- Validate descriptor JSON file before deployment to k8s cluster
- Upgrade ArgoCD to v2.5.5
- Move Descriptor Validator to git-ops-command.sh
- Upgrade nginx-ingress-controller to v1.5.1
- Add base & region values.yaml files for Helm migration
- Add ArgoCD application set definition for microservice architecture
- Update sealed-secrets-controller to v0.19.3
- Add multiple USER_BASE_DNs and BACKEND_IDs env vars
- PDO-3335 Set PingFederate Engines minReplicas count to 3 in prod/small deployment
- PDO-4570 Validate descriptor JSON file before deployment to k8s cluster
- PDO-4575 Upgrade ArgoCD to v2.5.5
- PDO-4636 Move Descriptor Validator to git-ops-command.sh
- PDO-4698 Upgrade nginx-ingress-controller to v1.5.1
- PDO-4701 Update cluster tools to latest version: sealed-secrets-controller v0.19.3
- PDO-4773 Update generate-cluster-state script to create base and region values.yaml files
- PDO-4775 Add new ArgoCD application definition to PCB
- PDO-4818 Add multiple USER_BASE_DNs and BACKEND_IDs env vars
- Remove logstash tolerations
- Argo CD non-root user changes
- Prometheus configured to take metrics from second region
- Prometheus upgraded to 2.39.1
- Create new global repo for dashboards
- Send logs from second region to main Elasticsearch
- Add HTTP server pod for PingAccess-WAS healthchecks
- Add HTTP server pod for PingAccess healthchecks
- Add HTTP server pod for PingFederate healthchecks
- Remove unneeded resources from secondary region
- Retain set value for slack channel alerts
- Added CICD integration health test to check certificate results
- Modified Kibana dashboards to show second region logs and metrics
- Allow release branches to update image names using the kustomize image patch
- Add beluga_log verbosity level to control logging level
- Changed Slack channel for Argo notifications depending on IS_GA value
- Remove "PING_CONTAINER_PRIVILEGED" from env_vars
- Remove EFS access points directories when deleting PV
- NewRelic Java Agent upgraded to 7.11.1
- Refactor elastic-stack manifests
- Remove outdated CW logs test methods
- Add healthcheck-pingdirectory cronjob
- Added k8s serviceAccount for PA, PD & PF
- Update ping-cloud-base to use the cluster tools from new ECR repo
- Configure Argo Redis container to run as nonroot
- Update applications logs location
- Refactor offline-enable script to use "dsreplication enable-with-static-topology" subcommand
- Healthcheck logs now stored in separate index with 7 days retention period
- Upgrade kubectl to match K8s version and bitnami kubectl image.
- Mirror our own version of PGO/crunchy images
- Add pod exec privileges to cluster-healthcheck-serviceaccount
- Add delete patch to remove pingaccess-was healthcheck cronjob from multi-region
- Revert removing alertmanager from the prometheus config
- Add PF transaction logs parsing and indexing
- Fix regional variable for new customer creation
- PDO-2799 Rewrite CloudWatch log tests
- PDO-3165 Refactor offline-enable script to use "dsreplication enable-with-static-topology" subcommand
- PDO-4186 beluga_log is not respecting verbosity levels
- PDO-4224 Properly propagate SSH key when upgrading CSR
- PDO-4240 PF Health Check Tests - Certificates
- PDO-4249 Remove unused networking yaml from PCB
- PDO-4279 Add Pod Disruption Budgets for PA-WAS Engine, PingDelegator
- PDO-4291 PF Health Check Tests - connectivity
- PDO-4312 PA-WAS Health Check Tests - object creation, unauthenticated proxy requests
- PDO-4343 Mirror our own version of PGO/crunchy images
- PDO-4432 Logstash has broken tolerations
- PDO-4439 PF Health Check Tests - object creation, authentication
- PDO-4440 PD Health Check Tests - appintegrations
- PDO-4481 Upgrade kubectl to match K8s version
- PDO-4496 Create new global repo for dashboards
- PDO-4533 Move PCB CI/CD env vars from deploy script to common script
- PDO-4535 Argo CD non-root user changes
- PDO-4543 Create K8s serviceAccount for PA, PD and PF
- PDO-4545 Add delete patch to remove pingaccess-was healthcheck cronjob from multi-region
- PDO-4565 Prometheus: Configure It to Take Metrics from Second Region
- PDO-4566 Logstash: Configure It to Send Logs from Second Region to Primary Region
- PDO-4568 Kibana: Modify Dashboards to Show Second Region Logs and Metrics
- PDO-4569 Remove ES, Kibana and Grafana from second region
- PDO-4574 Pod Reaper pod should re-spin, when env_vars is updated
- PDO-4583 PA Health Check Tests - object creation, unauthenticated proxy requests
- PDO-4610 Retain set value for slack channel alerts
- PDO-4614 Automate pinning the branch for ping-cloud-dashboards in PCB
- PDO-4615 Remove outdated CW logs test methods
- PDO-4618 Default slack notifications using
env var - PDO-4632 ALERT from the secondary region is shown as an ALERT from the primary region in the email message
- PDO-4636 Remove "PING_CONTAINER_PRIVILEGED" from env_vars
- PDO-4644 Update cluster tools to latest version: NewRelic Java agent v7.11.1
- PDO-4648 Allow release branches to update image names using the kustomize image patch
- PDO-4649 prometheus-0/logstash-elastic-0 pod does not come up upon changing LEGACY_LOGGING or LS_JAVA_OPTS
- PDO-4669 EFS access point dir doesn't remove during PVC removal
- PDO-4671 Refactor elastic-stack manifests
- PDO-4686 Update ping-cloud-base to use the cluster tools from new ECR repo
- PDO-4807 Configure Argo Redis container to run as nonroot
- PDO-4808 Update applications logs location
- PDO-4809 Refactor generate-cluster-state.sh to retain set value for slack channel alerts on upgrade
- PDO-4877 ELK logs for healthcheck pods should be storing for 7 days
- PDO-4918 Missing PF Transaction Log
- PDO-4921 Revert removing alertmanager from the prometheus config
- PDO-4922 Fix regional variable for new customer creation
- Added ENVIRONMENT_TYPE to backup failure notification
- Remove all out-of-the-box IKs from PingFederate base image
- PDO-4844 Environment Key is missing in Product Backup Failure Alert Message
- PDO-4893 Remove all out-of-the-box IKs from PingFederate base image
- Force PingAccess engines to get its certificate ID from the engines endpoint instead of HTTP Listener
- PDO-4804 Force PingAccess engines to get its certificate ID from the engines endpoint instead of HTTP Listener
- Implemented Radius Proxy as optional installation
- Setup NewRelic Kube Events Integration
- Add newrelic-metadata pod to send metadata to NewRelic
- Add PingAccess and PingAccess-WAS health checks cronjobs
- Update ping-cloud namespace variable
- Add ArgoCD slack notifications secret within SSM and remove from k8s secret
- Added argo-events version 1.7.2
- Enable newrelic-logging for host logs and service cluster-tools pods(kube-system namespace + external-dns)
- Resolve tag _grokparsefailure and log components are missing
- Add new env_var "DEFAULT_USER_BASE_DN"
- Added event source and webhook for argo-events to enable notification
- LEGACY_LOGGING defaulted to False
- update pingcloud-bom and pingcloud-oauth securityContext with allowPrivilegeEscalation set to false
- Use camelCase for healthcheck test tags and filenames
- Implemented must-have monitoring/alerting of PGO
- Implement PGO alerting via argo-events
- Added argo-image-updater version v0.12.0
- Fix: Events are not displayed in New Relic for some pods in some namespaces
- Fix: New relic not reporting accurate pod metrics for some environments
- Switch Delegated Admin to use OAuth Authorization Flow instead of Implicit Flow
- Added ArgoCD slack notifications
- Upgraded Prometheus to v2.39.1
- PDO-2300 Add ArgoCD slack notifications for better visibility into failure to apply manifests
- PDO-3599 Autoupdate to minor releases of PingOne AS Product Images
- PDO-3785 Add PGO database to CI/CD
- PDO-3791 Create hook script to enable outbound provisioning
- PDO-3823 Add newrelic-metadata pod to send metadata to NewRelic
- PDO-3863 PGO backups
- PDO-4046 Ability to override product initContainer p14c-integration image
- PDO-4089 Notification Framework: Introduce argo-events
- PDO-4096 Failed Cluster Health Job hanging around
- PDO-4104 PA Health Check Tests
- PDO-4110 Switch Delegated Admin to use OAuth Authorization Flow instead of Implicit Flow
- PDO-4117 Go Proxy: Write Manifest to Deploy RadSec Proxy
- PDO-4150 Tag _grokparsefailure and log components are missing
- PDO-4176 Enable desired NewRelic Logging
- PDO-4178 Setup NewRelic Kube Events Integration
- PDO-4207 Add ArgoCD slack notifications secret within SSM and remove from k8s secret
- PDO-4261 Upgrade Kustomize to v4.5.7
- PDO-4274 New relic not reporting accurate pod metrics for Star
