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Releases: redpanda-data/connect


18 Mar 10:01
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • Field credit added to the amqp_1 input to specify the maximum number of unacknowledged messages the sender can transmit.
  • Bloblang now supports root-level if statements.
  • New experimental sql cache.
  • Fields batch_size, sort and limit added to the mongodb input.
  • Field idemponent_write added to the kafka output.


  • The default value of the input has changed from 1 to 64.
  • The mongodb processor and output now support extended JSON in canonical form for document, filter and hint mappings.
  • The open_telemetry_collector tracer has had the url field of gRPC and HTTP collectors deprecated in favour of address, which more accurately describes the intended format of endpoints. The old style will continue to work, but eventually will have its default value removed and an explicit value will be required.


  • Resource config imports containing % characters were being incorrectly parsed during unit test execution. This was a regression introduced in v4.25.0.
  • Dynamic input and output config updates containing % characters were being incorrectly parsed. This was a regression introduced in v4.25.0.

The full change log can be found here.


01 Mar 20:15
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


The full change log can be found here.


01 Mar 10:43
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • Field address_cache added to the socket_server input.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • All inputs with a codec field now support a new field scanner to replace it. Scanners are more powerful as they are configured in a structured way similar to other component types rather than via a single string field, for more information check out the scanners page.
  • New diff and patch Bloblang methods.
  • New processors processor.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • A debug endpoint /debug/pprof/allocs has been added for profiling allocations.
  • New cockroachdb_changefeed input.
  • The open_telemetry_collector tracer now supports sampling.
  • The aws_kinesis input and output now support specifying ARNs as the stream target.
  • New azure_cosmosdb input, processor and output.
  • All sql_* components now support the gocosmos driver.
  • New opensearch output.


  • The javascript processor now handles module imports correctly.
  • Bloblang if statements now provide explicit errors when query expressions resolve to non-boolean values.
  • Some metadata fields from the amqp_1 input were always empty due to type mismatch, this should no longer be the case.
  • The zip Bloblang method no longer fails when executed without arguments.
  • The amqp_0_9 output no longer prints bogus exchange name when connecting to the server.
  • The generate input no longer adds an extra second to interval: '@every x' syntax.
  • The nats_jetstream input no longer fails to locate mirrored streams.
  • Fixed a rare panic in batching mechanisms with a specified period, where data arrives in low volumes and is sporadic.
  • Executing config unit tests should no longer fail due to output resources failing to connect.


  • The parse_parquet Bloblang function, parquet_decode, parquet_encode processors and the parquet input have all been upgraded to the latest version of the underlying Parquet library. Since this underlying library is experimental it is likely that behaviour changes will result. One significant change is that encoding numerical values that are larger than the column type (float64 into FLOAT, int64 into INT32, etc) will no longer be automatically converted.
  • The parse_log processor field codec is now deprecated.
  • WARNING: Many components have had their underlying implementations moved onto newer internal APIs for defining and extracting their configuration fields. It's recommended that upgrades to this version are performed cautiously.
  • WARNING: All AWS components have been upgraded to the latest client libraries. Although lots of testing has been done, these libraries have the potential to differ in discrete ways in terms of how credentials are evaluated, cross-account connections are performed, and so on. It's recommended that upgrades to this version are performed cautiously.

The full change log can be found here.


19 Feb 08:39
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v4.25.0-rc2 Pre-release

For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.

NOTE: This is a release candidate, you can download a binary from this page or pull a docker image from with the specific tag of the release candidate.


  • Field address_cache added to the socket_server input.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • All inputs with a codec field now support a new field scanner to replace it. Scanners are more powerful as they are configured in a structured way similar to other component types rather than via a single string field, for more information check out the scanners page.
  • New diff and patch Bloblang methods.
  • New processors processor.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • A debug endpoint /debug/pprof/allocs has been added for profiling allocations.
  • New cockroachdb_changefeed input.
  • The open_telemetry_collector tracer now supports sampling.
  • The aws_kinesis input and output now support specifying ARNs as the stream target.


