A place to work on the Proof of Concept for an integration between Redwood and Stripe based off of a proposal. (WIP)
The official repo lives here : redwoodjs-stripe
Proposal doc : redwoodjs-stripe Readme (Viewing only)
Some of the functionality can be used as more gets available this section will be updated. The commands used are placeholders for when/if API wishlist items can be fulfilled.
If you haven't already got a Stripe account, now would be a good time to get one. Once you have made an account have your API keys ready. You can find them in your Stripe Dashboard.
Disclaimer: Do not try to break it. Literally held together with spit and wishful thinking ;)
brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
Once Stripe CLI has been install you need to login into Stripe via CLI and enter your Stripe api key
stripe login -i
Clone this repo then navigate to the
foldercd app
Install modules
yarn install
"Install" package and setup with Stripe API keys.
yarn rw-setup-plugin-stripe
What you should see:
- a webhooks function being added to the api functions folder
- prompts for Stripe API keys
- collected keys being added to .env file
Missing from this step
- hooking webhook listening command into
yarn rw dev
"Install" payment flow "checkout-mode" refers to the Stripe checkout session mode, this is used to determined the payment flow. It can be either "payment" (for once-off payments) or "subscription" (for subscriptions)
yarn rw-g-stripe-checkout <checkout-mode>
What you should see for all checkout-modes:
- add createCheckoutSession and retrieveCheckoutSession functions to api functions folder
- adds a StripeCart page (localhost:8910/stripe-cart)
- retrieves checkout session data on successful payment visible in console
- only for subcription payment flow ("subscription" checkout-mode)
- adds a createCustomerPortalSession function to api functionc folder
- after checking out successfully, a button to go to the Customer Portal will appear on the StripeCart page
Run app
yarn rw-dev
What you should be able to do:
- Make one time purchase via Stripe Checkout using dummy data in api side by clicking checkout button in StripeCartPage (localhost:8910/stripe-cart)
- Watch for webhooks in terminal
- See success or cancel status in location bar after checkout
- See the session object in console after successful payment
yarn rw-d-stripe-checkout <checkout-mode>
Destroys all code in app relating to a specific payment-flow/ checkout-mode
So you would like to be part of this project. At this point in time here's how:
- Read the proposal doc and offer feedback
- Go through the API Wishlist and see what's possible(issue #1)
- Play with the POC (Try not to break it because it will. It's held together with spit and wishful-thinking) and give feedback (issue #2)
If there is a way that you think you could help that isn't mentioned above do not hesitate to contact me :)
Super huge thank you for making it this far and for showing an interest.