- PDO-4281 Update ping-cloud namespace variable
- PDO-4290 Add simple postgres operator (PGO) database
- PDO-4320 Set AllowPrivilegeEscalation to False
- PDO-4326 Implement must-have monitoring/alerting of PGO
- PDO-4327 Implement PGO resource sizing per environment
- PDO-4351 Events are not displayed in New Relic for some pods in some namespaces
- PDO-4397 Add new env_var "DEFAULT_USER_BASE_DN"
- PDO-4391 Notification Framework: alert on backup failure
- PDO-4401 LEGACY_LOGGING mode: Change default from true to false (off) - Leave flag available
- PDO-4432 Logstash has broken tolerations
- PDO-4438 PostgreSQL pods and secrets not deployed
- PDO-4442 Update healthcheck service keys to use consistent format
- PDO-4446 Handle missing SSM parameters
- PDO-4454 Implement Prometheus Alerting
- PDO-4476 Modify PGO feature flag to not require update-cluster script
- PDO-4480 newrelic-license-secret-exporter job not present in newrelic namespace
- PDO-4491 Run Radius as a sidecar container alongside PingFederate engine
- PDO-4492 Enable/disable Radius with environment variable
- PDO-4498 Move nri-kubernetes images to dev ECR within PCB
- PDO-4580 Prometheus Pod is being OOMKilled
- Fix Logstash broken tolerations
- PDO-4432 Logstash has broken tolerations
- Allow multiple Pass-Through-Authentication plugin instances
- PDO-4558 Allow multiple Pass-Through-Authentication plugin instances
- Augment ArgoCD's application name with customer name
- Add fix to application name for ArgoCD
- Fix grafana PD topology successful SSOs
- Updated cluster tool sealed-secrets-controller from v0.17.3 to v0.18.0
- Healthcheck cronjobs moved to 'health' namespace
- Update API version in Beluga K8s manifest for EKS v1.22
- Setup EFS as backend for Prometheus storage
- Updated cluster tool cert-manager from v1.5.3 to v1.9.1
- Use generic bootstrap app for p14c and logging
- Improved Grafana dashboards to be more consistent
- Added prometheus-job-exporter deployment to expose command outputs as prometheus metrics
- Added LDAP users count graph
- Add PingFederate health checks cronjob
- Fix Fluent-bit raw logs sending to S3
- Fix secrets sealing
- PDO-2635 Augment ArgoCD's application name with customer name
- PDO-3271 Updated argocd to v2.4.6
- PDO-3272 Update cluster tool to recommended version: cert-manager v1.9.1
- PDO-3273 Update cluster tool to latest version: sealed-secrets-controller v.0.18.0
- PDO-3524 Create PingOne-Configurator test for CI/CD
- PDO-3575 Cluster tool: force pingcloud-monitoring/newrelic-tags-exporter initContainer to run with allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- PDO-3918 Move chrome install from run-integration-tests.sh to k8s-deploy-tools image
- PDO-3940 Add timeouts for screen updates in PingOne integration tests
- PDO-3944 Create CI/CD integration test for Health Checks
- PDO-3988 Grafana Successful SSOs Pingfederate Topology dashboard displaying wrong data
- PDO-4002 Unified bootstrap application
- PDO-4036 Fix SigSci to exit properly when terminated
- PDO-4051 Remove PingDirectory config-audit reference from Fluentbit configuration
- PDO-4052 Update to handle NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY environment variable
- PDO-4060 Update versioning for cluster tools in PCB
- PDO-4082 Create a custom sort method to sortBy production release and release candidate
- PDO-4090 Prometheus: Implement EFS to back /data Directory
- PDO-4097 Execute a _start-server.sh.pre script before starting PingDirectory
- PDO-4101 PF Health Check Tests
- PDO-4106 Update profile with X.509 authentication sample
- PDO-4122 Move Health Check Jobs to separate NS
- PDO-4153 Adjust default PingDirectory purge plugin properties
- PDO-4154 Update truststore with signing certificates for X.509 authentication
- PDO-4159 Update API version in Beluga K8s manifest for EKS V1.22
- PDO-4193 Inconsistent performance metrics
- PDO-4205 Create the K8s infrastructure to get active users count for each tenant environment
- PDO-4206 Visualize active users count for each tenant environment data through Grafana dashboards
- PDO-4242 Improve cert-manager ci/cd deployment reliablility
- PDO-4265 Increase memory limits for prometheus pod
- PDO-4268 Fix Fluent-bit raw logs sending to S3
- PDO-4301 Fix secrets sealing
- Backport logstash tolerations fix
- PDO-4432 Logstash has broken tolerations
- Allow multiple Pass-Through-Authentication plugin instances
- PDO-4547 Allow multiple Pass-Through-Authentication plugin instances
- Update cluster-tool external-dns from version v0.08.0 to version v.0.11.0
- New image tagging convention for all Ping applications
- SigSci Agent upgraded from v4.24.1 to v4.28.0
- Nginx Ingress Controller upgraded from v1.0.0 to v1.2.0
- Configure PingFederate and PingAccess environments within PingCentral
- Create PingDirectory's Password Credential Validator using PingFederate Admin API
- Grafana upgraded from v6.5.3 to v8.4.5
- Create PingDirectory's LDAP Client Manager using PingFederate Admin API
- Replace Fluentd with Fluent Bit
- Force liveness probe for PingDirectory to use API endpoint /available-or-degraded-state
- Logstash now getting logs from Fluent Bit and working as non-root Deployment
- Cluster tool cluster-autoscaler upgrade from v1.20.0 to v1.21.1
- Fluent Bit now has a FeatureFlag 'LEGACY_LOGGING' to control application logs destination
- Fluent Bit docker image is now pulled from ECR
- Implemented Hot\Warm Tiers for ElasticSearch
- Add "pf-jwt-token-translator-" to artifact.json file
- Add healthcheck service
- Add cluster-health healthchecks for namespaces, nodes, and statefulsets
- Add logstash parsers for all ping apps
- Add EFS StorageClass. Configure Elasticsearch to use EFS StorageClass
- Add customer-configurable pipeline to logstash
- Fix max-character branch name length for ping-cloud-base
- Convert PingDataSync to a StatefulSet
- Add Pod-Reaper cluster tool
- Implement Kibana-based alerting
- Add logging-bootstrap application
- Fluent Bit now store raw logs on S3
- Remove stunnel from PingDirectory
- Remove skbn as backup mechanism as replaced with aws cli
- Update cronjobs to prevent multiple jobs being scheduled during scaledown
- PDO-2517 Port of PingFederate pre-config script from bash to python
- PDO-2827 Configure PingFederate and PingAccess environments within PingCentral
- PDO-2894 Use Fluent Bit instead of Fluentd
- PDO-3269 Update cluster tools to latest version: cluster-autoscaler v1.21.1
- PDO-3270 Update cluster tools to latest version: nginx-ingress-controller v1.2.0
- PDO-3274 Update cluster tools to recommended version: external-dns v.11.0
- PDO-3275 Update cluster tools to latest version: Kibana v8.1.3
- PDO-3276 Update cluster tools to latest version: Elasticsearch 8.1.3
- PDO-3277 Update cluster tools to latest version: kube-state-metrics v2.5.0
- PDO-3278 Update cluster tools to latest version: metrics-server v0.6.1
- PDO-3279 Update cluster tools to latest version: Logstash v8.1.3
- PDO-3421 Set ImagePullPolicy for all Ping apps to 'Always'
- PDO-3422 Create script to ensure development ECR public image tag isn't in any production release
- PDO-3428 PA/PF heartbeat exporter doesn't export metric properly after implementing PDO-3207
- PDO-3433 Create PingDirectory's Password Credential Validator using PingFederate Admin API
- PDO-3434 Create PingDirectory's LDAP Client Manager using PingFederate Admin API
- PDO-3446 Upgraded ArgoCD to v2.3.1
- PDO-3522 Create PF admin SSO integration test for CI/CD
- PDO-3548 Set manage-profile tempProfileDirectory argument and force exportldiff files to write to the persistent volume /opt/out directory
- PDO-3571 Added non-admin ArgoCD user with access to restart StatefulSet pods
- PDO-3574 Cluster tool: force bitnami/kubectl initContainer to use its own nonroot user
- PDO-3576 Cluster tool: force busybox initContainer to use its own nonroot user
- PDO-3582 Force liveness probe to use API endpoint /available-or-degraded-state
- PDO-3603 Auto update product tags for production registry in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-3605 Automate release candidate ECR images within in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-3610 Convert PingDataSync to a Statefulset
- PDO-3611 Use 'manage-profile replace-profile' to support root password change
- PDO-3620 Update cluster tools to latest version: Grafana v8.4.5
- PDO-3678 server.publicBaseUrl is not found in Kibana
- PDO-3684 Remove skbn as replaced with aws cli in PD0-3683
- PDO-3716 Elasticsearch: Implement Hot/Warm Tiers
- PDO-3723 Grafana: Upgrade to 8.4.5 risks investigation
