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File metadata and controls

108 lines (81 loc) · 4.82 KB

Configuring the-build

Unlike other languages, in phing, properties use the first value you assign to them, rather than the last. For example:

<property name="myProp" value="green" />
<property name="myProp" value="blue" />

     [echo] green

<property name="anotherProp" value="red" />
<property name="anotherProp" value="orange" override="true" />

     [echo] orange

Cool! This phing-ism is what powers our environment-specific property layering and loading:

  1. Properties are loaded from the phing call itself; for example, adding the flag -Ddrupal.modules_enable=devel,kint will set the drupal.modules_enable property to devel,kint
  2. Set the build.env property (if it's not already set with -D) from the PALANTIR_ENVIRONMENT environment variable; if you're using the-vagrant, this will be set to vagrant
  3. Load properties from your conf/build.[environment].properties
  4. Load properties from conf/
  5. Use default property values set in the phing targets

Available properties


Property Default value What is it?
build.artifact_mode symlink Whether to symlink or copy assets like CSS, JS, and other code during the build.
build.test_output /dev/null Where to output reports from tests. On Circle, try ${env.CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS}.
build.drupal.settings conf/drupal/settings.php Source template for Drupal's settings.php file. conf/drupal/services.yml Source template for Drupal's services.yml file.


Property Default value What is it?
drupal.site_name Drupal Human-readable name for your site.
drupal.profile config_installer Install profile.
drupal.modules_enable Comma-separated list of modules to enable after installing Drupal.
drupal.database.database drupal
drupal.database.username root
drupal.database.password root
drupal.settings.file_public_path sites/default/files Relative path to public files.
drupal.settings.file_private_path sites/default/private Relative path to private files.
drupal.twig.debug Whether to enable twig debugging.
drupal.uri http://drupal.local Your site's URI; the default may be the URI of your local development environment.
drupal.hash_salt temporary Salt for Drupal's password hashing. A unique salt is generated when you install the-build.
drupal.root web Relative path to the Drupal web root. This is co-dependent with the composer installer configuration in your composer.json. Changing this will probably cause problems.
drupal.sites_subdir default Name of the sites subdirectory where the settings.php file should live.
drupal.admin_user admin Drupal admin username, if you feel inclined to change it.

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Code Review

Property Default value What is it?
phpmd.rulesets vendor/palantirnet/the-build/conf/phpmd.xml Relative path to the PHPMD configuration.
drupal_code_sniffer.standard vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal/ruleset.xml Relative path the the Drupal codesniffer standard.
phptodo.config conf/php_todo_finder.yml Relative path to the PHP To-do Finder configuration.

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Property Default value What is it?
acquia.accountname Machine name of your Acquia site account.
acquia.repo Acquia git repository, like [email protected]:ACCOUNT.git
acquia.branch build Branch of the Acquia git repository where build artifacts should be committed.
acquia.tag_prefix release- String to use as a prefix on build tags; the repository tag 1.0.0 becomes the build tag release-1.0.0.
acquia.dir artifacts/acquia Relative path of where to keep the Acquia repository.

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DB Loading

Property Default value What is it?
db.load.export_pattern artifacts/* Pattern to match gzipped database dump files.
db.load.mysql_command drush sqlc Command with which to load stuff into Drupal.
db.load.file Load a specific file rather than one matching the export_pattern.

Example usage:

    <import file="vendor/palantirnet/the-build/tasks/lib/db.xml" />

    <target name="load">
        <phingcall target="load-db">
            <property name="db.load.export_prefix" value="artifacts/prod-*" />

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