This file contains the scientific literature tools used for this project.
Name | Role | VUB mail | Personal mail |
Lennert Bontinck | Master Thesis writer | [email protected] | [email protected] |
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research. It is used to collect correct citation details for the used literature. The exported bib file is used in LaTeX for citing. The exported Zotero environment is available [here](BCI Master Thesis.rdf). This BCI Master Thesis.rdf
file can be imported into Zotero. It is noted that a shared Zotero group was also used between me, Wolf De Wulf and Arnau Dillen. This group contains multiple interesting BCI related papers and can be joined via this link.
Connected papers allows you to explore connected papers in a visual graph. It helps in finding related and most important papers more easily. It was sometimes used to find appropriate literature.
© Lennert Bontinck VUB 2021-2022