- PDO-3743 Automate development ECR images in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-3745 Argocd admin creds in secrets.yaml
- PDO-3753 Configure Fluent Bit to send SIEM logs to logstash
- PDO-3754 Replace current logstash DaemonSet by non-root Deployment
- PDO-3755 Implement FeatureFlags with many outputs for Fluent Bit
- PDO-3773 Encrypt K8s StorageClass (AWS EBS volumes)
- PDO-3780 Connect to external PD server within PingDataSync using LDAPS
- PDO-3783 Recreate the PF Threat Detection Dashboard in P1AS
- PDO-3805 Create & Deploy Health Check service in P1AS
- PDO-3821 Create customer-configurable pipeline in logstash with PQ
- PDO-3830 ES JVM Heapsize too small
- PDO-3840 Update cluster tools to latest version: prometheus to v2.36.1
- PDO-3841 Update cluster tools to latest version: newrelic-infrastructure to 4.5.8
- PDO-3842 Update cluster tools to latest version: newrelic java agent to v6.5.4
- PDO-3843 Update cluster tools to latest version: cloudwatch-agent to v1.247352.0
- PDO-3844 Update cluster tools to latest version: sig-sci agent v4.28.0
- PDO-3851 Implement EFS storage for ElasticSearch
- PDO-3856 PingOne configurator skips is_myping
- PDO-3887 Add config-audit.log and server.out files to PingDirectory tail logs
- PDO-3892 Fluent Bit image is now pulled from ECR
- PDO-3907 Create Cluster Health Tests for Health Checks Pt 1
- PDO-3910 Create a logstash parsers for all ping-app non-SIEM logs
- PDO-3911 Warning message in es-cluster pods logs
- PDO-3912 Few PF Kibana Dashboards and one PD Kibana Dashboard not showing data
- PDO-3913 Few data views are listed twice in Kibana Discover tab
- PDO-3915 Create Reaper Deployment in PCB
- PDO-3919 Create Cluster Health Tests for Health Checks Pt 2
- PDO-3936 Investigate flaky PingOne integration tests
- PDO-3928 Move script that verifies development images are not in production to tag-release.sh
- PDO-3930 Add "pf-jwt-token-translator-" to artifact.json file
- PDO-3933 ELK/CloudWatch logging improvements
- PDO-3942 Moved ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX from base env_vars to region env_vars
- PDO-3946 Some of Kibana resources bootstrapping fails in rare cases
- PDO-3956 ELK: there are no log time chart and no window to choose time slot for 'pa-was-system' data view
- PDO-3959 Fix URLs not rendering due to DNS_ZONE envsubst ordering
- PDO-3968 Update logstash image to have all needed plugins
- PDO-3969 Store raw logs on S3
- PDO-3972 Remove stunnel from PingDirectory
- PDO-3974 Implement Kibana Alerting
- PDO-3980 Health Check service is listing wrong envType in a CDE
- PDO-3993 Fix PF Admin API endpoint for integration test
- PDO-4008 Fix max-character branch name for PCB
- PDO-4016 Few data views are listed twice in Kibana Discover tab
- PDO-4040 Add ingress metrics dashboard to Grafana
- PDO-4027 Add logging-bootstrap application
- PDO-4056 Ping Federate - Threat Intel / Detection Dashboard is missing
- PDO-4057 Update all cronjob configs to prevent multiple jobs being scheduled during scaledown
- PDO-4093 Logstash is in crashloop state for chub clusters
- PDO-4098 Newrelic Infrastructure sends data from primary and secondary regions to one NR
- PDO-4108 There are no data on PA-WAS - Response Codes Over Time Kibana Dashboards
- PDO-4121 Cost Savings: New Relic: Globally Update Configuration to use lowDataMode
- Deploy PingDataSync into cluster
- Updated the SigSci Agent to run as a non-root user
- Updated default PingID adapter, PingOne MFA IK, PingOne Risk Management IK
- Force engines to use non-root
- Force admins (PF, PA, PA-WAS, PD) to use non-root
- Update PingFederateConfigurator job to use ansible image
- Run PingDataSync using nonroot user
- Update Pingdatasync secrets volume mount from pingdatasync to pingdirectory
- Update all pingcloud-apps images to support ssh-rsa HostKeyAlgorithm
- Use alpine docker image for enrichment-bootstrap
- Add custom artifacts to PingDataSync to allow custom sync pipes
- Upgrade PF to 11.0.2
- Fix fluentd PD logs parsing configuration
- Fix missing PD logs due to late tail-logs hook call
- Use self-hosted newrelic docker images
- Automate usage of AWS Secrets Manager
- Set min and max CPU properties within run.properties for engine and admin
- Add jetty-runtime.xml to profile-repo
- Move PingCentral AWS RDS MYSQL vars from base/env_vars to region/pingcentral/env_vars
- Turned off pod logs from going into NewRelic
- Fix upgrade-cluster-state script to import new env_vars changes from base
- Fix PingCentral PingOne deployment status and url update
- BRASS-358 Update Solutions Ansible to continue on error, removed "canUseIntelligenceDataConsent": true from risk script
- BRASS-359 Add local username attribute to Risk Adapter in PingFederate
- BRASS-367 Pre-configured IdP/SP connections do not match up; don't work OOTB
- BRASS-370 Pre-configured PF Policy incorrect Population ID mapping
- PDO-2092 Allow UDP ports to enable PF RADIUS functionality
- PDO-2233 Change "apiVersion" for CRD resources in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-2350 Add Metric For JVM GC CPU percent in PF
- PDO-2351 Add Metric For JVM Old Gen Collected percent in PF
- PDO-2354 Add Metric For JVM GC CPU percent in PA
- PDO-2356 Add Metric For JVM Old Gen Collected percent in PA
- PDO-2746 Add PingCentral deployment status to PingOne
- PDO-2944 Add urls to metadata pod
- PDO-2951 Deploy PingDataSync into cluster
- PDO-2953 Sync directory from external PD server to P1AS PD server
- PDO-2954 Support PingDataSync logs within CloudWatch
- PDO-2955 Add External PD & P1AS PD certs to PingDataSync TrustStore
- PDO-2995 Update Pingdatasync secrets volume mount from pingdatasync to pingdirectory
- PDO-3017 Upgrade PF to 11.0.1
- PDO-3064 PingAccess hook scripts updated to use the beluga_log method instead of echo
- PDO-3065 PingFederate hook scripts updated to use the beluga_log method instead of echo
- PDO-3103 Force admins (PF, PA, PA-WAS, PD, DA, PC) to use non-root
- PDO-3104 Change PingAccess/PingAccess-WAS beluga_log messages to use beluga_warn or beluga_error
- PDO-3105 Change PingFederate beluga_log messages to use beluga_warn or beluga_error
- PDO-3106 Change PingDirectory beluga_log messages to use beluga_warn or beluga_error
- PDO-3108 Change PingCentral beluga_log messages to use beluga_warn or beluga_error
- PDO-3129 Update json_exporter image version to 0.3.0
- PDO-3142 Run SigSci agent as non-root, update nginx ingress controller security context
- PDO-3146 Change Busybox-based containers in cluster-tools to run as non-root
- PDO-3154 Update Fluentd logs routing
- PDO-3160 Update NGINX ingress controller to use 8080/8443 for the containerPort
- PDO-3163 Change PingFederate Port to 9999 within P14C Integration
- PDO-3167 Update default PingID adapter, PingOne MFA IK, PingOne Risk Management IK
- PDO-3180 Sync directory from P1AS PD server to external PD server
- PDO-3200 Change dev-env.sh script to have better error handling for kubectl apply
- PDO-3207 Force Admins to use non-root
- PDO-3262 Add push rule to repo, README for branch name max length requirement
- PDO-3281 Upgrade PingAccess and PingCentral base images to avoid DOS attack
- PDO-3305 Modify k8s in PCB to run ansible image
- PDO-3307 Update PD status for PingOne
- PDO-3340 PA-WAS pods crashed during 82-upload-csd-s3.sh hook run on test/dev clusters
- PDO-3341 Run PingDataSync using nonroot user
- PDO-3343 Upgrade PingDelegator/DelegatedAdmin to 4.8.0
- PDO-3369 Update p1/newrelic-tags-exporter to run with "ping" user, "identity" group
- PDO-3370 (BugFix) PD running into crashloop after restart with missing PingDirectory.lic file
- PDO-3371 Update all pingcloud-apps images to support ssh-rsa HostKeyAlgorithm
- PDO-3382 Change P1 Deployment to use isMyPing SSM
- PDO-3404 PingDataSync add wait-for-service for external and internal PD instance
- PDO-3406 Set changelog max-age within external PingDirectory server using API and P1AS PingDirectory server using dsconfig
- PDO-3408 Enforce PingDataSync to only deploy within primary region
- PDO-3394 (BugFix) PD status update for P1
- PDO-3411 Move Fluentd CloudWatch config to a separate file
- PDO-3414 Use alpine docker image for enrichment-bootstrap
- PDO-3425 Deploy utils.lib.sh to each product container from one place
- PDO-3449 Add custom artifacts to PingDataSync to allow custom sync pipes
- PDO-3479 Change PA integration test 01-agent-config-test.sh to be idempotent
- PDO-3488 Solutions Ansible entrypoint.sh script null evaluation
- PDO-3501 Consolidate and rename PingDataSync, external PD, and P1AS PD shared variables
- PDO-3502 Update DataSync to use USER_BASE_DN variable
