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+Instructions - click to expand
+- Fork the rfcs repo: https://github.com/pytorch/rfcs
+- Copy `RFC-0000-template.md` to `RFC-00xx-my-feature.md`, or write your own open-ended proposal. Put care into the details.
+- Submit a pull request titled `RFC-00xx-my-feature`.
+ - Assign the `draft` label while composing the RFC. You may find it easier to use a WYSIWYG editor (like Google Docs) when working with a few close collaborators; feel free to use whatever platform you like. Ideally this document is publicly visible and is linked to from the PR.
+ - When opening the RFC for general discussion, copy your document into the `RFC-00xx-my-feature.md` file on the PR and assign the `commenting` label.
+- Build consensus for your proposal, integrate feedback and revise it as needed, and summarize the outcome of the discussion via a [resolution template](https://github.com/pytorch/rfcs/blob/rfc-process/RFC-0000-template.md#resolution).
+ - If the RFC is idle here (no activity for 2 weeks), assign the label `stalled` to the PR.
+- Once the discussion has settled, assign a new label based on the level of support:
+ - `accepted` if a decision has been made in the RFC
+ - `draft` if the author needs to rework the RFC’s proposal
+ - `shelved` if there are no plans to move ahead with the current RFC’s proposal. We want neither to think about evaluating the proposal
+nor about implementing the described feature until some time in the future.
+- A state of `accepted` means that the core team has agreed in principle to the proposal, and it is ready for implementation.
+- The author (or any interested developer) should next open a tracking issue on Github corresponding to the RFC.
+ - This tracking issue should contain the implementation next steps. Link to this tracking issue on the RFC (in the Resolution > Next Steps section)
+- Once all relevant PRs are merged, the RFC’s status label can be finally updated to `closed`.
+# Automatic Implicit Differentiation
+_Author’s note—This RFC is a work-in-progress._
+## Authors
+* Allen Goodman ([@0x00b1](https://github.com/0x00b1))
+## Summary
+Combine the
+[implicit function theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_function_theorem)
+and automatic differentation to unify and expand PyTorch optimization module
+### Example
+Users define an objective function to capture the optimality conditions of their
+import functorch
+from torch import Tensor
+def f(x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ …
+g = functorch.grad(objective, argnums=0)
+*`torch.optim` would provide a robust set of operations to easily express `g`.*
+`g` is passed to the `@torch.optim.zero` decorator and the decorator is prepended to a differentiable solver:
+def h(x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ …
+PyTorch will combine the implicit function theorem and automatic differentation of `g` to automatically differentiate the solution:
+functorch.jacrev(h, argnums=0)(y, 10.0)
+*`torch.optim` would provide a robust set of solvers*
+## Motivation
+Automatic differentiation encourages PyTorch users to express complex computations by creatively composing elementary computations, removing the tediousness of manually computing derivatives. It’s *the* fundamental feature of PyTorch. Meanwhile, the differentiation of optimization solutions has become fundamental to machine learning practitioners. A prominent example is bi-level optimization, computing the derivatives of an inner optimization problem to solve an outer one. Applications in machine learning include hyper-parameter optimization, neural networks, and meta learning. Unfortunately, optimization solutions usually do not enjoy an explicit formula for their inputs, so these functions cannot use automatic differentiation. Two strategies have been used in recent years to circumvent this problem.
+The first strategy, unrolling the iterations of an optimization method using the final iteration as a proxy for the solution, enables the explicit construction of an automatically differentiable graph. But, unrolling requires reimplementing the optimization method using automatically differentiable operators, and many algorithms are unfriendly to automatic differentiation. Furthermore, forward-mode automatic differentiation has a time complexity that scales linearly with the number of variables, and reverse-mode automatic differentiation has a memory complexity that scales linearly with the number of iterations.
+The second strategy, implicitly relating an optimization solution to its inputs using optimality conditions, is comparatively advantageous since reimplementation is unnecessary. In machine learning, implicit differentiation is successfully used in stationarity conditions, Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions, and the proximal gradient methods. Yet, implicit differentiation has, so far, remained difficult to use for practitioners, as it requires case-by-case, tedious mathematical derivation and implementation.
