Kotlin scripts to help with generating/uploading videos.
You need kotlin in your PATH:
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
source ~/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh
sdk install kotlin
You also need ImageMagick:
brew install imagemagick
And ffmpeg:
brew install ffmpeg
Test the script on a single video with ./generate_video.main.kts generate
Once everything is ok, download a CSV file containing the start and end time (this might require some tweaking of the script) and run in batch mode
./generate_video.main.kts batch --in-dir ~/Movies/AM24 --intro-dir inputs/animated_speaker_cards --infos-csv inputs/data.csv --out-dir out --skip-existing
./generate_video.main.kts batch --in-dir ~/Downloads/Captation2022/ --intro-dir ~/git/tmpAndroidMakersVisuals/INTRO --sponsor-path ~/Downloads/Captation2022/sponsors.png --infos-csv ~/Downloads/Captation2022/data.csv --out-dir out --skip-existing
There is no script to do this at the moment. It requires manually uploading and adding the youtube url to the spreadsheet
You can update the metadata with youtube.main.kts
. It requires a valid access token with Youtube Data API v3 scope. The process to get one is bit convoluted. Follow the instruction given when running the script:
./youtube.main.kts update --mapping-csv ~/Downloads/Captation2022/data.csv --metadata-json ~/Downloads/Captation2022/youtube-input.json --thumbnails ~/git/tmpAndroidMakersVisuals/THUMBNAIL --only IDH-6371,YLE-5245,SGC-3820
../../git/video-tools/kscripts/generate_video.main.kts generate --sponsors endscreen.mp4 --intro card.mp4 --start-sec 0 --end-sec $[ 2* 60 + 4 ] --out-dir out --video-id reno --video date.mp4