- PDO-3513 (BugFix) Logstash crashlooping due to updated plugin dependencies
- PDO-3518 Fix fluentd PD logs parsing configuration
- PDO-3540 Fix metadata by updating flask to v2.0.3
- PDO-3557 Update PD to to fix JVM crashes
- PDO-3570 Add group identity 9999 for all Ping product applications and avoid escalating privileges
- PDO-3577 Disable external server configuration. Use flag IS_P1AS_TEST_MODE to enable for QA
- PDO-3594 Add a new dsconfig file "45-disable-daily-ldif-export.dsconfig" to turn off on-prem backup
- PDO-3598 Fix missing PD logs
- PDO-3601 Upgrade PF to 11.0.2 to fix OOM issue
- PDO-3606 Backup/restore PingDataSync config/sync-state.ldif file to/from s3
- PDO-3608 Add Secrets Manager objects to Discovery Service
- PDO-3625 Run bootstrap & bom pods in CHUB account
- PDO-3643 NewRelic infrastructure pods pulling from docker instead of ecr
- PDO-3685 Set min and max CPU properties within run.properties for engine and admin
- PDO-3731 Move PingCentral AWS RDS MYSQL vars from base/env_vars to region/pingcentral/env_vars
- PDO-3764 Turn off pod logs from going into NewRelic
- PDO-3771 Fix upgrade-cluster-state script to import new env_vars changes from base
- PDO-3781 Encrypt K8s StorageClass
- Added support for SigSci Web Access Firewall (WAF) to Nginx ingress controller
- Updated Nginx ingress controller to version 1.0.0
- Update PF upload artifact script to support Standard IKs
- Updated ArgoCD to version 2.1.6
- Added custom patch to create public ingresses for admin endpoints
- Added multiline log support for PA-WAS
- Added sideband fields to PA logs
- Added regional custom-patches.yaml as an extension point to customize the configuration for a specific region
- Added support for enabling rate-limiting in PA and PA-WAS
- Heartbeat endpoint page template changed
- Removing vestigial code (restore-db-password hook script and dbConfig.jose manipulation) from deployment automation
- Update 20-restart-sequence.sh script to skip rebuild index when no index changes
- Implemented Kubernetes Infrastructure Agent for New Relic
- Fixed showing a few SharedResourceWarnings in ArgoCD UI
- Updated to address Log4Shell vulnerabilities
- Update logstash to 7.16.2
- ElasticSearch image updated to 7.16.2
- Kibana updated to 7.16.2
- Added Open Token Adapter Integration Kit to server profile for PingFederate SSO
- Patched default PF agentless adapter IK
- Upgraded PingFederate to v10.3.5 to resolve security vulnerability SECADV029 and SECBL021
- Turned off pod logs from going into NewRelic
- PDO-1350 PingAccess proactively remove temp file that causes upgrade to fail
- PDO-1676 Deploy Kubernetes Infrastructure Agent for New Relic
- PDO-2223 Heartbeat endpoint page template changing
- PDO-2368 Refactored IK download script to use artifact-list.json as the single source of truth for all PF IKs
- PDO-2410 PA-WAS: parse multiline logs
- PDO-2432 Update cluster tools to latest version: argocd to v2.1.6
- PDO-2534 SigSci WAF: run the SigSci agent as a sidecar container in the Nginx-ingress-controller pod
- PDO-2895 Update PF upload artifact script to support Standard IKs
- PDO-2921 SigSci WAF: create public ingresses for admin endpoints
- PDO-2928 Add support for enabling rate limiting in PA and PA-WAS
- PDO-2937 Change 'Replica __ {}' metric's names to match the other metric's names template
- PDO-2938 Added regional custom-patches.yaml as an extension point to customize configuration for a specific region
- PDO-2962 Added new PA sideband logs to SIEM Integration
- PDO-2965 Refactor NewRelic APM agents to use Secret located in 'newrelic' namespace
- PDO-2978 Integrate latest New Relic namespace changes in Beluga 1.12
- PDO-2988 Increased metadata pod timeoutSeconds probe to 3 seconds for liveness & readiness
- PDO-2991 SigSci WAF: Update SigSci sidecar resource limit & requests
- PDO-2993 Add "ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 30" to all ping product and Kibana jobs so its pods get reaped upon completion
- PDO-2996 Removing vestigial code (restore-db-password hook script and dbConfig.jose manipulation) from deployment automation
- PDO-3003 Update 20-restart-sequence.sh script to skip rebuild index when no index changes
- PDO-3058 CSD upload file changed from .zip-zip format to .zip
- PDO-3087 Enhance default PingFederate user to support password change and policies by default
- PDO-3092 Force all jobs and cronjobs of Ping products to use non-root
- PDO-3091 Fixed role association on gateway objects created in P14C and PF authentication policy issue for MyPing E2E flow
- PDO-3102 Fix offline replication configuration error when config.ldif has line wrappings
- PDO-3109 Fix code generation script to only use the SSH-RSA host keys for GitHub
- PDO-3110 Make code generation script more resilient to invalid values for IS_GA and IS_MY_PING SSM parameters
- PDO-3115 Remove OOTB Integration Kits for PingFederate
- PDO-3137 Support SSO for multiple PA admin applications per environment
- PDO-3145 Fixed MyPing admin SSO errors caused due to intermittent DNS resolution issues
- PDO-3175 ArgoCD UI shows a few SharedResourceWarnings
- PDO-3179 Argocd failing to deploy newrelic namespace from scratch and shows 3 newrelic resources as out of sync
- PDO-3196 Fix Security Vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 by patching Log4j2 files
- PDO-3218 Updating images for Log4Shell security vulnerability
- PDO-3243 Upgrade New Relic Java Agent to 6.5.2 to address Log4Shell Vulnerability
- PDO-3266 Upgrade Logstash version to 7.16.2 for patches to the log4j2
- PDO-3265 Upgrade Elasticsearch version to 7.16.2 for patches to the log4j2
- PDO-3333 Fix Kibana showing an error 'We encountered an error retrieving search results
- PDO-3352 Add Open Token Adapter Integration Kit to server profile for PingFederate SSO
- PDO-3393 Default Agentless adapter kit deployed has known vulnerabilities
- PDO-3401 Upgrade PingFederate to v10.3.5 to resolve security vulnerability SECADV029 and SECBL021
- PDO-3513 (BugFix) Logstash crashlooping due to updated plugin dependencies
- PDO-3764 Turn off pod logs from going into NewRelic
- PDO-3782 Encrypt K8s StorageClass
- Enabled PingAccess Admin SSO for MyPing customers
- Fixing P14C issuer URL to not have newlines so PA pods do not fail to start up
- Updated p14c-integration image to 1.0.29
- Updated PA to 6.3 to support SSO through P14C (for administrator users) and SSO through PingFederate (for customer users)
- Configured all Ping applications to use the DevOps user/key retrieved through the Discovery service as defaults
- Updated the P14C bootstrap image to query the platform event queue for future updates to MyPing parameters
- Fixed PD Grafana dashboard, 'Replication Backlog' metric with changeable UserBaseDN env var
- Fix PF's run.sh to not map SIGTERM to SIGKILL
- Added the ability to roll out PF/PA/PA-WAS admin and engines separately
- Upgraded newrelic-tags-exporter to version 1.0.5
- Increase memory for FluentD to avoid memory issues in GA deployments
- Fixed error in run.sh when New Relic key isn't provided
- Updated cert-manager from v0.10.1 to v1.5.3
- Added New Relic support for PingCentral
- Decreased log level for argocd
- Updated Pingcentral image version to 1.0.20
- Added support for PingCentral application performance metrics through the NewRelic APM agent
- Support PA database changed from H2 to Apache Derby
- Updated starter configuration to use LE production server for all GA and MyPing customers
- Fixed Pod startup errors due to Prometheus not being able to find jmx_export_config.yaml
- Added PD startupProbe with replication backlog check
- Update cluster tools to version: cluster-autoscaler (1.20.0)
- Update kibana index mappings
- PDO-1668 Fixing P14C issuer URL to not have newlines so PA pods do not fail to start up
- PDO-2401 create a new hook script "10-download-artifact.sh.post" in the PF image
- PDO-2412 Decrease ArgoCD log level
- PDO-2433 Updated cert-manager from v0.10.1 to v1.5.3
- PDO-2599 Updated starter configuration to use LE production server for all GA and MyPing customers
- PDO-2753 PF Admin SSO Revert script update
- PDO-2758 Enabled PingAccess Admin SSO for MyPing customers
- PDO-2791 Added a script to update server profile code from one version of Beluga to another
- PDO-2810 Added a license pre-hook script that configures the DevOps user/key to use for product licenses
- PDO-2811 Change the default for the DevOps USER/KEY to SSM paths
- PDO-2826 Add replication backlog check to PD readiness check
- PDO-2837 P14C liveness probe hitting wrong URL
