There is a list of all tools and dependencies required for this tutorial.
rustup is the easiest way to install Rust toolchains. Rust nightly toolchain is required since our contracts require some unstable features:
rustup install nightly-2018-11-12
Also, we need to install wasm32-unknown-unknown
to compile contracts to Wasm:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-build takes the raw .wasm
file produced by Rust compiler and packs it to the form of valid contract.
cargo install pwasm-utils-cli --bin wasm-build
Follow the parity setup guide. You'll need Parity version 1.9.5 or later.
We'll be using Web3.js
to connect to the Parity node. Change dir to the root pwasm-tutorial
and run yarn or npm to install Web3.js
yarn install
We provide a full source code for each step in this tutorial under step-*
Source code:
// Contract doesn't use Rust's standard library
// `pwasm-ethereum` implements bindings to the runtime
extern crate pwasm_ethereum;
/// Will be described in the next step
pub fn deploy() {
/// The call function is the main function of the *deployed* contract
pub fn call() {
// Send a result pointer to the runtime
pwasm-ethereum is a collection of bindings to interact with ethereum-like network.
To make sure that everything is set up go to the step-0
directory and run ./
As a result the pwasm_tutorial_contract.wasm
should be created in the target
Take a look on the contents of the ./
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown ./target pwasm_tutorial_contract
First, we run cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
which yields a "raw" Wasm binary and put it into the "target" directory: target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/pwasm_tutorial_contract.wasm
. Then we run the wasm-build
tool. It takes pwasm_tutorial_contract.wasm
raw file generated by cargo build
, trims, optimises it and produces the so-called contract "constructor". It packs the actual contract code into that constructor. So on deploy, executor will put the raw contract code into the blockchain as a result of the successful transaction.
For your convenience, every step in our tutorial features a
shell script, which incorporates the proper wasm-build
call (unfortunately, cargo's build pipeline is not yet extensible enough to feature such steps automatically). Alternatively, one can trivially call the same wasm packing manually after every build.
Source code:
When deploying a contract we often want to set its initial storage values (e.g. totalSupply
if it's a token contact). To address this problem we are exporting another function "deploy" which executes only once on contract deployment.
// This contract will return the address from which it was deployed
extern crate pwasm_ethereum;
extern crate parity_hash;
use parity_hash::H256;
// The "deploy" will be executed only once on deployment but will not be stored on the blockchain
pub fn deploy() {
// Lets set the sender address to the contract storage at address "0"
pwasm_ethereum::write(&H256::zero().into(), &H256::from(pwasm_ethereum::sender()).into());
// Note we shouldn't write any result into the call descriptor in deploy.
// The following code will be stored on the blockchain.
pub fn call() {
// Will read the address of the deployer which we wrote to the storage on the deploy stage
let owner = pwasm_ethereum::read(&H256::zero().into());
// Send a result pointer to the runtime
Source code:
Let's implement a simple ERC-20 token contract.
// ...
pub mod token {
use pwasm_ethereum;
use pwasm_abi::types::*;
// eth_abi is a procedural macros
use pwasm_abi_derive::eth_abi;
lazy_static! {
static ref TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY: H256 =
pub trait TokenInterface {
/// The constructor
fn constructor(&mut self, _total_supply: U256);
/// Total amount of tokens
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256;
pub struct TokenContract;
impl TokenInterface for TokenContract {
fn constructor(&mut self, total_supply: U256) {
// Set up the total supply for the token
pwasm_ethereum::write(&TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, &total_supply.into());
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256 {
// Declares the dispatch and dispatch_ctor methods
use pwasm_abi::eth::EndpointInterface;
pub fn call() {
let mut endpoint = token::TokenEndpoint::new(token::TokenContract{});
// Read for details
pub fn deploy() {
let mut endpoint = token::TokenEndpoint::new(token::TokenContract{});
is an interface definition of the contract.
is a procedural macros uses a trait token::TokenInterface
to generate decoder (TokenEndpoint
) for payload in Solidity ABI format. TokenEndpoint
implements an EndpointInterface
/// Endpoint interface for contracts
pub trait EndpointInterface {
/// Dispatch payload for regular method
fn dispatch(&mut self, payload: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Dispatch constructor payload
fn dispatch_ctor(&mut self, payload: &[u8]);
The dispatch
expects payload
and returns a result in the format defined in Solidity ABI spec. It maps payload to the corresponding method of the token::TokenInterface
implementation. The dispatch_ctor
maps payload only to the TokenInterface::constructor
and returns no result.
A complete implementation of ERC20 can be found here
pwasm-std is a lightweight standard library. It implements common data structures, conversion utils and provides bindings to the runtime.