+Here, I'll propose the adoption of a third strategy, automatic implicit differentiation, an approach that adds implicit differentiation to existing optimization methods. First, the practitioner defines a mapping, $F$, that captures the optimality conditions of the problem solved by the algorithm. Next, the automatic differentiation of $F$ is combined with the implicit function theorem to differentiate the optimization solution automatically. This strategy is generic yet exploits the efficiency of state-of-the-art optimization methods. Moreover, it combines the benefits of both implicit differentiation and automatic differentiation. It could achieve for optimization solutions what automatic differentiation did for computational graphs.
+This strategy was first summarized in the following paper:
+ title={Efficient and Modular Implicit Differentiation},
+ author={Blondel, Mathieu and Berthet, Quentin and Cuturi, Marco and Frostig, Roy
+ and Hoyer, Stephan and Llinares-L{\'o}pez, Felipe and Pedregosa, Fabian
+ and Vert, Jean-Philippe},
+ journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.15183},
+ year={2021}
+It is _the_ primary reference for this proposal.
+## Notation
+Hessian of $f$: $\mathbb{R}^{d}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ evaluated at $x\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ by $\nabla f\left(x\right)\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ and $\nabla^{2}f\left(x\right)\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$.
+Jacobian of $F$: $\mathbb{R}^{d} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{p}$ evaluated at $x\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ by $\partial{F\left(x\right)}\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times d}$.
+If $f$ or $F$ have several arguments, the gradient is denoted, Hessian and Jacobian, in the $i^{\text{th}}$ argument by $\nabla_{i}$, $\nabla_{i}^{2}$, and $\partial_{i}$.
+The standard simplex is denoted:
+$$\Delta^{d} := \left\\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^{d} : ||x||_{1} = 1, x \geq 0 \right\\}.$$
+For any set $C \subset \mathbb{R}^{d}$, the indicator function, $I_{C}$, is denoted:
+$$\mathbb{R}^{d} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \cup \left\\{ +\infty \right\\}$$
+where $I_{C}\left(x \right) = 0$ if $x \in C$, $I_{C}\left(x \right) = +\infty$ otherwise.
+For a vector or matrix, $A$, we note $||A||$ the Frobenius (or Euclidean) norm, and $||A||_{\text{operator}}$ the operator norm.
+## Proposal
+### Overview
+#### Zero of a Function
+$F$: $\mathbb{R}^{d} \times \mathbb{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d}$ is a map, capturing the optimality conditions.
+An optimal solution, $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$, should be a [zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_of_a_function) of $F$:
+$$F\left ( x^{\ast}\left ( \theta \right ), \theta \right ) = 0.$$
+$x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ is an implicitly defined function of $\theta \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ (i.e. $x^{\ast}: \mathbb{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d}$).
+For $(x_{0}, \theta_{0})$, satisfying $F(x_{0}, \theta_{0}) = 0$ with a continuously differentiable $F$, if the Jacobian $\partial_{1}F$, evaluated at $(x_{0}, \theta_{0})$, is a square invertible matrix, then, by the implicit function theorem, there exists a function $x^{\ast}\left(\cdot \right)$ defined on a neighborhood of $\theta_{0}$ such that $x^{\ast}\left ( \theta_{0} \right ) = x_{0}$.
+For all $\theta$ in this neighborhood, $F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) = 0$ and $\partial x^{\ast}(\theta)$ exists.
+Using the chain rule, the Jacobian $\partial x^{\ast}(\theta)$ satisfies:
+$$\partial_{1}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) \partial x^{\ast}(\theta)+\partial_{2}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) \partial x^{\ast}(\theta)=0.$$
+Comparing $\partial x^{\ast}(\theta)$ is the resolution of the linear system of equations:
+$$-\partial_{1}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) \partial x^{\ast}(\theta) = \partial_{2}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta).$$
+When $F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) = 0$ is a one-dimensional root-finding problem, $d = 2$, the linear system of equations:
+$$-\partial_{1}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta) \partial x^{\ast}(\theta) = \partial_{2}F(x^{\ast}(\theta), \theta).$$
+is straightforward because we have $\nabla x^{\ast}(\theta) = \frac{B^{\top}}{A}$, where $A$ is a scalar.
+Many existing and new implicit differentiation methods reduce to this principle. This strategy is efficient as it can be added to any solver and modular as the optimality condition is decoupled from the implicit differentiation method.