  • The javascript processor now handles module imports correctly.
  • Bloblang if statements now provide explicit errors when query expressions resolve to non-boolean values.
  • Some metadata fields from the amqp_1 input were always empty due to type mismatch, this should no longer be the case.
  • The zip Bloblang method no longer fails when executed without arguments.
  • The amqp_0_9 output no longer prints bogus exchange name when connecting to the server.
  • The generate input no longer adds an extra second to interval: '@every x' syntax.
  • The nats_jetstream input no longer fails to locate mirrored streams.
  • Fixed a rare panic in batching mechanisms with a specified period, where data arrives in low volumes and is sporadic.


  • The parse_parquet Bloblang function, parquet_decode, parquet_encode processors and the parquet input have all been upgraded to the latest version of the underlying Parquet library. Since this underlying library is experimental it is likely that behaviour changes will result. One significant change is that encoding numerical values that are larger than the column type (float64 into FLOAT, int64 into INT32, etc) will no longer be automatically converted.
  • The parse_log processor field codec is now deprecated.
  • WARNING: Many components have had their underlying implementations moved onto newer internal APIs for defining and extracting their configuration fields. It's recommended that upgrades to this version are performed cautiously.

The full change log can be found here.


12 Feb 15:13
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v4.25.0-rc1 Pre-release

For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • Field address_cache added to the socket_server input.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • All inputs with a codec field now support a new field scanner to replace it. Scanners are more powerful as they are configured in a structured way similar to other component types rather than via a single string field, for more information check out the scanners page.
  • New diff and patch Bloblang methods.
  • New processors processor.
  • Field read_header added to the amqp_1 input.
  • A debug endpoint /debug/pprof/allocs has been added for profiling allocations.
  • New cockroachdb_changefeed input.


  • The javascript processor now handles module imports correctly.
  • Bloblang if statements now provide explicit errors when query expressions resolve to non-boolean values.
  • Some metadata fields from the amqp_1 input were always empty due to type mismatch, this should no longer be the case.
  • The zip Bloblang method no longer fails when executed without arguments.
  • The amqp_0_9 output no longer prints bogus exchange name when connecting to the server.
  • The generate input no longer adds an extra second to interval: '@every x' syntax.
  • The nats_jetstream input no longer fails to locate mirrored streams.
  • Fixed a rare panic in batching mechanisms with a specified period, where data arrives in low volumes and is sporadic.


  • The parse_parquet Bloblang function, parquet_decode, parquet_encode processors and the parquet input have all been upgraded to the latest version of the underlying Parquet library. Since this underlying library is experimental it is likely that behaviour changes will result. One significant change is that encoding numerical values that are larger than the column type (float64 into FLOAT, int64 into INT32, etc) will no longer be automatically converted.
  • The parse_log processor field codec is now deprecated.
  • WARNING: Many components have had their underlying implementations moved onto newer internal APIs for defining and extracting their configuration fields. It's recommended that upgrades to this version are performed cautiously.

The full change log can be found here.


24 Nov 10:33
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • Field idempotent_write added to the kafka_franz output.
  • Field idle_timeout added to the read_until input.
  • Field delay_seconds added to the aws_sqs output.
  • Fields discard_unknown and use_proto_names added to the protobuf processors.


  • Bloblang error messages for bad function/method names or parameters should now be improved in mappings that use shorthand for root = ....
  • All redis components now support usernames within the configured URL for authentication.
  • The protobuf processor now supports targetting nested types from proto files.
  • The schema_registry_encode and schema_registry_decode processors should no longer double escape URL unsafe characters within subjects when querying their latest versions.

The full change log can be found here.


30 Oct 17:56
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • The amqp_0_9 output now supports dynamic interpolation functions within the exchange field.
  • Field custom_topic_creation added to the kafka output.
  • New Bloblang method ts_sub.
  • The Bloblang method abs now supports integers in and integers out.
  • Experimental extract_tracing_map field added to the nats, nats_jetstream and nats_stream inputs.
  • Experimental inject_tracing_map field added to the nats, nats_jetstream and nats_stream outputs.
  • New _fail_fast variants for the broker output fan_out and fan_out_sequential patterns.
  • Field summary_quantiles_objectives added to the prometheus metrics exporter.
  • The metric processor now supports floating point values for counter_by and gauge types.


