from AlfaZeta
- ESP8266 D1 mini
- MAX485 RS-485 Module
- PSU 24V 1A
Edit & upload the Arduino sketch to the ESP.
Arduino => MAX485
3V3 => VCC
G => G
D3 => D1
D0 => DE
MAX485 => Flip Digits
24V 1A => VCC
RS485 A => RS485+
RS485 B => RS485-
Flip Digit panel settings
DIP1: ↑↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ (Id 1)
DIP2: ↓↓↑ (19200 baud rate)
Contact me if you have any questions.