This is Cellular. An out of box way of deploying private cellular networks.i.e 4G, 5G, as well as 5G NSA.
To ensure a secure network, Cellular is built behind a firewall, i.e. OPNsense firewall. You can check out the OPNsense repo Here.
Cellular utilizes Open5gs which is a C-language implementation for 5G Core and EPC. You can fork the repo Here
Run the below command in the commandline of the machine running the OPNsense firewall.
fetch -o /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/opncell.conf && pkg update
This establishes the repository holding the cellular package installer, plus other necessary pieces of the puzzle
Once you have the repo set up on your machine, you can proceed to install the package by running pkg install os-cellular-devel
In the GUI, set up the loop back addresses for each of the open5gs services.
To add the addresses;
Interfaces ----->Virtual IPs
If you find Cellular useful for work, please consider supporting this Open Source project by Becoming a sponsor.