=== identify current user on the page ( hello, lindsay )
=== On state concern page say 'there s no concerns for current state' if none yet created ?3. Fix current tests ?4. Implement few new tests. think about it
=== fix users index page, to not let any user remove any kind of user. ?Add admin
Fix concern display page - if concern exists but user is removed is it still gonna work?
=== Fix views at least a little bootstrap
=== users/new doesn't work - remove such functionality at all?
=== create seed files.
=== Display all the concerns on the home page
=== Implement search for concern.
=== Filter by most votes
Pagination 15. Sort by upvotes, downvotes, result, total votes, concerns us
fix facebook url link Paul
Search better
Minor - styling
User profile page
save lagislator to db - paul
Mailing - later paul
App that is definitely going to make this world a better place
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Explain how people can contribute to your app. How should they write tests? Any things in particular you'd like to see in pull requests?
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