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File metadata and controls

1061 lines (635 loc) · 25.4 KB


Table of Contents


Public Classes

Private Classes

  • holland::config: Manage the overall Holland Backup Manager configuration.
  • holland::config::remove_default: An exec to remove the default backupset if it doesn't exist.
  • holland::install: Basic install of Holland resources
  • holland::mongodump::config: Configuration for the Holland mongodump provider
  • holland::mongodump::install: Install the Holland mongodump provider
  • holland::mysqldump::config: Manage the Holland mysqldump provider configuration.
  • holland::mysqldump::install: Manage the holland-mysqldump package

Defined types



Common setup and resources for the Holland Backup Manager. There isn't an Augeas lens for holland.conf in the upstream project yet so we'll need to provide one ourselves to manage the main configuration from more than one class. Since Puppet requires augeas-libs we don't need to manage the parrent directories since they'll already be in place.


include holland


The following parameters are available in the holland class.


Data type: Enum['absent', 'present']

Should Holland be installed or not.

Default value: present


Data type: String

Top-level directory where backups are held.

Default value: '/var/spool/holland'


Data type: String

The file Holland logs to

Default value: '/var/log/holland/holland.log'


Data type: Enum[ 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical' ]

Sets the verbosity of Holland’s logging process.

Default value: 'info'


Data type: String

Defines a path for holland and its spawned processes

Default value: '/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'


Data type: String

Defines where the plugins can be found. This can be a comma-separated list but usually does not need to be modified.

Default value: '/usr/share/holland/plugins'


Data type: String

Sets the umask of the resulting backup files.

Default value: '0007'


Manage the mongodump provider for the Holland Backup Manager

Note: This does not install the actual mongodump command since there are several different options for doing so. Especially with software collections.


include holland::mongodump


The following parameters are available in the holland::mongodump class.


Data type: Enum['absent', 'present']

Should the plugin be installed or not.

Default value: present


Data type: Optional[String]

Any additional options to the mongodump command-line utility these should show up exactly as they are on the command line. e.g.: '--gzip'

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after successful backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: String

The database the mongo user needs to authenticate against.

Default value: ''


Data type: Optional[String]

Run a shell command before a backup starts.

Default value: undef


Data type: Integer[0]

What compression level to use. Lower numbers mean faster compression, though also generally a worse compression ratio. Generally, levels 1-3 are considered fairly fast and still offer good compression for textual data. Levels above 7 can often cause a larger impact on the system due to needing much more CPU resources. Setting the level to 0 effectively disables compresion.

Default value: 1


Data type: Enum[ 'gzip', 'gzip-rsyncable', 'bzip2', 'pbzip2', 'lzop' ]

Which compression method to use. Note that lzop is not often installed by default on many Linux distributions and may need to be installed separately.

Default value: 'gzip'


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after failed backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: String

Hostname for mongodump to connect with.

Default value: 'localhost'


Data type: String

Password for mongodump to authenticate with.

Default value: ''


Data type: String

Username for mongodump to authenticate with.

Default value: ''


This class manages the Holland Backup Manager mysqldump provider.


include holland::mysqldump


The following parameters are available in the holland::mysqldump class.


Data type: Enum['absent', 'present']

Should the mysqldump provider be installed or not.

Default value: present


Data type: String

Specify additional options directly to the mysqldump command if there is no native Holland option for it. These should show up exactly as they would on the command line. e.g.: '--flush-privileges --reset-master'

Default value: ''


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after successful backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Run a shell command before a backup starts.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Record the binary log name and position at the time of the backup. Note that if both 'stop-slave' and 'bin-log-position' are enabled, Holland will grab the master binary log name and position at the time of the backup which can be useful in using the backup to create slaves or for point in time recovery using the master’s binary log. This information is found within the 'backup.conf' file located in the backup-set destination directory (/var/spool/holland/<backup-set>/<backup> by default).

For example:

slave_master_log_pos = 4512
slave_master_log_file = 260792-mmm-agent1-bin-log.000001

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Optional[String]

This only needs to be defined if the compression utility is in a non-standard location, or not in the system path.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to pipe the output of mysqldump into the compression utility. Enabling this is recommended since it usually only marginally impacts performance, particularly when using a lower compression level.

Default value: 'yes'


Data type: Integer[0, 9]

Specify the compression ratio from 0 to 9. The lower the number, the lower the compression ratio, but the faster the backup will take. Generally, setting the lever to 1 or 2 results in favorable compression of textual data and is noticeably faster than the higher levels. Setting the level to 0 effectively disables compression.

Default value: 1


Data type: Enum['gzip', 'pigz', 'bzip', 'lzop', 'lzma']

Define which compression method to use. Note that lzop and lzma may not be available on every system and may need to be compiled / installed.

Default value: 'gzip'


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns for matching databases. Only databases matching these patterns will be backed up. The default is'*' which includes everything.

