NAME: skeleton-vw-es5-angular-gulp
AUTHOR: Pradeep Sekar
AWS STAGING (develop):
Install the latest LTS version of node and it's package manager, which can be found here (which were 8.9.1 and 5.5.1 at the time of writing this document). Once node in installed on your machine, open the terminal or command prompt and run the command npm install -g bower to install bower and then run the command npm install -g gulp to install gulp.
Open the terminal or command prompt at the root folder /web/, and run the command npm install, followed by the command bower install. Once installation of both, the node modules and the bower components are complete, run the command gulp. This will start a local server on port: 8000 and also start watchers to watch for changes on all relevant files and assets inside /web/src/.
You can optionally also run the command gulp dev or gulp prod to indicate development or production mode. The default mode is development, which injects unminifed source files from /web/src/ into index.html. The production mode will inject minified source files from /web/dist/, and in addition to that, also strip out all the comments and console statements.
There are two AWS S3 buckets that have been configured for this project, one on develop and another on master.
If you are on a feature branch and want to deploy to the bucket configured on develop, then merge your feature branch into develop through a pull request and get it approved by at least one other developer. Once the pull request is approved, merged and commited into develop, Codeship will automatically compile, bundle and build the neccessary files and deploy it to the relevant bucket configured on that branch (links listed at the top).
If you are on develop and want to deploy to the bucket configured on master, then use git flow to create a new release branch from develop and merge the release branch into master. Once the release is merged and commited into master, Codeship will automatically compile, bundle and build the neccessary files and deploy it to the relevant bucket configured on that branch (links listed at the top).
Note: If you want a new AWS S3 bucket created on a specific feature branch that you are currently working on, contact a senior developer who has admin access, to create and configure one for you.