+#### Fixed Point
+In many applications, $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ is instead implicitly defined through a fixed point:
+where $T$: $\mathbb{R}^{d} \times \mathbb{R}^{n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d}$. This can be seen as a particular case of (1) by defining the residual:
+In this case, when $T$ is continuously differentiable, using the chain rule:
+#### JVP and VJP
+In most practical scenarios, it is not necessary to explicitly form the Jacobian matrix, and instead it is sufficient to left-multiply or right-multiply by $\partial_{1}F$ and $\partial_{2}F$. These are called vector-Jacobian product (VJP) and Jacobian-vector product (JVP), and are useful for integrating $x^{\ast}(\theta)$ with reverse-mode and forward-mode autodiff, respectively. Oftentimes, $F$ will be explicitly defined. In this case, computing the VJP or JVP can be done by automatic differentiation. In some cases, $F$ may itself be implicitly defined, for instance when $F$ involves the solution of a variational problem. In this case, computing the VJP or JVP will itself involve implicit differentiation.
+The right-multiplication (JVP) between $J = \partial x^{\ast}(\theta)$ and a vector $v$, $J_{v}$, can be computed efficiently by solving $A(J_{v})=B_{v}$. The Left-multiplication (VJP) of $v^{\top}$ with $J$, $v^{\top}J$, can be computed by first solving $A^{\top}u=v$. Then, we can obtain $v^{\top}J$ by $v^{\top}J$ by $v^{\top}J=u^{\top}AJ=u{\top}B$. When $B$ changes but $A$ and $v$ remain the same, you do not need to solve $A^{\top}u=v$ once again. This allows to compute VJP in regard to different variables while solving only one linear system.
+To solve these linear systems, we can use the conjugate gradient method when $A$ is symmetric positive semi-definite and GMRES or BiCGSTAB otherwise. These algorithms are all matrix-free: they only require matrix-vector products. Thus, all we need from $F$ is its JVPs or VJPs. An alternative to GMRES and BiCGSTAB is to solve the normal equation $AA^{\top}u=Av$ using conjugate gradient. This can be implemented using the transpose operator. In case of non-invertibility, a common heuristic is to solve a least squares $\operatorname{min}_{J}||AJ-B||^ {2}$ instead.
+#### Pre-Processing and Post-Processing Mappings
+Oftentimes, the goal of a practitioner is not to differentiate $\theta$ per se, but the parameters of a function producing $\theta$.
+One example of such pre-processing is to convert the parameters to be differentiated from one form to another canonical form, such as quadratic or conic programs. Another example is when $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ is used as the output of a neural network layer, in which case $\theta$ is produced by the previous layer. Likewise, $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ will often not be the final output we want to differentiate. One example of such post-processing is when $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ is the solution of a dual program and we apply the dual-primal mapping to recover the solution of the primal program. Another example is the application of a loss function, in order to reduce $x^{\ast}\left(\theta\right)$ to a scalar value.
+PyTorch should leave the differentiation of such pre-and-post-processing mappings to the automatic differentiation system, allowing to compose functions in complex ways.
+### Examples
+#### Gradients
+##### Mirror Descent
+#### Newton’s Method
+Let $x$ be a root of $G(\cdot, \theta)$, i.e., $(Gx, \theta) = 0$. The fixed point iteration of Newton’s method for root-finding is:
+Applying the chain and product rules:
+$$\partial_{1}T(x, \theta)= I - \eta(\cdots)G(x, \theta) - \eta[\partial_{1}G(x, \theta)]^{-1} \partial_{1} G (x, \theta) = (1 - \eta)^{I}.$$
+So $A = -\partial_{1} F (x, \theta) = \eta I$. Similarly:
+$$B=\partial_{2}T(x,\theta)=\partial_{2}F(x,\theta)=-\eta[\partial_{1}G(x,\theta)]^{-1}\partial_{2}G(x, \theta).$$
+Newton’s method is obtained by $G(x, \theta) = \delta_{1}f(x, \theta)$, yielding:
+A practical implementation can pre-compute an LU decomposition ([torch.linalg.lu](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.linalg.lu.html#torch.linalg.lu)) of $\partial_{1}G(x,\theta)$ or a Cholesky decomposition ([torch.linalg.cholesky](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.linalg.cholesky.html#torch.linalg.cholesky)) if, and only if, $\partial_{1}G(x,\theta)$ is positive and semi-definite.
