When the Anaconda environment was setup using the provided install instructions, the environment can easily be initialised. These instruction discuss how that can be done.
Name | Role | VUB mail | Personal mail |
Lennert Bontinck | Master Thesis writer | [email protected] | [email protected] |
The below script can be used to start the anaconda environment in the GitHub project folder and launch a Jupyter Notebook server.
# Launches the correct environment from the install instructions
CALL conda activate bci-master-thesis
# Launches Jupyter Notebook server on correct folder.
# Replace <path-of-github> with your source of the GitHub repository.
# e.g. D:\Libraries\Documenten\GitHub\bci-master-thesis
CALL jupyter notebook --notebook-dir="<path-of-github>"
The below script can be used to start the anaconda environment in the GitHub project folder and launch a Jupyter Notebook server.
# Replace <path-of-conda> with your source of the conda.sh file.
# e.g. /Users/lennertbontinck/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
source <path-of-conda>
# Launches the correct environment from the install instructions
conda activate bci-master-thesis
# Replace <path-of-github> with your source of the GitHub repository.
# e.g. /Users/lennertbontinck/Documents/GitHub/bci-master-thesis
cd <path-of-github>
# Launches Jupyter Notebook server
jupyter notebook
© Lennert Bontinck VUB 2021-2022