  • Allow labels on caches and rate limit resources when writing configs in CUE.
  • Go API: log/slog loggers injected into a stream builder via StreamBuilder.SetLogger should now respect formatting strings.
  • All Azure components now support container SAS tokens for authentication.
  • The kafka_franz input now provides properly typed metadata values.
  • The trino driver for the various sql_* components no longer panics when trying to insert nulls.
  • The http_client input no longer sends a phantom request body on subsequent requests when an empty payload is specified.
  • The schema_registry_encode and schema_registry_decode processors should no longer fail to obtain schemas containing slashes (or other URL path unfriendly characters).
  • The parse_log processor no longer extracts structured fields that are incompatible with Bloblang mappings.
  • Fixed occurrences where Bloblang would fail to recognise float32 values.

The full change log can be found here.


03 Oct 10:00
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • The -e/--env-file cli flag for importing environment variable files now supports glob patterns.
  • Environment variables imported via -e/--env-file cli flags now support triple quoted strings.
  • New experimental counter function added to Bloblang. It is recommended that this function, although experimental, should be used instead of the now deprecated count function.
  • The schema_registry_encode and schema_registry_decode processors now support JSONSchema.
  • Field metadata added to the nats and nats_jetstream outputs.
  • The cached processor field ttl now supports interpolation functions.
  • Many new properties fields have been added to the amqp_0_9 output.
  • Field command added to the redis_list input and output.


  • Corrected a scheduling error where the generate input with a descriptor interval (@hourly, etc) had a chance of firing twice.
  • Fixed an issue where a redis_streams input that is rejected from read attempts enters a reconnect loop without backoff.
  • The sqs input now periodically refreshes the visibility timeout of messages that take a significant amount of time to process.
  • The ts_add_iso8601 and ts_sub_iso8601 bloblang methods now return the correct error for certain invalid durations.
  • The discord output no longer ignores structured message fields containing underscores.
  • Fixed an issue where the kafka_franz input was ignoring batching periods and stalling.


  • The random_int Bloblang function now prevents instantiations where either the max or min arguments are dynamic. This is in order to avoid situations where the random number generator is re-initialised across subsequent mappings in a way that surprises map authors.

The full change log can be found here.


08 Sep 16:21
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • Fields client_id and rack_id added to the kafka_franz input and output.
  • New experimental command processor.
  • Parameter no_cache added to the file and env Bloblang functions.
  • New file_rel function added to Bloblang.
  • Field endpoint_params added to the oauth2 section of HTTP client components.


  • Allow comments in single root and directly imported bloblang mappings.
  • The azure_blob_storage input no longer adds blob_storage_content_type and blob_storage_content_encoding metadata values as string pointer types, and instead adds these values as string types only when they are present.
  • The http_server input now returns a more appropriate 503 service unavailable status code during shutdown instead of the previous 404 status.
  • Fixed a potential panic when closing a pusher output that was never initialised.
  • The sftp output now reconnects upon being disconnected by the Azure idle timeout.
  • The switch output now produces error logs when messages do not pass at least one case with strict_mode enabled, previously these rejected messages were potentially re-processed in a loop without any logs depending on the config. An inaccuracy to the documentation has also been fixed in order to clarify behaviour when strict mode is not enabled.
  • The log processor fields_mapping field should no longer reject metadata queries using @ syntax.
  • Fixed an issue where heavily utilised streams with nested resource based outputs could lock-up when performing heavy resource mutating traffic on the streams mode REST API.
  • The Bloblang zip method no longer produces values that yield an "Unknown data type".

The full change log can be found here.


22 Aug 20:32
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For installation instructions check out the getting started guide.


  • The amqp1 input now supports anonymous SASL authentication.
  • New JWT Bloblang methods parse_jwt_es256, parse_jwt_es384, parse_jwt_es512, parse_jwt_rs256, parse_jwt_rs384, parse_jwt_rs512, sign_jwt_es256, sign_jwt_es384 and sign_jwt_es512 added.
  • The csv-safe input codec now supports custom delimiters with the syntax csv-safe:x.
  • The open_telemetry_collector tracer now supports secure connections, enabled via the secure field.
  • Function v0_msg_exists_meta added to the javascript processor.


  • Fixed an issue where saturated output resources could panic under intense CRUD activity.
  • The config linter no longer raises issues with codec fields containing colons within their arguments.
  • The elasticsearch output should no longer fail to send basic authentication passwords, this fixes a regression introduced in v4.19.0.

The full change log can be found here.