- PDO-2846 Updated PA to 6.3
- PDO-2872 Support PA database changed from H2 to Apache Derby
- PDO-2874 Updated the P14C bootstrap image to query the platform event queue for future updates to MyPing parameters
- PDO-2878 Update newrelic-tags-exporter image version to 1.0.5
- PDO-2885 Provide the ability to update PA/PF admin independent of engines
- PDO-2919 Fix PF's run.sh to not map SIGTERM to SIGKILL
- PDO-2935 Increase memory for FluentD to avoid memory issues in GA deployments
- PDO-2936 Error in run.sh when New Relic key isn't provided
- PDO-2941 Add New Relic support for PingCentral
- PDO-2950 Fixed error in PingDirectory's utils.lib.sh for USER_BASE_DN that's 1-level deep, e.g. o=data
- PDO-2958 newrelic-tags-exporter container crashes if 'entitlements' configmap not found
- PDO-2986 Fixed issue with P14C bootstrap image where k8s resource data for SSM params are deleted on param update
- PDO-2989 Add the Beluga version to the cluster-state and profile repos in a version.txt file
- PDO-2990 Pod startup errors due to Prometheus not being able to find jmx_export_config.yaml
- PDO-3027 Update cluster tools to version: cluster-autoscaler (1.20.0)
- PDO-3037 Update PF audit Kibana index mapping
- PDO-3038 Update PA audit Kibana index mapping
- Deploy PingCentral in P1AS customer hub clusters
- PA-WAS now verifies each individual Application exists on restarts and upgrades
- PingDirectory health checks are now performed via HTTPS
- Update a few supporting cluster tools to their latest versions
- Beluga maintained container images with built in hook scripts
- Server profiles are now seeded into a separate repository for partner access
- Add Elasticsearch wait init container to kibana manifest
- Updated cluster-autoscalar memory request/limit to 512 MB
- Fixed PD Grafana dashboard, 'Replication Backlog' metric
- Updated p14c-integration image to 1.0.28
- Upgraded PingDirectory to version
- Upgraded PingFederate to version 10.3.1
- Modify all P1AS apps to use user_id:group_id => 9031:9999
- Remove NATIVE_S3_PING as a supported JGroups discovery protocol for PF clustering
- Enabling access to the PingCentral Admin UI via PingAccess WAS
- Move DA Configuration to offline mode within PD
- Update images to pull from ECR
- PDO-700 Deploy PingCentral in P1AS customer hub clusters
- PDO-1739 Migrate to Beluga container images
- PDO-2208 Change "apiVersion" for ingress resources in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-2386 Improve upgrade of PA-WAS by making idempotent
- PDO-2387 Remove the nginx annotation service-upstream from all ingresses
- PDO-2430 Update cluster tools to latest version: cluster-autoscaler (1.17.4)
- PDO-2434 Update cluster tools to latest version: sealed-secrets-controller (0.16.0)
- PDO-2435 Update cluster tools to latest version: external-dns (0.8.0)
- PDO-2445 Logstash date parsing errors
- PDO-2462 Update cluster tools to latest version: Kibana (7.13.2)
- PDO-2463 Update cluster tools to latest version: Elasticsearch (7.13.2)
- PDO-2465 Update cluster tools to latest version: metrics-server (v0.5.0)
- PDO-2468 Update PD healthchecks to use the availability servlet
- PDO-2571 Add P1AS Branding to PF Admin Console
- PDO-2623 Separate the server profiles into its own repository for partner enablement
- PDO-2624 Restore and backup PingCentral encryption key file from S3
- PDO-2638 Update cluster tools to latest version: Logstash (7.13.2)
- PDO-2676 Update the push-cluster-state.sh script to push seed code into the new profile-repo
- PDO-2686 Provide a wrapper script in the profile-repo to update profiles from one version to another
- PDO-2687 Update update-cluster-state-wrapper.sh to seed initial customer-hub code into the CSR
- PDO-2700 Fix inconsistency in "newrelic-tags-exporter" init container between PA/PF/PD
- PDO-2705 NR agent could crash if config file contains empty tag values (Config Syntax Error))
- PDO-2708 Fix image tag kustomization in the CSR for P1AS app images
- PDO-2709 Decommission the JFrog pull cache and use public ECR for all images
- PDO-2713 Change PingCentral application password
- PDO-2715 Move DA Configuration to offline mode within PD
- PDO-2717 Adapt the Discovery service to retrieve the PingCentral database details from SSM
- PDO-2718 Allow MyPing image tags to be Kustomizable
- PDO-2721 Logstash index template didn't create during deployment
- PDO-2728 Update p14c-integration docker images in ping-cloud-base
- PDO-2739 Press more app-specific concerns into the images instead of exposing them in the profile-repo
- PDO-2741 Update cluster-autoscalar memory request/limit to 512 MB
- PDO-2740 No data on PD Grafana dashboard, 'Replication Backlog' metric
- PDO-2754 Remove NATIVE_S3_PING as a supported JGroups discovery protocol for PF clustering
- PDO-2763 Wrong way of retrieving NR account_type tag data
- PDO-2764 Upgrade PF to version 10.3.1
- PDO-2779 Implement CloudWatch for PingCentral Log Files
- PDO-2788 Upgraded PingDirectory to version
- PDO-2789 Force PingCentral to communicate to RDS using SSL connection
- PDO-2794 Enabling access to the PingCentral Admin UI via PingAccess WAS
- PDO-2806 Ensure that profile changes are being applied on a restart
- PDO-2807 Add a public NLB in the customer-hub VPC for the metadata service
- PDO-2814 Modify all P1AS apps to use user_id:group_id => 9031:9999
- PDO-2830 Set PingCentral k8s deployment strategy to Recreate
- PDO-2832 Move PingCentral v1.8.0 from edge to a stable tag
- PDO-2849 Reuse environment variables in the env_vars file in the CSR as much as possible
- PDO-2851 Cleanup PingCentral application.properties file
- PDO-2869 Change PingFederate v10.3.1-edge image tag to a stable version
- PDO-2916 Enable/or disable PingCentral development endpoints using an environment variable
- Fix a PingDirectory crash caused by the offline-enable hook script after a restart
- Remove PingFederate-P14C-Init container from secondary region
- Updated p14c-integration image to 1.0.24
- Update prometheus-json-exporter image to 1.0.3
- Upgraded PingFederate to version 10.2.4
- Capture additional logs from rebuild-index within PD
- Fixed hook script issue with updated collect-support-data tool
- PDO-2631 Upgrade PF to version 10.2.4
- PDO-2637 PingDirectroy crashloops on restart in the offline-enable hook script
- PDO-2661 Remove pingfederate-p14c-init container in secondary
- PDO-2668 Update p14c-integration docker images in ping-cloud-base to v1.0.23
- PDO-2688 Use latest prometheus-json-exporter image
- PDO-2689 Capture additional logs from rebuild-index within PD
- PDO-2690 Updating the PD and PF 82-upload-csd-s3.sh hook scripts to work with the updated collect-support-data tool
- PDO-2723 Update p14c-integration docker images in ping-cloud-base to v1.0.24
- P14c-oauth and p14c-bom controllers now restart when pingone api is inaccessible
- Preserve PingDirectory descriptor.json across CSR updates
- Added entitled-app: "true" label to PingFederate Admin and PingAccess Admin
- Updated p14c-integration image to 1.0.22
- Updated p14c-bootstrap image to 1.0.9
- Fixed external access to the PingFederate admin API
- Removing pf-referenceid-adapter-2.0.1.jar if it is found on the filesystem
- DA now creates its own Identity Mapper within PD
- Fixed issue with DA IDP Adapter Grant Mapping to handle Persistent Grant Extended Attributes
- Updated PF heap settings to match 1.7.2 values
- PDO-2203 Add liveness probe to p14c-oauth and p14c-bom controllers
- PDO-2285 Narrow Kube watch pods for Bom Controller
- PDO-2431 Update to use ingress-nginx/controller:v0.46.0
- PDO-2539 Preserve PingDirectory descriptor.json across CSR updates
- PDO-2578 Updated p14c-integration image to 1.0.20 and p14c-bootstrap image to 1.0.9
- PDO-2579 Update to use skbn v1.0.1
- PDO-2607 Fix external access to the PingFederate admin API
- PDO-2609 Removing pf-referenceid-adapter-2.0.1.jar if it is found on the filesystem
- PDO-2633 DA now creates its own Identity Mapper within PD
- PDO-2639 Update p14c-integration docker images in ping-cloud-base to v1.0.21
- PDO-2641 Fixed issue with DA IDP Adapter Grant Mapping to handle Persistent Grant Extended Attributes
- PDO-2645 Fix PF product Heap Variable Settings to return to 1.7 values
- PDO-2665 My Ping Trial deployment failure RCA - Workforce solution - p14c-e2e-reliability267-271
- Fixed Elasticsearch cluster not able to select a primary
- Removed duplicate PingDelegator logs from CloudWatch
- Reduced log output on curl calls
- Fixed the problem where PingFederate fails to crashloop pods when artifact-list.json contains improper json
