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Naylib Advanced Usage Guide

Changing raylib Settings with Nim Defines

To customize raylib behavior in the Naylib wrapper, you can use Nim's --define option to enable or disable specific features. These settings are configured in the project's config.nims file.

Example Usage

To enable a feature, such as NaylibSupportAutomationEvents, add the following line to your config.nims:

switch("define", "NaylibSupportAutomationEvents")

Alternatively, you can pass it directly via the command line when invoking nim:

nim c --define:NaylibSupportAutomationEvents my_program.nim

To disable a feature, you can use:

switch("define", "NaylibSupportAutomationEvents=false")

Available Options

A full list of configurable options can be found in the rconfig.nim file. Refer to it for the supported feature flags and their descriptions: rconfig.nim.

Building for the Web (WebAssembly)

To compile your project for web browsers using WebAssembly:

  1. Install the Emscripten SDK. Follow the official Emscripten installation guide.

  2. Create a configuration file for your project. You can use this example as a starting point.

  3. Add the -d:emscripten flag when compiling, e.g., nim c -d:emscripten your_project.nim.

    This will generate the necessary files for web deployment in the public directory.

  4. To run a local web server, you can use nimhttpd (nimble install nimhttpd). Navigate to the directory containing your compiled files and run nimhttpd.

    For multithreading support (--threads:on), you need to pass the following extra arguments to nimhttpd:

    nimhttpd -H:"Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin" -H:"Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp"
  5. Open your web browser and navigate to the address printed by nimhttpd (usually localhost:1337).

    You should now be able to see your game running in the browser window!

Customizing the Web Build

When building for web, the following defines are available to customize your build:

  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGlEs3: Use WebGL 2.0 instead of WebGL 1.0 (default: WebGL 1.0)
  • -d:NaylibWebAsyncify: Enable Asyncify support for blocking operations
  • -d:NaylibWebResources: Enable filesystem and resource preloading
    • -d:NaylibWebResourcesPath="resources": Set the path to preload resources from (default: "resources")
  • --threads:on: Enable multithreading support
    • -d:NaylibWebPthreadPoolSize=N: Set the size of the pthread pool (default: 2)
  • -d:NaylibWebHeapSize=N: Set the WebAssembly heap size in bytes (default: 134217728 / 128MiB)

Building for Android

Building for Android is streamlined using the naylib-game-template repository. Follow these steps:

  1. Fork the naylib-game-template repository.

  2. Clone your forked repository and navigate to its directory.

  3. Make sure to install Java JDK and wget then, run the following Nimble tasks in order:

    nimble setupBuildEnv    # Set up Android SDK and NDK for development
    nimble setupAndroid     # Prepare raylib project for Android development
    nimble buildAndroid     # Compile and package raylib project for Android
  4. Install and run the APK on your Android device.

    Enable USB Debugging on your Android device, plug it into your computer, select File Transfer, accept the RSA key and install the package with the following command:

    nimble deploy           # Install and monitor raylib project on Android device/emulator

    Now you should be able to run your raylib game on your Android device!

Customizing the Android Build

The build_android.nims file in the naylib-game-template repository offers extensive customization options for your Android build:

  • Define target Android architectures (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86-64)
  • Set GLES and Android API versions
  • Specify locations of OpenJDK, Android SDK, and NDK on your system
  • Configure application properties such as name and icon
  • Adjust other build settings to match your project requirements

Review and modify this file to tailor the build process to your specific needs.

Choosing the OpenGL Graphics Backend Version

By default, Naylib uses OpenGL 3.3 on desktop platforms. To choose a different version, use one of the following flags when compiling:

  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGl43 (OpenGL 4.3)
  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGl33 (OpenGL 3.3 - default)
  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGl21 (OpenGL 2.1)
  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGl11 (OpenGL 1.1)
  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGlEs2 (OpenGL ES 2.0)
  • -d:GraphicsApiOpenGlEs3 (OpenGL ES 3.0)

Note: For Wayland on Linux, add the -d:wayland flag.

Important Usage Tips

Properly Calling closeWindow

Since Naylib wraps most types with Nim's destructors, closeWindow needs special attention. It should be called at the very end of your program to avoid conflicts with variables destroyed after the last statement. Here are three recommended methods:

  1. Using defer or try-finally:
initWindow(800, 450, "example")
defer: closeWindow()
let texture = loadTexture("resources/example.png")
# Game logic goes here
  1. Wrapping everything inside a game object:
  Game = object

proc `=destroy`(x: Game) =
  assert isWindowReady(), "Window is already closed"

# Prevent copying, moving, etc.
proc `=sink`(x: var Game; y: Game) {.error.}
proc `=dup`(y: Game): Game {.error.}
proc `=copy`(x: var Game; y: Game) {.error.}
proc `=wasMoved`(x: var Game) {.error.}

proc initGame(width, height, fps: int32, flags: Flags[ConfigFlags], title: string): Game =
  assert not isWindowReady(), "Window is already opened"
  initWindow(width, height, title)

let game = initGame(800, 450, 60, flags(Msaa4xHint, WindowHighdpi), "example")
let texture = loadTexture("resources/example.png")
# Game logic goes here
  1. Opening a new scope:
initWindow(800, 450, "example")
  let texture = loadTexture("resources/example.png")
  # Game logic goes here
  1. Using templates:
  screenWidth = 800
  screenHeight = 450
  windowName = "example"
  targetFramerate = 60
  flags = flags(Msaa4xHint)

template game(gameCode: untyped) =
  proc main =
    initWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, windowName)

template gameLoop(loopCode: untyped) =
  while not windowShouldClose():

  # Setup code goes here.
  let texture = loadTexture("resources/example.png")

Handling types without =copy hooks

Some types in naylib, like Texture, don't have =copy hooks. This prevents direct copying:

let texture = loadTexture("resources/example.png")
let copy = texture  # Error: '=copy' is not available for type <Texture>

To work around this, use references:

var texture: ref Texture
texture[] = loadTexture("resources/example.png")
let copy = texture  # This works, copying the reference

Remember that texture and copy will point to the same object.

Additional Tips

  • Custom Pixel Formats: To make your external type compatible with the Pixel concept, define a pixelKind template that returns the corresponding pixel format.
type RGBAPixel* = distinct byte

template pixelKind*(x: typedesc[RGBAPixel]): PixelFormat = UncompressedR8g8b8a8
  • Swapping Raymath: Raylib is designed to be independent of raymath. You can use alternative vector math libraries like vmath, geometrymath, or glm. Remember to implement converters for Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, and Matrix if you switch libraries.
converter toVector2*(v: geometrymath.Vector2[float32]): raylib.Vector2 {.inline.} =
  raylib.Vector2(x: v.x, y: v.y)

converter fromVector2*(v: raylib.Vector2): geometrymath.Vector2[float32] {.inline.} =
  geometrymath.Vector2[float32](x: v.x, y: v.y)