The Counter component is used for when it's necessary to count something. For example in a CartItem component, when you need to add more or remove product items count.
import { Counter } from 'react-powerplug'
<Counter initial={0}>
{({ count, inc, dec }) => (
productName="Lorem ipsum"
initial = 0 (optional)
Specifies the initial count state, must be an number.
By default, the initial count state is 0.
onChange (optional)
The onChange event of the Counter is called whenever the count state changes.
TL;DR: { count, inc, dec }
Your count state
(value: number = 1) => void
Increase your count state by value
The default value
is 1, so you can omit argument if you want.
inc(2) // will increase count by 2
inc(1) // will increase count by 1
inc() // will increase count by 1
(value: number = 1) => void
Decrease your count state by value
The default value
is 1, so you can omit argument if you want.
dec(2) // will decrease count by 2
dec(1) // will decrease count by 1
dec() // will decrease count by 1