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Ingest data using an extensive data source and transport it into a storage. Coding assessment for


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Bita data ingestion

Ingest data using an extensive data source and place it into a data repository.

The assessment is based on Python, the solution has a naive implementation and there is no exist a "strong" optimization implemented.

A constraint for this project expose that the implementation won't use COPY or any bulk import mechanism that is native to Postgres.



If you want to start the project, go ahead and observe the Execution flow. My recommendation is to read this if it is your first time around here.

Data flow

The data flow goes in this way:

  • A clean of the data repository is conducted;
  • Read of the entire file;
  • Data connection (there is no existence of a connection pool);
  • A data repository where to insert data will be allowed to store the rows collected;
    • A chunk is used in order to "limit" the quantity of rows to pass to the SQL transaction.

Project structure

.docker/            --> Directory that contain the configuration used by "Docker".
    db-postgres/    --> Directory where to store the `.sql` files, currently a DML was created.
    database/       --> Database connection configuration.
    ingest/         --> Directory to place the data ingestion responsibility.
    public/data/    --> Directory to place the public data to be used during the data ingestion.
    repository/     --> Directory to place the repository layer.
    store/          --> Directory to place the storage location responsibility.

Execution flow

# Clone the project.
git clone x

# Copy and fill up the environment variables.
cp .docker/.env.dist .docker/.env

docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml build

# Ref:
# Starts the containers in the background and leaves them running.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml up --detach

# Or, run the `db` service only.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml up db --detach

# Execution examples:

# Run the help argument.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli python3 --help

# Run the clean and insert data flows.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli python3 \
    --csv public/data/stockExample.csv

# Run this if your data input has many rows. Increment the chunk argument as you want.
# Keep in mind that there is not optimization and a well-resource approach is no implemented (yet).
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli python3 \
    --chunk 250000 \
    --csv public/data/stockExample.csv

# Run only the data insertion flow.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli python3 \
    --clean false \
    --csv public/data/stockExample.csv \
    --insert true

# Run only the data insertion flow, chunk size is set to 1000 rows.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli python3 \
    --chunk 1000 \
    --clean false \
    --csv public/data/stockExample.csv \
    --insert true

Docker information

As I am using Docker for containerization purposes, during my development flow I have this versions on my host machine.

# `docker --version`
Docker version 24.0.5, build ced0996

# `docker compose version`
Docker Compose version v2.20.2-desktop.1


The next comparison of chunks where called "benchmarks". The hardware use is the next one:

  • CPU: M1 Pro;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • SSD as hard disk drive.

The Docker Desktop that I have been use has a limit of 5 Cores and 8 GB of RAM for the containers that runs this tests:

Rows Using DB index No DB index
100.000 34.030 secs. 0.8436 secs.
300.000 118.5797 secs. 4.7773 secs.
500.000 168.2027 secs. 6.8604 secs.
700.000 237.8263 secs. 14.3700 secs.
1.000.000 186.8643 secs. 16.8604 secs.
5.000.000 Unknown secs. Unknown secs.

The time shown in the previous table is approximate, feel free to run it on your own hardware.

For the last insertion stage a few exceptions where experienced and no solution where implemented yet.


  • There is no:
    • A SQL injection verification, the .csv can damage the entire data infrastructure layer;
    • The typical "virtual environment" approach, please use the containerization technology in order to avoid damage on your own host.
    • Unit testing implemented;
    • Code quality assurance as "cyclomatic complexity" or "static code analysis" where used so there is not warranty to follow all the PEP recommendations.
  • I have in mind to create a few more static classes in order to follow the "Strategy" software design pattern.
    • "Strategy Design Principle: Favor composition over inheritance".

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Ingest data using an extensive data source and transport it into a storage. Coding assessment for








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