Get a quick overview of changes before committing them.
- Show all modified files
- Show the diff view for a file
- Stage/Unstage files
- Discard changes to a file
- Goto a file
Open the command palette and run Package Control: Install Package
, then select GitDiffView
From the command palette select: Git Diff View: Toggle
Or toggle the git diff view with ctrl+shift+g
(Linux) or alt+shift+g
The git diff view won't open if there are no git changes.
Inside the status view, the following keybindings are available:
a - stage/unstage a file
d - dismiss changes to a file
g - go to a file
Type of modification will be shown in the git status, next to the file name. Here is a list of the types:
"??" - Untracked
" A" - Added
"AM" - Added and Staged
" M" - Modified
"MM" - Modified and Staged
" D" - Deleted
" R" - Renamed
" C" - Copied
"UU" - Unmerged(Conflict)
NOTE: For other commands like
git commit
,git push
,git pull
, use a different plugin like Git or GitSavvy.