Default value: undef


Data type: String

Comma seperated list of locations to look for the MySQL conection information using the standard .my.cnf conventions.

Default value: '/root/.my.cnf,~/.my.cnf,'


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to dump events explicitly. Like routines, events are stored in the 'mysql' database. Nonetheless, it can sometimes be convenient to include them in the backup-set directly. Note: This feature requires MySQL 5.1 or later.

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to backup routines in the backup set directly. Routines are stored in the 'mysql' database, but it can sometimes be convenient to include them in a backup-set directly.

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular databases.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular tables.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after failed backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to split up each database into its own file. Note that it can be more consistent and efficient to backup all databases into one file, however this means that restore a single database can be difficult if multiple databases are defined in the backup set.

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to run FLUSH LOGS in MySQL with the backup. When FLUSH LOGS is actually executed depends on which if database filtering is being used and whether or not file-per-database is enabled. Generally speaking, it does not make sense to use flush-logs with file-per-database since the binary logs will not be consistent with the backup.

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Enum[ 'flush-lock', 'lock-tables', 'single-transaction', 'auto-detect', 'none' ]

flush-lock will place a global lock on all tables involved in the backup regardless of whether or not they are in the backup-set. If file-per-database is enabled, then flush-lock will lock all tables for every database being backed up. In other words, this option may not make much sense when using file-per-database.

lock-tables will lock all tables involved in the backup. If file-per-database is enabled, then lock-tables will only lock all the tables associated with that database.

single-transaction will force running a backup within a transaction. This allows backing up of transactional tables without imposing a lock however will NOT properly backup non-transacitonal tables.

auto-detect will choose single-transaction unless Holland finds non-transactional tables in the backup-set.

none will completely disable locking. This is generally only viable on a MySQL slave and only after traffic has been diverted, or slave services suspended.

Default value: 'auto-detect'


Data type: Optional[String]

Defines the location of the MySQL binary utilities. If not provided, Holland will use whatever is in the path.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The FQDN of the remote host to connect to MySQL on.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The password for the MySQL user.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Integer]

Used if MySQL is running on a port other than 3306.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The socket file to connect to MySQL with. eg. '/tmp/mysqld.sock'.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The user to connect to MySQL as.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

This is useful only when running Holland on a MySQL slave. Instructs Holland to suspend slave services on the server prior to running the backup. Suspending the slave does not change the backups, but does prevent the slave from spooling up relay logs. The default is not to suspend the slave (if applicable).

Default value: 'no'


Data type: Optional[String]

Only include the specified tables. Comma seperated glob patterns.

Default value: undef

Defined types


Configures a mongodump backup set for Holland


Inherits from provider
include ::holland::mongodump

holland::mongodump::backupset { "localhost":
  ensure                  => present,
  authentication_database => 'admin',
  host                    => 'localhost',
  password                => 'SomeThingToChange',
  username                => 'admin',


The following parameters are available in the holland::mongodump::backupset defined type.


Data type: Enum['absent', 'present']

Should the backup set be installed or not.

Default value: present


Data type: Optional[String]

Any additional options to the mongodump command-line utility these should show up exactly as they are on the command line. e.g.: '--gzip'

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after successful backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The database the mongo user needs to authenticate against.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Specifies whether to keep a failed backup or to automatically remove the backup directory. By default this is on with the intention that whatever process is calling holland will retry when a backup fails. This behavior can be disabled by setting auto-purge-failures = no when partial backups might be useful or when troubleshooting a backup failure.

Default value: 'yes'


Data type: Integer[1]

Specifies the number of backups to keep for a backup-set.

Default value: 1


Data type: Optional[String]

Run a shell command before a backup starts.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to pipe the output of mongodump into the compression utility. Enabling this is recommended since it usually only marginally impacts performance, particularly when using a lower compression level.

Default value: 'yes'


Data type: Integer[0]

What compression level to use. Lower numbers mean faster compression, though also generally a worse compression ratio. Generally, levels 1-3 are considered fairly fast and still offer good compression for textual data. Levels above 7 can often cause a larger impact on the system due to needing much more CPU resources. Setting the level to 0 effectively disables compresion.

Default value: 1


Data type: Enum[ 'gzip', 'gzip-rsyncable', 'bzip2', 'pbzip2', 'lzop' ]

Which compression method to use. Note that lzop is not often installed by default on many Linux distributions and may need to be installed separately.

Default value: 'gzip'


Data type: Float

Specifies the scale factor when Holland decides if there is enough free space to perform a backup. This number is multiplied against what each individual plugin reports its estimated backup size when Holland is verifying sufficient free space for the backupset.

Default value: 1.0


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after failed backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Hostname for mongodump to connect with.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Password for mongodump to authenticate with.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum[ 'manual', 'before-backup', 'after-backup' ]

Specifies when to run the purge routine on a backupset. By default this is run after a new successful backup completes. Up to backups_to_keep backups will be retained including the most recent.

before-backup will run the purge routine just before a new backup starts. This will retain up to backups_to_keep backups before the new backup is even started allowing purging all previous backups if backups_to_keep is set to 0. This behavior is useful if some other process is retaining backups off-server and disk space is at a premium.

manual will never run the purge routine automatically. Either holland purge must be run externally or an explicit removal of desired backup directories can be done at some later time.