- Added the pingfederate-p14c-init container to PingFederate engine nodes so that integration kits are deployed on engines
- Updated fluentd to aggregate multiline log messages
- PDO-2243 Remove duplicate messages from PingDelegator's access.log
- PDO-2308 Update PD liveness check to use an absolute path
- PDO-2335 PingFederate fails to crashloop pods when artifact-list.json contains improper json
- PDO-2399 Multi-line logs not displaying in CW properly
- PDO-2413 Remove curl progress output from logs
- PDO-2439 Elasticsearch log level to warn
- PDO-2490 Allow auto-expansion of all volumes (Elastic logging, PD, and PA/PA-WAS/PF admins)
- PDO-2507 NS 2 - Missing integration kit file in the node on CIAM environment
- Add PingDelegator 4.4.1 as a new application in P1AS
- Upgraded PingFederate to version 10.2
- Upgraded PingDirectory to version
- Option to enable Delegated Admin
- Provisioned Workforce/Customer 360 Plugins (PF Trial)
- Added a metadata service to display Ping Cloud metadata component versions
- Added PingFederate NewRelic APM Agent
- PDO-1133 Multi-Region Kubernetes DNS
- PDO-1606 DA - Create k8s ingress resource
- PDO-1607 DA - Create k8s service
- PDO-1608 DA - Create k8s Deployment
- PDO-1609 DA - Create a liveness and readiness probe
- PDO-1610 DA - Create PingDelegator environment variables configmap
- PDO-1612 DA - Integrate PingDelegator logs with AWS CloudWatch
- PDO-1615 DA - customizations to Ping Cloud templates
- PDO-1621 Add a metadata service to display Ping Cloud metadata component versions
- PDO-1638 Upgrade PF to 10.2
- PDO-1639 Beluga k8s stack fails to build with customize version >= 3.9
- PDO-1669 Provision Workforce/Customer 360 Plugins (PF Trial)
- PDO-1704 DA - Integrate PingDelegator with PingFederate
- PDO-1721 MyPing -> Ping Cloud bootstrap secrets and configuration
- PDO-1758 Create the OAuth client services controller Deployment object
- PDO-1771 Add access control to ECR registries in CSG AWS account
- PDO-1773 ECR: ensure that untagged images get periodically cleaned up
- PDO-1775 Change the JSON for the metadata service to future proof it for additional metadata
- PDO-1777 DA - Move docker image to JFrog registry
- PDO-1788 DA - Integrate PingDelegator with PingDirectory
- PDO-1801 Image tag customization broke in v1.7
- PDO-1802 Performance degradation of git-ops-command.sh due to PDO-1578
- PDO-2072 Provide patch for increasing header-size on public nginx for Kerberos
- PDO-2098 Change the image repo for the Ping Cloud monitoring image
- PDO-2122 Remove waiting on pingdirectory-0 to speed up PF bootstrap on rolling updates
- PDO-2124 ALL_MIN_SECRETS_FOUND not set when running update cluster script
- PDO-2130 DA: Create ConfigMap and Secrets to hold common variables for DA, PF, and PD
- PDO-2133 Add custom-patch-sample for schedule edits of corncobs into custom-patch-sample.yaml
- PDO-2134 Setup NR Agent for PF
- PDO-2135 Setup tags for PF APM NR
- PDO-2175 Public URL for variable PD_HTTP_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME is not set in PingCloud
- PDO-2225 p14c-bootstrap k8s: add IRSA to new Ping service account
- PDO-2234 Remove MyPing controllers from secondary regions
- PDO-2236 Remove Daily encrypted exports run in PD - redundant as backups are already taken to S3
- PDO-2252 Rebuild the indexes before starting/restarting the server
- PDO-2253 DA: Integrate administrator as the default Delegated Admin
- PDO-2254 ArgoCD: enable auto-pruning to prevent OutOfSync issues on update
- PDO-2261 Decrease PD cpu in medium/large to support new relic pods
- PDO-2279 Create PodDisruptionBudget for PF Runtime
- PDO-2280 Create PodDisruptionBudget for PA Runtime
- PDO-2281 Create PodDisruptionBudget for PD
- PDO-2296 Custom secrets printed in startup log
- PDO-2306 Long-running PD pods being OOMKilled when there is no user activity
- PDO-2314 Set data backups for PA/PF to run at the half-hour mark
- PDO-2316 Metadata pod crashing due to resource pressure
- PDO-2319 Upgrade script replaces custom-resources and custom-patches
- PDO-2320 Run PD periodic backup processes at different times to mitigate OOMKills
- PDO-2322 Add sealed-secrets annotation to argocd-secret
- PDO-2323 Hook script failed to get pod metadata when pod suffix is double digit
- PDO-2336 Adjust pod sizes. Pods being OOMKilled in dev environments
- PDO-2338 PD throws LDAP exception when PF initially deploys
- PDO-2371 Upgrade DA and PD images
- PDO-2391 Fix ACI causing UI warning in DA
- PDO-2395 Enable DA Sessions
- PDO-2415 Update to turn acl flag on for native s3
- PDO-2474 PF-admin is crashing at start-up after running environment upgrade
Increase PD pod resources to account for ad-hoc java processes
PDO-2178 PingDirectory Pods - backup processes cause pod restarts
Fixed PingFederate issue where LDAP stores added after initial bootstrap were getting removed on restart.
PDO-2125 Data loss in PF on pod rolling
- Fixed PingFederate to not allow back-channel access after revoking persistent session
- Decreased CPU requests and limits of the PingDirectory stunnel sidecar container
- Fixed the update-cluster-state-wrapper.sh script to preserve customer size
- PDO-1712 PingFederate back-channel access available even after revoking persistent session
- PDO-2068 Evaluate pod sizing for small deployment sizing
- PDO-2086 RESET_TO_DEFAULT flag of update CSR script not preserving customer size
- PDO-2094 PingDirectory backup for large backup files fails
- Upgraded PingFederate to 10.1.4
- Standardized CSD export naming convention to an easily retrievable name
- Added periodic CSD log collection for PingAccess WAS admin and engines
- Added Grafana dashboards for PingFederate and PingAccess
- Changed the default environment size to x-small for dev and test environments to reduce costs
- Replaced FluxCD with ArgoCD as the continuous delivery tool
- Enabled IAM Roles for Kubernetes Service Accounts (IRSA) to pare down pod permissions
- PDO-1030 Expose the relevant Operation Data from PingFederate through a JMX exporter
- PDO-1031 Expose the relevant Operation Data from PingAccess through a protocol that can be consumed by Prometheus
- PDO-1032 Import PingFederate Operation Data to Prometheus
- PDO-1033 Import PingAccess Operation Data to Prometheus
- PDO-1388 Standardize CSD Export naming convention to an easily retrievable name
- PDO-1390 Collect CSD data for pingaccess-was and pingaccess-was-admin
- PDO-1533 Count relevant Operational Data for PingFederate from existing logs
- PDO-1536 Count relevant Operational Data for PingAccess from existing logs
- PDO-1539 Deploy a very small deployment size as the default for dev/test
- PDO-1564 Add ArgoCD as the continuous delivery tool in Ping Cloud environments
- PDO-1569 Enable IRSA for K8s Pods to use AWS IAM role
- PDO-1570 Configure PA-WAS to proxy to the ArgoCD UI
- PDO-1578 Allow more granular upgrades of ping applications
- PDO-1664 Fix edge-case errors with push-clouster-state.sh
- PDO-1671 PingCloud deployments of Stage CDE needs to be the same size as Prod
- PDO-1722 Update PD k8s configs to use PD labels only in production
- PDO-1747 Set up a pull cache for ArgoCD images from docker.io in the JFrog mirror
- PDO-1770 Update SIEM logstash/elasticsearch images from using JFrog to ECR
- PDO-1799 Upgrade PF to 10.1.4
- PDO-1812 improper shutdowns of PF not cleaned up
- PDO-1821 Upload json_exporter Docker image to ECR
- PDO-2025 PA engine crash looping due to excessive public key creation
- PDO-2042 Change the staging directory for restore to not use the tmp file system
- PDO-2058 PD fails when changing out USER_BASE_DN
- PDO-2061 PA post-start failure does not stop the server as intended
- PDO-2066 Update script not handling files with spaces in the name
- Decreased stunnel cpu resources
- Fixed the seal.sh script, which was broken when the IRSA environment variable was made regional in v1.7.1
- PDO-2068 Evaluate pod sizing for small deployment sizing
- PDO-2067 seal.sh script broken
- Added a script to update the cluster-state repo from one release to another
- Provide extension points within k8s-configs for PS/GSO customizations
- PDO-1397 Add a script to update the cluster-state repo from one release to another
- PDO-1663 Templatize the env_vars files generated by the generate-cluster-state.sh script
- PDO-1746 Provide extension points within k8s-configs for PS/GSO customizations
- GSA images can now be pulled via the JFrog registry instead of DockerHub to prevent throttling limits
- Added PA log collection for SIEM
- Automated deployment of PA and PF customer license keys
- Updated PA-WAS, PF, and PA
- Reduced logging noise
