My personal website for My Blog
This site is firstly built by Evan-Yang
- 🔎 Automated
- 📚 Markdown read time calculation
- 👨💻 Code file name and language support
- 🧩 Automatic Server Side Icon Resolving (no FOUC), powered by iconify & unplugin-icons
- 🤖 Sitemap.xml and feed generation
- 🍞 Automatic breadcrumbs (with
- 🤝 Integrated with @nuxt/image, images served with cloudinary
- Automatic routes based on content /w 404 handling
- Automatic navigation generation
- Easy content composables
- Fully typed content
- Split pages/posts for easier content organisation
- line-md icons by cyberalien
- pnpm
- WindiCSS
- Eslint with @antfu/eslint-config
- SEO / i18n best practices
- Fathom analytics
- Vercel hosted
Make sure to install the dependencies:
pnpm i
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
pnpm dev