For the current list of Team members, see the project
The nodejs/bootstrap GitHub repository is maintained by the Team and additional Members who are added on an ongoing basis.
Team Membership is not time-limited. There is no fixed size of the Team.
There is no specific set of requirements or qualifications for Team Membership beyond these rules.
The following groups automatically have membership and can request to be added to the github team:
- Node.js Members: @nodejs/members
- JSF Project Maintainers
- Node.js Foundation Board of Directors
- JSF Board of Directors
The Team meets weekly on A designated moderator approved by the Team runs the meeting. Each meeting should be published to YouTube.
Items are added to the Team agenda that are considered contentious or are modifications of governance, contribution policy, Team membership, or release process.
The intention of the agenda is not to approve or review all patches; that should happen continuously on GitHub and be handled by the larger group of Collaborators.
Any community member or contributor can ask that something be added to the next meeting's agenda by logging a GitHub Issue. Any Collaborator, Team member or the moderator can add the item to the agenda by adding the bootstrap-agenda tag to the issue.
Prior to each Team meeting the moderator will share the agenda with members of the Team. Team members can add any items they like to the agenda at the beginning of each meeting. The moderator and the Team cannot veto or remove items.
The moderator is responsible for summarizing the discussion of each agenda item and sends it as a pull request after the meeting.
The Team follows a Consensus Seeking decision-making model.
When an agenda item has appeared to reach a consensus, the moderator will ask "Does anyone object?" as a final call for dissent from the consensus.
If an agenda item cannot reach a consensus, a Team member can call for the item to be decided by a vote or to table the issue to the next meeting. In both cases the decision must be seconded by a majority of the Team or else the discussion will continue. Simple majority wins. Only Active Members participate in a vote.
This section does not apply to the Node.js core repository. It only applies to the bootstrap repository.
Pull requests must have no objections and have been open for at least 72 hours in order to be merged into this repository. A pull request that is unable to reach consensus cannot be merged into this repository.