The purpose of this project is create an interactive dashboard to show the data of Zurich registered dogs.
- Zurich's Open Data department
- Data Visualization
- Data Preprocessing
- Python
- Streamlit
The project was designed to get myself familiar with Streamlit Cleaned data on Zurich registered dog and their owners, created a Streamlit app that shows dog's age vs. dog owner's age, partitioned by dog race. The assumption is that there's no correlation between dog own's age and their fur friend's age. Which from the visualization it's easy to tell but also the data is very limited.
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Raw Data is being kept [data/processed/20200306_hundehalter.csv] within this repo. The data source has already been listed above.
Data exploration/processing/transformation scripts are being kept notebooks/data_check.ipynb
The cleaned dataset is being kept data/processed/Dog_data.csv
The script used to create streamlit app can be found here: notebooks/
The app was then deployed on Streamlit (
The deployed app can be viewed by the following link (