Source code:
In order to make calls to our TokenInterface
we need to generate the payload TokenEndpoint::dispatch()
expects. So pwasm_abi_derive::eth_abi
can generate an implementation of TokenInterface
which will prepare payload for each method.
#[eth_abi(TokenEndpoint, TokenClient)]
pub trait TokenInterface {
/// The constructor
fn constructor(&mut self, _total_supply: U256);
/// Total amount of tokens
#[constant] // #[constant] hint affect the resulting JSON abi. It sets "constant": true prore
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256;
We've added a second argument TokenClient
to the eth_abi
macro as a second argument (it is optional) -- this way we ask to generate a client implementation for TokenInterface
trait and name it as TokenClient
As mentioned above, a first argument to the eth_abi
macro requests the name for to be generated Endpoint implementation, which turns Ethereum ABI-encoded payloads into calls to the corresponding TokenContract
methods with deserialized params.
Client (TokenClient
), created via the second argument, is doing the opposite to endpoint, providing an implementation which generates Ethereum ABI-compatible calls (consumable by TokenEndpoint
) for every TokenInterface
Let's suppose we've deployed a token contract on 0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62
address. That's how we can make calls to it.
extern pwasm_ethereum;
extern pwasm_std;
use token::TokenClient;
use pwasm_std::hash::Address;
let token = TokenClient::new(Address::from("0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62"));
let tokenSupply = token.totalSupply();
will execute pwasm_ethereum::call(Address::from("0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62"), payload)
with address
and payload
generated according to totalSupply()
signature. Optionally it's possible to set a value
(in Wei) to transfer with the call and set a gas
let token = TokenClient::new(Address::from("0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62"))
.value(10000000.into()) // send a value with the call
.gas(21000); // set a gas limit
let tokenSupply = token.totalSupply();
If you move to step-3
directory and run cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
you will find a TokenInterface.json
in the target/json
generated from TokenInterface
trait with the following content:
"type": "function",
"name": "totalSupply",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
"name": "returnValue",
"type": "uint256"
"constant": true
"type": "constructor",
"inputs": [
"name": "_total_supply",
"type": "uint256"
JSON above is an ABI definition which can be used along with Web.js to run transactions and calls to contract:
var Web3 = require("web3");
var fs = require("fs");
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
var abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./target/TokenInterface.json"));
var TokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, "0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62", { from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
var totalSupply = TokenContract.methods.totalSupply().call().then(console.log);
Source code:
Events allow the convenient usage of the EVM logging facilities, which in turn can be used to “call” JavaScript callbacks in the user interface of a dapp, which listen for these events.
Let's implement the transfer
method for our ERC-20 contract. step-4
directory contains the complete implementation.
pub mod token {
use pwasm_ethereum;
use pwasm_std::types::*;
#[eth_abi(TokenEndpoint, TokenClient)]
pub trait TokenInterface {
/// The constructor
fn constructor(&mut self, _total_supply: U256);
/// Total amount of tokens
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256;
/// What is the balance of a particular account?
fn balanceOf(&mut self, _owner: Address) -> U256;
/// Transfer the balance from owner's account to another account
fn transfer(&mut self, _to: Address, _amount: U256) -> bool;
/// Event declaration
fn Transfer(&mut self, indexed_from: Address, indexed_to: Address, _value: U256);
pub struct TokenContract;
impl TokenInterface for TokenContract {
fn constructor(&mut self, total_supply: U256) {
// ...
fn totalSupply(&mut self) -> U256 {
// ...
fn balanceOf(&mut self, owner: Address) -> U256 {
fn transfer(&mut self, to: Address, amount: U256) -> bool {
let sender = pwasm_ethereum::sender();
let senderBalance = read_balance_of(&sender);
let recipientBalance = read_balance_of(&to);
if amount == 0.into() || senderBalance < amount || to == sender {
} else {
let new_sender_balance = senderBalance - amount;
let new_recipient_balance = recipientBalance + amount;
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&sender), &new_sender_balance.into());
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&to), &new_recipient_balance.into());
self.Transfer(sender, to, amount);
// Reads balance by address
fn read_balance_of(owner: &Address) -> U256 {
// Generates a balance key for some address.
// Used to map balances with their owners.
fn balance_key(address: &Address) -> H256 {
let mut key = H256::from(*address);
key.as_bytes_mut()[0] = 1; // just a naive "namespace";
Events are declared as part of a contract trait definition. Arguments which start with the "indexed_" prefix are considered as "topics", other arguments are data associated with an event.