- PDO-1357 Rename PD CSD Exports to an easily retrievable name
- PDO-1362 PA log Collection for SIEM
- PDO-1376 Rewrite SIEM filters for PD to work with log files
- PDO-1384 Ensure PD pods run on PD nodes
- PDO-1385 Always import PA admin config query key-pair on start/restart
- PDO-1389 Remove unused secrets for Kibana, Grafana, and Prometheus from ping-cloud-base
- PDO-1421 Automate deploying the customer license key for PingFederate
- PDO-1425 Automate deploying the customer license key for PingAccess
- PDO-1426 Automate configuring PingAccess customer templates
- PDO-1469 Reduce config duplication on multi-region deployments
- PDO-1481 Update cluster-autoscaler image url and decrease log level
- PDO-1482 Decrease cloudwatch-agent log level
- PDO-1487 Fix 00-ditstructure and 20-plugin-purge-sessions.dsconfig mismatch
- PDO-1493 Fix GLOBAL_TENANT_DOMAIN regardless of how customer is named in the cluster-state-repo
- PDO-1497 Upgrade PF to 10.1.2
- PDO-1498 Upgrade PA to 6.1.3
- PDO-1503 Upgrade PA-WAS to 6.13
- PDO-1515 Remove similar log messages from Ping product health checks
- PDO-1519 Move secrets to base directory since all regions must share secrets for an environment
- PDO-1522 Replace missing memory limits on PD pods and adjust MAX_HEAP_SIZE defaults
- PDO-1543 Fix CLUSTER_BUCKET_NAME is not the same between regions for multi-region environments
- PDO-1567 Pull GSA images from Frog registry
- PDO-1571 Update flux so it only has read-only access to the repo
- PDO-1572 Add PA upgrade logs to its own log stream
- PDO-1617 Fixed issue with LDAP users on PD being orphaned
- PDO-1622 Update flux to not cache docker images
- PDO-1631 Move all docker.io registry images to JFrog to avoid rate limit error
- PDO-1648 Set ARTIFACT_REPO_URL variable to be region specific
- Updated PingDirectory image to so replication initialization does not lock down a new server
- Ignoring PingDirectory topology descriptor file in single-region environments
- Fixed ability to update PingDirectory license after initial launch
- PDO-1393: update PingDirectory image to so replication initialization does not lock down a new server
- PDO-1494: Ignore PingDirectory topology descriptor file in single-region environments
- PDO-1514: Unable to update PingDirectory license after initial launch
- Added multi-region support of PD, PF, and PA
- Added periodic CSD uploads for PF admin, PA admin/engine
- Leveraged topology-aware volume provisioning for all StatefulSets
- Added Web Application Firewall to PF/PA admin UIs, Kibana, Grafana and Prometheus
- Added SIEM for PingFederate
- PDO-685 - Deploy PD in each region
- PDO-686 - Deploy PF in primary region
- PDO-687 - Deploy PF in secondary region
- PDO-688 - Deploy PA in primary region
- PDO-690 - Deploy PA in secondary region
- PDO-884 - Update generate-cluster-state.sh script to support multiple clusters
- PDO-885 - Update push-cluster-state.sh script to support multiple clusters
- PDO-886 - Update flux configuration to point to the correct directories within the cluster-state-repo for each cluster
- PDO-999 - Discovery Service - update generate-cluster-state script to remove variables with cde prefix
- PDO-1202 - PingFederate admin now creates and upload CSD regularly
- PDO-1203 - PingAccess admin/runtime now creates and upload CSD regularly
- PDO-1227 - Leveraged topology-aware volume provisioning for all StatefulSets
- PDO-1228 - Added soft affinity to PA/PF Engines for multi-region
- PDO-1242 - Enabled cluster communication between peered VPCs
- PDO-1252 - Added log level to elastic-stack application
- PDO-1259 - Removed PingDataConsole
- PDO-1262 - Added custom log function, beluga_log, to server profile hooks
- PDO-1270 - Verify config changes can occur with backups and not be deleted from S3 for PF and PA admins
- PDO-1273 - PingDirectory - update offline-enable to use cluster communication over peered-VPC vs. NLB
- PDO-1277 - PA - update hook scripts of admin and runtimes for runtimes in secondary cluster to join admin using keypair
- PDO-1276 - Update pingcommon initContainer for PD/PF/PA/PA-WAS
- PDO-1304 - Removed PA-WAS from secondary region
- PDO-1309 - Update wait-for-service initContainer to check multiple ports for PD/PF/PA/PA-WAS
- PDO-1311 - Fixed issue with warnings about env_vars file during container startup
- PDO-1317 - Increased Cert Manager resources to handle multi-region deployments
- PDO-1321 - Force PingDirectory in secondary region to wait for PingDirectory in primary region
- PDO-1331 - Created a customized hook script to support PA/PA-WAS admin and runtime liveness probe
- PDO-1332 - Fixed issue with PF pods becoming unresponsive during endurance
- PDO-1334 - Added Web Application Firewall in for PF/PA Admin UIs
- PDO-1335 - Added Web Application Firewall in for Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus
- PDO-1345 - Update PingCloud to use custom log stash images
- PDO-1346 - Fixed SIEM for PF
- PDO-1349 - Removed Calico
- PDO-1352 - Increased PA Admin requests/limits to enable successful PA version upgrades for dev/test cde environments
- PDO-1383 - Added logic to verify provided PD hostname before deploying to multi-region
- PDO-1386 - Fixed issue with SIEM logging incorrectly and being sent to CloudWatch
- PDO-1391 - Added missing index-pattern for Logstash in ELK
- PDO-1396 - Added DNS_PING with MULTI_PING to the groups stack for added reliability
- PDO-1412 - Removed the logic in server profile hook that explicitly copies config archive to PF engine drop-in-deployer directory
- PDO-1432 - Fixed incompatibility between PA Admin SSO and PA-WAS
- PDO-1435 - Fixed Logstash errors in pods
- PDO-1440 - Fixed Logstash errors in Kibana
- PDO-1453 - Added logic to Fluentd container to only log at error level
- PDO-1467 - Fixed multi-region global url into ingress service so multi-region failover works
- PDO-1468 - Fixed PD periodic backups from failing
- PDO-1474 - PD - fixed replace-profile errors when transitioning from single to multi-cluster
- PDO-1480 - After initial launch, scaling up a PD server does not initialize replication data
- Added Pingaccess-WAS deployment
- Enabled SIEM for PingDirectory
- Created Discovery Service for variable discovery across regions
- Setup use of SKBN to replace AWS specific implementation
- PDO-366 - Create K8s Deployment for internal PingAccess
- PDO-458 - Fixed PF pods not getting configuration from admin when spun up
- PDO-748 - Protect PF Admin UI
- PDO-749 - Configure P14C to generate tokens that PA WAS can consume
- PDO-753 - Set up PA Internal to allow P14C to act as Token Provider for PingCloud Web/API Security
- PDO-754 - Store P14C Token Provider Creds in PingCloud within the CDE
- PDO-757 - Protect PA Customer Admin UI
- PDO-812 - Protect Prometheus Endpoint
- PDO-839 - Discovery Service (Environment Variables for Backup & Log AWS S3 Buckets)
- PDO-857 - Edit PD Restore script to use pre/post external initialization of replication in place of scale down/up used currently
- PDO-870 - Creating Kibana dashboards
- PDO-944 - PD - Use skbn to restore and backup data/log from k8s to s3 bucket
- PDO-955 - Fixed dashboards in Grafana broken with EKS upgrade
- PDO-959 - Update ping-cloud-base to support EKS v1.16
- PDO-961 - PF- Use skbn to download artifact/archive and upload csd logs
- PDO-962 - Migration to logstash (instead fluentd)
- PDO-963 - Porting fluentd configs to logstash format
- PDO-965 - Setting up PD log collection
- PDO-966 - Setting up logstash filters
- PDO-968 - Setting up logstash outputs (including client-side SIEM env)
- PDO-969 - Creating enrichment service
- PDO-973 - Creating Bootstrap engine
- PDO-975 - Protect Grafana Endpoint
- PDO-976 - Expose PD REST API
- PDO-977 - Expose PD SCIM API
- PDO-987 - PA - Use skbn to download and restore backup
- PDO-1001 - Default PF Admins to Audit Only
- PDO-1002 - Configure PA WAS hardware and scaling requirements for multi-region
- PDO-1014 - Host skbn executables on AWS object storage service (S3 bucket)
- PDO-1022 - PF - Recover to a specified recovery point
- PDO-1037 - Fixed default PF thread count incorrect
- PDO-1045 - Elastic stack improvements
- PDO-1086 - Fixed PingFederate tried to start before a temporary instance had fully shut down.
- PDO-1087 - Synchronize supported features for PA and PF backup/restore
- PDO-1137 - Fixed Sealed-Secrets-Controller fails to generate xls cert resulting in inability to seal/unseal secrets stored for our deployment in New Launch environments
- PDO-1188 - Fixed logging in 10-configuration-overrides to provide better diagnostic information.
