An OpenAI Gym reinforcement learning interface for Agility Robotics' biped robot Cassie.
- Install OpenAI Gym
- Place
in thecassie/cassiemujoco
folder (see for info on downloading MuJoCo and obtaining a license). - Run
$ pip install -e .
in root folder (the one that contains
Note: I'm currently including a binary of the Cassie MuJoCo C library in gym_cassie/cassiemujoco (see: If you'd like to modify/build that binary from source, note that this repo currently uses a modified version of cassie-mujoco-sim with a foot position API. For now see my fork of the former here:
To test installation:
$ python3
> import gym
> import gym_cassie
> env = gym.make("Cassie-v0")
> env.render()
> env.close()
$ python3
> from gym_cassie import CassieMimicEnv
> env = CassieMimicEnv("walking")
> env.render()
Cassie-v0: A "go forward" environment meant to be a close match to OpenAI gym's Humanoid environment in terms of state and reward. Important: This environment is a work in progress and its implementation details will change over time as reward coefficients etc. are empirically determined. Do not yet necessarily expect it to produce a reasonable policy.
Cassie-mimic-v0: A faithful reimplementation of the environment described in Feedback Control For Cassie With Deep Reinforcement Learning. Also see DeepMimic.
- Add the option to use the Cassie state estimator output as the observation (this would allow policies to be run on the actual robot).
- Package cassiemujoco as an independent sub-package.