#[eth_abi(TokenEndpoint, TokenClient)]
pub trait TokenInterface {
fn transfer(&mut self, _to: Address, _amount: U256) -> bool;
fn Transfer(&mut self, indexed_from: Address, indexed_to: Address, _value: U256);
fn transfer(&mut self, to: Address, amount: U256) -> bool {
let sender = pwasm_ethereum::sender();
let senderBalance = read_balance_of(&sender);
let recipientBalance = read_balance_of(&to);
if amount == 0.into() || senderBalance < amount || to == sender {
} else {
let new_sender_balance = senderBalance - amount;
let new_recipient_balance = recipientBalance + amount;
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&sender), &new_sender_balance.into());
pwasm_ethereum::write(&balance_key(&to), &new_recipient_balance.into());
self.Transfer(sender, to, amount);
Topics are useful to filter events produced by contract. In following example we use Web3.js to subscribe to the Transfer
events of deployed TokenContract
var Web3 = require("web3");
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
var abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./target/TokenInterface.json"));
var TokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, "0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62", { from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
// Subscribe to the Transfer event{
from: "0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62" // Filter transactions by sender
}, function (err, event) {
Now it's time to deploy our Wasm contract on the blockchain. We can either test in own local development chain or publish it on the public Kovan network.
Parity 1.9.5 includes support for running Wasm contracts. See instructions on how to setup a Wasm-enabled dev node.
Kovan network supports Wasm contracts. This will run Parity node on Kovan:
parity --chain kovan
When it syncs up follow to set up an account with some Kovan ETH to be able to pay gas for transactions.
Let Parity run in a separate terminal window.
Now cd to step-5
and build the contract:
It should produce 2 files we need:
- a compiled Wasm binary
- an ABI file:
At this point we can use Web.js to connect to the Parity node and deploy Wasm pwasm_tutorial_contract.wasm
. Run the following code in node
var Web3 = require("web3");
var fs = require("fs");
// Connect to our local node
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
// NOTE: if you run Kovan node there should be an address you've got in the "Option 2: Run Kovan node" step
web3.eth.defaultAccount = "0x004ec07d2329997267ec62b4166639513386f32e";
// read JSON ABI
var abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./target/json/TokenInterface.json"));
// convert Wasm binary to hex format
var codeHex = '0x' + fs.readFileSync("./target/pwasm_tutorial_contract.wasm").toString('hex');
var TokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, { data: codeHex, from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
var TokenDeployTransaction = TokenContract.deploy({data: codeHex, arguments: [10000000]});
// Will create TokenContract with `totalSupply` = 10000000 and print a result
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.defaultAccount, "user").then(() => TokenDeployTransaction.estimateGas()).then(gas => TokenDeployTransaction.send({gasLimit: gas, from: web3.eth.defaultAccount})).then(contract => { console.log("Address of new contract: " + contract.options.address); TokenContract = contract; }).catch(err => console.log(err));
Now we're able transfer some tokens:
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.defaultAccount, "user").then(() => TokenContract.methods.transfer("0x7BA4324585CB5597adC283024819254345CD7C62", 200).send()).then(console.log).catch(console.log);
And check balances:
// Check balance of recipient. Should print 200
// Check balance of sender (owner of the contract). Should print 10000000 - 200 = 9999800
pwasm-test makes it easy to test a contract's logic. It allows to emulate the blockchain state and mock any pwasm-ethereum call.
By default our contracts built with #![no_std]
, but rust test
needs the Rust stdlib for threading and I/O. Thus, in order to run tests we've added a following feature gate in Cargo.toml:
std = ["pwasm-std/std", "pwasm-ethereum/std"]
Now you can cd step-5
and cargo test --features std
should pass.
Take a look to see an example how to test a transfer
method of our token contract.
mod tests {
extern crate pwasm_test;
extern crate std;
use super::*;
use self::pwasm_test::{ext_reset, ext_get};
use parity_hash::Address;
use token::TokenInterface;
fn should_succeed_transfering_1000_from_owner_to_another_address() {
let mut contract = token::TokenContract{};
let owner_address = Address::from("0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8");
let sam_address = Address::from("0xdb6fd484cfa46eeeb73c71edee823e4812f9e2e1");
// Here we're creating an External context using ExternalBuilder and set the `sender` to the `owner_address`
// so `pwasm_ethereum::sender()` in TokenContract::constructor() will return that `owner_address`
ext_reset(|e| e.sender(owner_address.clone()));
let total_supply = 10000.into();
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(owner_address), total_supply);
assert_eq!(contract.transfer(sam_address, 1000.into()), true);
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(owner_address), 9000.into());
assert_eq!(contract.balanceOf(sam_address), 1000.into());
// 1 log entry should be created
assert_eq!(ext_get().logs().len(), 1);
Here you can find more examples on how to:
- mock calls to other contracts
- read event logs created by contract
- init contract with storage.
More testing examples:
In order to test the interaction between contracts, we're able to mock callee contract client. See comprehensive here: