- Overhaul of the documentation that better organizes the API reference documentation, adds a User Guide with examples (including some silly examples), and provides a more concise introduction PR235
- Added ability to instantiate a swmmio.Model object with a url to a INP file somewhere on the network
- Upgrades and loosens the pyshp dependency in requiements.txt and setup.py, respectively. PR236
- Added coverage for the [OUTLETS] INP section. Now we can get a dataframe of the OUTLETS section in models with model.inp.outlets. The higher level API now also include outlets in the model.links accessor. PR229
- handled all future warnings from Pandas and a few warnings from pytest PR230
- Revised setup.py to allow networkx>3, provided by @barneydobson PR232
- Handle several Pandas FutureWarnings, provided by @dirwin5 PR224
- Fix docs build process and update docs layout and theme PR220
- Fixed typos in the README 226
- Handle depreciated delim_whitespace warnings, provided by @bowguy PR222
- Added inp coverage for CONTROLS and PATTERNS, provided by @kaklise PR219
- Made progress on #57, read/write interface to all INP sections
- PR #218 bump pillow version from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0
- PR #216 bump pillow version from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0
- PR #213 bump pillow version, drop Python 3.7 support, add 3.11 support
- PR #154 Added model summary property and RPT warning function, by @everettsp
- Fixed #210 causing readthedocs builds to fail.
- Fixed #204 causing negative offset elevations to be handled incorrectly in profile plot.
- fixed that written polygon shapefile may be not correctly loaded in ArcGIS #205
- draw_model should include all links, not just conduits #196
- include all links in draw_model, optionally return html in create_map #197
- Added inp coverage for LID_USAGE, provided by @asselapathirana PR193
- Made progress on #57, read/write interface to all INP sections
- updated AUTHORS, fixed issue causing not all contributors included in AUTHORS file #190, read/write interface to all INP sections
- Added inp coverage for DIVIDERS, LOSSES, AQUIFERS, and GROUNDWATER PR192
- Made progress on #57, read/write interface to all INP sections
- Added coverage for STREETS, INLETS, and INLET_USAGE in PR186
- Made progress on #57, read/write interface to all INP sections
- added AUTHORS, provided by @bemmcdonnel and @aerispaha in PR183
- Added coverage for TAGS, provided by @BuczynskiRafal in PR186
- Code simplification in Model.conduits PR189
- Profile wrapup by @bemcdonnell in #173
- minor tweaks for pep8 code style enforcement by @aerispaha in #178
- drop appveyor and release with GitHub Actions by @aerispaha in #179
- write_inp_section changes - don't change the Polygons header by @BuczynskiRafal in #182
- @BuczynskiRafal made their first contribution in #182
Full Changelog: https://github.com/aerispaha/swmmio/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.2
- Issue 175 - Drop Appveyor, leverage GitHub Actions for deploy logic
- Issue 172 - Improvements to Profile Plotter feature
In this release 2 issues were closed, 2 PRs were merged.
- Issue 75 - Update and unit test the run_models module
- Issue 153 - Add Profile Plotter
- PR 165 - Add profile plotter and pyswmm integration
- PR 170 - Add INP sections to model.inp properties
- raingages
- evaporation
- pollutants
- rdii
- hydrographs
- buildup
- washoff
- coverages
- loadings
- landuses
In this release 2 issues were closed, 2 PRs were merged, and a lot of progress was made on Issue 57.
- Issue 162 - fix version number in readthedocs title
In this release 1 issues was closed.
- Issue 159 - Drop travis CI from the build pipeline
- Issue 157 - Configure GitHub Actions test matrix
- Issue 141 - model.inp.headers gives "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'h' referenced before assignment"
- Include core.py doctests in GitHub Actions and Appveyor build tests
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- Issue 151 - Model.nodes.geojson coordinates are improperly structured
In this release 1 issues were closed.