- PDO-1193 - 1.5: Update PD Docker Images to specified docker image and product version
- PDO-1194 - 1.5: Update PF Docker Images to specified docker image and product version
- PDO-1195 - 1.5: Update PA Docker Images to specified docker image and product version
- PDO-1197 - 1.5: PA upgrade with existing data is busted due to Docker image update
- PDO-1213 - Update critical dependencies for the v1.5 release
- PDO-1223 - Logging improvements to deployment automation hook scripts
- PDO-1251 - external-dns application log level
- PDO-1293 - Fixed PF Pods not responding to requests
- PDO-1303 - Fixed PF_LOG_LEVEL should be set to INFO by default and be overridable
- PDO-1318 - Fixed probe/liveness timeouts
- PDO-1320 - Fixed PF/PA audit log rotation
- PDO-1322 - Fixed PF pods become unresponsive during endurance
- Resolved an issue prevent access to server profiles
- PDO-1150 - Need variable replacement added for new secrets.yaml files so need .tmpl extension added in ping-cloud-base
- Fixed ingresses to force HTTP traffic to be redirected to HTTPS
- Fixed a data loss issue in PingFederate admin that was caused by switching it to use a persistent disk
- Fixed a typo in PingDirectory's BACKENDS_TO_BACKUP environment variable
- Fixed the base DN to point to the right backend in PingDirectory's purge-sessions script
- PDO-845 - PingDirectory purge-sessions script set up to use incorrect DN for the backend to be purged
- PDO-1119 - Data loss caused by switching PingFederate admin to use a persistent disk
- PDO-1123 - Fix typo in PingDirectory BACKENDS_TO_BACKUP environment variable
- PDO-1124 - HTTP ingress traffic should be redirected to use HTTPS
- Changed PingAccess 'podManagementPolicy' to 'OrderedReady' to support zero-downtime update of engines
- Fixed encryption errors encountered while restoring PingDirectory user and operational data from backups
- Disabled automatic key renewal on the Bitnami sealed-secrets controller
- PDO-1083 - PingAccess podManagementPolicy 'Parallel' tears down all engines at the same time
- PDO-1089 - Attempt to restore backups made after changing encryption-password for PingDirectory fails
- PDO-1092 - CI/CD cluster's capacity reduced by half due to PingFederate limit changes in base
- PDO-1095 - Bitnami sealed-secrets controller rotates keys every 30 days
- Updated Container Insights to silo each product log file into log streams
- Allow pre-launch configuration to be customized for PingFederate
- Added support for in-place upgrade of the PingFederate admin server
- Added support for PingAccess artifact service
- Changed the PingAccess file and database passwords from its default value
- Downsized PingDirectory persistent volume to reduce cost
- Updated PingDirectory deployment automation to remove its persistent volume on scale-down to reduce cost
- PDO-334 - Deploy PingAccess kits, plugins & jars
- PDO-335 - Update PingAccess kits, plugins & jars
- PDO-337 - Upgrade PingFederate to a later version
- PDO-504 - Allow pre-launch configuration to be customized for PingFederate
- PDO-585 - Change the default PingAccess file and database passwords
- PDO-679 - Expose prometheus outside of EKS
- PDO-790 - PingDirectory sizing changes to reduce cost
- PDO-822 - Clean-up PVCs on PingDirectory pod scale-down
- PDO-842 - Configure Container Insights to capture more logs for all Ping Products
- PDO-988 - Need to find workaround for PingDirectory failing to join topology due to duplicate entries
- PDO-1005 - PingDirectory SDK DEBUG logging should be disabled by default
- PDO-1007 - PingFederate utils method using wrong password when making admin API requests
- PDO-1008 - Add limits to PingDirectory's stats-exporter container
- PDO-1009 - PingFederate log4j2.xml org.sourceid using invalid variable
- PDO-1041 - Set limits on every Beluga deployment/statefulset spec
- PDO-1053 - Inconsistent PingAccess Artifacts between admin and engine pods
- PDO-1054 - Change imagePullPolicy to "ifNotPresent" across the board
- PDO-1058 - PingDirectory 3rd server cannot join the cluster topology
- PDO-1060 - Fix PingFederate liveness probe to better represent server state
- PDO-1061 - Allow NLB(s) to support cross-zone load balancing
- PDO-1067 - PingFederate admin cannot establish a connection to PingDirectory
- PDO-1068 - Set the artifact list to download the useful and common plugins for PingFederate
- PDO-1069 - Default PingFederate runtime pod sizing
- Fixed PingDirectory deployment automation to replace the server profile fully so that environment variable changes are always honored
- Fixed PingAccess deployment automation such that the Backup CronJob does not crash the admin server
- PDO-928 - Workaround for DS-41964: replace-profile does not honor environment variable changes
- PDO-930 - Output managed-profile logs to the container console on failure
- PDO-949 - PingAccess backup CronJob does not wait for admin to be ready and crashes admin
- Fixed PingAccess engine flapping due to HPA and Flux interfering with each other
- Fixed PingAccess deployment automation to enable verbose logging only if VERBOSE is true
- Fixed PingDirectory backup to include PingFederate data under the o=appintegrations backend
- Fixed PingDirectory rolling update to preserve the server's MAX_HEAP_SIZE setting
- Fixed PingFederate restore job to not fail if there are too many backup files
- PDO-845 - Purge sessions script purging wrong backend
- PDO-846 - Setting minReplicas 1 and maxReplicas 2 for PingAccess HPA causes second PA pod to cycle
- PDO-847 - PF Admin default bootstraping if S3 contains too many files
- PDO-862 - PA Pod horizontal auto-scale cycling too quickly under load
- PDO-900 - PA automation - enable verbose logging only if VERBOSE is true
- PDO-903 - PD backup does not include PF data under o=appintegrations
- PDO-916 - PD deployment automation: running replace-profile drops JVM heap space down to 384MB
- Added support for PingAccess deployment automation, including initial deployment of a cluster, auto-scaling, auto-healing of failed admin and engine instances, encrypted backup of the master key for disaster recovery upon instance and AZ failure
- Added the ability to capture and upload PingFederate CSD archives to S3, if using AWS
- Updated PingDirectory from to
- Updated PingFederate from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1
- Updated cluster-autoscaler from v1.13.9 to v1.14.4
- Added the ability to define service dependencies between Ping application using the WAIT_FOR_SERVICES environment variable
- PDO-143 - Recover from a disaster that occurs within an existing PingAccess deployment
- PDO-256 - Create K8s clustered deployment for PingAccess Admin and Engines
- PDO-322 - PA Clustered engine Auto-Scaling Descriptor
- PDO-376 - PA Periodically backup config
- PDO-521 - Master Key Delivery Interface for PA
- PDO-529 - Disable replication for all base DNs on pre-stop
- PDO-533 - Switch to PA 6.0.1 version
- PDO-630 - PingAccess - creating and updating engine certificates
- PDO-631 - Look into removing PingAccess server profile wait functions
- PDO-629 - PingAccess is forced to restart upon uploading engines keypair certificate
- PDO-653 - Extract PingAccess heap sizes into environment variables
- PDO-701 - Configure PingAccess Engines to use serviceAccount RBAC
- PDO-723 - WAIT_FOR_SERVICES to define service dependencies
- PDO-737 - PF CSD logs persistence to S3 bucket
- PDO-743 - PingAccess crashes upon new deployment
- PDO-750 - Switch to PF 10.0.1 version
- PDO-751 - Switch to PD version
- PDO-752 - PD Pod Image Upgrade Broken Due To Incompatible JVM Settings
- PDO-771 - Wonky issue where pingdirectory-0 pod somehow lost its password file on upgrade from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0
- PDO-776 - PingAccess 81-import-initial-configuration script isn't checking to see if keypair already exists
- PDO-792 - PingAccess upload configuration to S3 after successful deployment
- PDO-793 - Manual PD Backup fails
- PDO-794 - Redact log passwords for PingFederate and PingAccess
- PDO-795 - PW change to PA Causes Issues with Kubernetes
- PDO-797 - Periodic Upload of PF CSD Logs Failing
- PDO-810 - Cherry Pick from Master - Update PF deployment automation to upload data.zip to s3 upon start/restart
- PDO-816 - Upgrade cluster-autoscaler version to 1.14.x
- PDO-817 - Add pod anti-affinities for each ES pod to be deployed to a separate node and potentially separate AZ
- PDO-810 - Wait for the admin API to be ready before uploading data to s3
- PDO-820 - Force pod restart on PA API call failure
- Added support for P14C pass-through authentication so customer IAM admins can login to PingFederate using their CAP credentials
- Reconfigured PingFederate admin authentication to use LDAPS
- Enabled replication for o=platformconfig and o=appintegrations, where PingFederate administrative data is stored
- PDO-624 Reconfigure PF admin authentication to use LDAPS
- PDO-648 Write a pre-parse PingDirectory plugin for P14C pass-through authentication
- PDO-649 Enable replication for ou=admins,o=platformconfig on ping-cloud-base
- PDO-650 Add dsconfig to PD server profile for the pre-parse and pass-through auth plugins
- PDO-678 The appintegrations backend is not being replicated
- Added the ability to override heap size of PingDirectory via MAX_HEAP_SIZE environment variable
- Added the ability to set TLS versions and ciphers for the LDAPS endpoint via environment variables
- Added the ability in PingDirectory to automatically enable/initialize replication after baseDN is updated
- Added the ability to specify the user data backup file to restore from S3
- Added the ability to specify the PingDirectory server from which to back up user data to S3
- Fixed PingDirectory extensions to default to public if something incorrect is entered
- Fixed PingFederate administrative configuration to import on all PingDirectory servers instead of first server only
- Fixed sealed secrets to not overwrite secrets if they already exist
- PDO-561 PF administrative configuration (e.g. admin users) were only being imported on the first PD server
- PDO-564 PD extensions default to public even if something incorrect is entered
- PDO-568 PD updates to USER_BASE_DN should automatically enable/initialize replication for that baseDN
- PDO-578 Sealed secrets do not overwrite secrets if they already exist
- PDO-611 Unable to set TLS version and ciphers for the LDAPS endpoint via environment variables
- Added a Kubernetes CronJob for periodic backup of PingDirectory user data to S3, if using AWS
- Added a Kubernetes Job for manual backups of PingDirectory user data to S3, if using AWS
- Added a Kubernetes Job for restoring PingDirectory user data from S3, if using AWS
- Added support for installing and updating PingDirectory extensions, similar to PingFederate kits
- Separated the PingFederate admin configuration from customer end users in the PingDirectory DIT
- Organized the cluster state repo into branches for different environments instead of a single master branch with directories for each environment
- PDO-305 PD extensions are installed correctly
- PDO-306 PD extensions are updated correctly
- PDO-311 Able to change all user passwords for each tenant environment
- PDO-312 Able to install product licenses for each tenant environment
- PDO-314 Provide method and documentation to encrypt secrets at rest
- PDO-434 Add support for periodic backup of PD user data to S3
- PDO-435 Add a Job for restoring PD user data from S3
- PDO-436 Add a Job for backing PD user data to S3 for ClickOps
- PDO-470 Separate PD/PF profile config from data
- PDO-514 Provide a push-cluster-state.sh script that organizes cluster state repo into branches
- Added support for PingDirectory deployment automation, including initial setup of a replication topology, scaling, auto-healing of failed instances, backup/restore for disaster recovery upon instance and AZ failure and periodic collection of CSD archives
- Added support for PingFederate deployment automation, including initial deployment of a cluster, auto-scaling, auto-healing of failed admin and engine instances, encrypted backup of the master key for disaster recovery upon instance and AZ failure