🍕🍺 emoji support for Nim 👑 and the world 🌍.
Inspired by kyokomi and carpedm20. Emojis codemap is from muan.
Go to Emoji searcher for a searchable list of supported emojis.
From command line:
nimoji - 🍕🍺 emoji support for Nim 👑 and the world 🌍.
Usage: nimoji ARGUMENT
If ARGUMENT is an existing file, it will use as input the file,
otherwise it will use ARGUMENT as input.
Output is input with keywords delimited by ':' rendered as emoji.
Example usage:
nimoji :wave:
nimoji "hello :earth_africa:"
hello 🌍
nimoji hello.nim
let 👋 = "hello"
echo 👋 & " 🌍"
For a searchable list of supported emoji keywords: https://emoji.muan.co/
From Nim:
import nimoji
assert "I :heart: :pizza: and :beer:".emojize == "I ❤️ 🍕 and 🍺"
assert "The emoji for spaghetti: :spaghetti:".emojize, "The emoji for spaghetti: 🍝"
# substitution is style insensitive
assert "you say :to_ma_to: I say :ToMaTo:".emojize == "you say 🍅 I say 🍅"