- Issue 150 - add DWF to inp module
- Issue 148 - pyproj>=3.0.0 needed in setup.py
- Update test environment to Python 3.8
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- Issue 108 - rpt.node_flooding_summary fails when no nodes are flooded
- Issue 146 - add optional custom basemap to create_map function
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- Issue 142 - fails to parse RPT when generated with Open Water Analytics SWMM
In this release 1 issues were closed.
- Issue 134 - update export_to_shapefile to handle changes to pyshp API
In this release 1 issues were closed.
- Issue 130 - model.inp.infiltration yielding IndexError: list index out of range
- Issue 131 - KeyError 'Horton' while extracting data
- Issue 132 - Weir Dataframe Problem
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- Issue 128 - Docs build fails due to m2r dependency
- PR 127 - Define max_columns option as a display option
- PR 117 - Speeding up lookup of inp sections and bracketed words
In this release 3 issues was closed.
- Issue 121 - Errors when overwrite the [OPTIONS] Sections
In this release 1 issue was closed.
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- PR 113 - Read/write timeseries section of inp, by @jackieff
- PR 112 - Fixing setter references, by @jackieff
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 106 - model.subcatchments fails to merge rpt data when subcatchments have numeric names
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- Issue 103 - coords column is not updated in subcatchment dataframe in ModelSection object when index is integer instead of string (PR 105)
- Issue 102 - IndexError when parsing certain .rpt files (PR 105)
In this release 2 issues were closed.
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 100 - ModelSection fails when a section has all numeric element IDs
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- Issue 93 - dataframe_from_rpt fails if more than one element is provided in the section
- Issue 94 - remove obsolete swmmio.graphics.animate module
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- Issue 90 - changing an inp section removes all subsequent sections during model.inp.save()
- Issue 87 - Model.subcacthments() fails in models with no subcatchments
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- Issue 85 - provide access to model.subcatchments.geojson
- Issue 82 - "vc_dir" artifact lingers after some unit tests
- Issue 81 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] inp_sections.yml
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- Issue 77 - add node inflow report into nodes dataframe
- Issue 65 - Add auto release logic to appveyor.yml
- Issue 50 - Support for adding/joining models
- Issue 38 - Add readthedocs (PR 42)
- Issue 36 - Optionally specify which attributes to return in model.conduits() ?
- Issue 31 - Return GeoJSON representation of Model
- Issue 18 - considered using GeoPandas for spatial functions?
- Issue 64 - Pandas 0.25.x drops support for Python 2.7
- Issue 61 - error "no module named swmmio" (PR 63)
- Issue 59 - parsing fails when TITLE section has commas
- Issue 45 - future warning from pandas
In this release 11 issues were closed.
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 74 - drop support of Python 2.7 (PR 73)
- Issue 72 - update pillow dependency (PR 73)
- Issue 71 - require networkx >2.4 (PR 73)
In this release 3 issues were closed.
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 24 - Assumed column data-type of elements with all numeric values causes conflicts (PR 56)
- Issue 16 - problem with ImageFont.py (PR 54)
- Issue 9 - options in swmmio.graphics (PR 54)
- Issue 8 - version_control module fails in directories with spaces in the path (PR 56)
- Issue 53 - include test models in package distribution
- Issue 47 - Set and reproject a model's coordinate reference system (PR 48)
- Issue 44 - Alleviate Pandas .ix indexing depreciation warning (PR 48)
- Issue 12 - Standardize the organization of the main and submodules (PR 48)
- Issue 9 - options in swmmio.graphics (PR 54)
- Issue 51 - invalid import in swmmio.utils.modify_model
- Issue 49 - Some coordinates are being rounded
- Issue 24 - Assumed column data-type of elements with all numeric values causes conflicts (PR 56)
- Issue 16 - problem with ImageFont.py (PR 54)
- Issue 8 - version_control module fails in directories with spaces in the path (PR 56)
In this release 14 issues were closed.
- PR 56 - Refactoring graphics, build instructions tests and bug fix (9, 8, 24, 16)
- PR 54 - Refactoring swmmio graphics (9, 16)
- PR 48 - Improved import pattern, coordinate ref system support (47, 45, 45, 44, 12)
In this release 3 pull requests were closed.