+#### Convex Optimization
+##### Frank–Wolfe
+### Implementation
+#### Decorators
+##### `@torch.optim.zero`
+from typing import Callable
+def zero(f: Callable, g: Callable):
+ """
+ Add implicit differentiation to a zero method.
+ Args:
+ f: equation, ``f(parameters, *args)``.
+ Invariant is ``f(solution, *args) == 0`` at ``solution``.
+ g: linear solver of the form ``g(a, b)``.
+ Returns:
+ A solver function decorator, i.e., ``zero(f)(g)``.
+ """
+ pass
+When a solver function is decorated with `@torch.optim.zero`, PyTorch adds custom JVP and VJP methods to the [Function](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/autograd.html#torch.autograd.Function) instance, overriding PyTorch’s default behavior. Linear system solvers based on matrix-vector products are used and only need access to $F$ through the JVP or VJP with $\partial_{1}F$ and $\partial_{2}F$.
+$F$ including a gradient map $\nabla_{1}f(x, \theta)$ is not an issue since PyTorch transparently supports higher-order derivatives.
+##### `@torch.optim.fixed_point`
+from typing import Callable
+def fixed_point(f: Callable, g: Callable):
+ """
+ Add implicit differentiation to a fixed point method.
+ Args:
+ f: equation, ``f(parameters, *args)``.
+ Invariant is ``f(solution, *args) == 0`` at ``solution``.
+ g: linear solver of the form ``g(a, b)``.
+ Returns:
+ A solver function decorator, i.e., ``fixed_point(f)(g)``.
+ """
+ pass
+#### Constrained Optimization
+#### Stochastic Optimization
+#### Root-Finding
+#### Non-Linear Least Squares
+## Metrics
+What are the main metrics to measure the value of this feature?
+## Drawbacks
+Are there any reasons why we should not do this? Here we aim to evaluate risk and check ourselves.
+Please consider:
+* is it a breaking change?
+* Impact on UX
+* implementation cost, both in terms of code size and complexity
+* integration of this feature with other existing and planned features
+* The automatic implicit differentiation strategy _theoretically_ only applies
+ to situations where the implicit function theorem is valid, namely, where
+ optimality conditions satisfy the differentiability and invertibility
+ conditions. While this covers a wide range of situations, even for
+ non-smooth optimization problems (e.g., under mild assumptions the
+ solution of a Lasso regression can be differentiated a.e. with respect to
+ the regularization parameter), this strategy could be extended to handle
+ cases where the differentiability and invertibility conditions are not
+ satisfied (e.g., using non-smooth implicit function theorems).
+## Alternatives
+What other designs have been considered? What is the impact of not doing this?
+## Prior Art
+Discuss prior art (both good and bad) in relation to this proposal:
+* Does this feature exist in other libraries? What experience has their community had?
+* What lessons can be learned from other implementations of this feature?
+* Published papers or great posts that discuss this
+### CasADi
+> CasADi is an open-source tool for nonlinear optimization and algorithmic
+> differentiation. It facilitates rapid — yet efficient — implementation of
+> different methods for numerical optimal control, both in an offline
+> context and for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC).
+### JAXopt
+## How we teach this
+* What names and terminology work best for these concepts and why? How is this idea best presented?
+* Would the acceptance of this proposal mean the PyTorch documentation must be re-organized or altered?
+* How should this feature be taught to existing PyTorch users?
+## Unresolved questions
+* What parts of the design do you expect to resolve through the RFC process before this gets merged?
+* What parts of the design do you expect to resolve through the implementation of this feature before stabilization?
+* What related issues do you consider out of scope for this RFC that could be addressed in the future independently of the solution that comes out of this RFC?
+## Resolution
+We decided to do it. X% of the engineering team actively approved of this change.
+### Level of Support
+Choose one of the following:
+* 1: Overwhelming positive feedback.
+* 2: Positive feedback.
+* 3: Majority Acceptance, with conflicting Feedback.
+* 4: Acceptance, with Little Feedback.
+* 5: Unclear Resolution.
+* 6: RFC Rejected.
+* 7: RFC Rejected, with Conflicting Feedback.
+#### Additional Context
+Some people were in favor of it, but some people didn’t want it for project X.
+### Next Steps
+Will implement it.
+#### Tracking issue
+#### Exceptions
+Not implementing on project X now. Will revisit the decision in 1 year.