Default value: 'after-backup'


Data type: Optional[String]

Username for mongodump to authenticate with.

Default value: undef


Configures a mysqldump backup set for Holland


holland::mysqldump::backupset { 'namevar': }


The following parameters are available in the holland::mysqldump::backupset defined type.


Data type: Enum['absent', 'file']

Wheither to ensure the configuration is installed or not.

Default value: file


Data type: Optional[String]

Specify additional options directly to the mysqldump command if there is no native Holland option for it. These should show up exactly as they would on the command line. e.g.: '--flush-privileges --reset-master'

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after successful backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Specifies whether to keep a failed backup or to automatically remove the backup directory. By default this is on with the intention that whatever process is calling holland will retry when a backup fails. This behavior can be disabled by setting auto-purge-failures = no when partial backups might be useful or when troubleshooting a backup failure.

Default value: 'yes'


Data type: Integer

Specifies the number of backups to keep for a backup-set.

Default value: 1


Data type: Optional[String]

Run a shell command before a backup starts.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

This only needs to be defined if the compression utility is in a non-standard location, or not in the system path.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['no', 'yes']

Whether or not to pipe the output of mysqldump into the compression utility. Enabling this is recommended since it usually only marginally impacts performance, particularly when using a lower compression level.

Default value: 'yes'


Data type: Integer[0, 9]

Specify the compression ratio from 0 to 9. The lower the number, the lower the compression ratio, but the faster the backup will take. Generally, setting the lever to 1 or 2 results in favorable compression of textual data and is noticeably faster than the higher levels. Setting the level to 0 effectively disables compression.

Default value: 1


Data type: Enum['gzip', 'pigz', 'bzip', 'lzop', 'lzma']

Define which compression method to use. Note that lzop and lzma may not be available on every system and may need to be compiled / installed.

Default value: 'gzip'


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns for matching databases. Only databases matching these patterns will be backed up. The default is'*' which includes everything.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma seperated list of locations to look for the MySQL conection information using the standard .my.cnf conventions.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Enum['no', 'yes']]

Whether or not to dump events explicitly. Like routines, events are stored in the 'mysql' database. Nonetheless, it can sometimes be convenient to include them in the backup-set directly. Note: This feature requires MySQL 5.1 or later.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Enum['no', 'yes']]

Whether or not to backup routines in the backup set directly. Routines are stored in the 'mysql' database, but it can sometimes be convenient to include them in a backup-set directly.

Default value: undef


Data type: Float

Specifies the scale factor when Holland decides if there is enough free space to perform a backup. This number is multiplied against what each individual plugin reports its estimated backup size when Holland is verifying sufficient free space for the backupset.

Default value: 1.0


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular databases.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Comma-delimited glob patterns to exclude particular tables.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Command to run after failed backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Enum['no', 'yes']]

Whether or not to split up each database into its own file. Note that it can be more consistent and efficient to backup all databases into one file, however this means that restore a single database can be difficult if multiple databases are defined in the backup set.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Enum['no', 'yes']]

Whether or not to run FLUSH LOGS in MySQL with the backup. When FLUSH LOGS is actually executed depends on which if database filtering is being used and whether or not file-per-database is enabled. Generally speaking, it does not make sense to use flush-logs with file-per-database since the binary logs will not be consistent with the backup.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum[ 'flush-lock', 'lock-tables', 'single-transaction', 'auto-detect', 'none' ]

flush-lock will place a global lock on all tables involved in the backup regardless of whether or not they are in the backup-set. If file-per-database is enabled, then flush-lock will lock all tables for every database being backed up. In other words, this option may not make much sense when using file-per-database.

lock-tables will lock all tables involved in the backup. If file-per-database is enabled, then lock-tables will only lock all the tables associated with that database.

single-transaction will force running a backup within a transaction. This allows backing up of transactional tables without imposing a lock however will NOT properly backup non-transacitonal tables.

auto-detect will choose single-transaction unless Holland finds non-transactional tables in the backup-set.

none will completely disable locking. This is generally only viable on a MySQL slave and only after traffic has been diverted, or slave services suspended.

Default value: 'auto-detect'


Data type: Optional[String]

Defines the location of the MySQL binary utilities. If not provided, Holland will use whatever is in the path.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The FQDN of the remote host to connect to MySQL on.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The password for the MySQL user.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[Integer]

Used if MySQL is running on a port other than 3306.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The socket file to connect to MySQL with. eg. '/tmp/mysqld.sock'.

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

The user to connect to MySQL as.

Default value: undef


Data type: Enum['manual', 'before-backup', 'after-backup']

Specifies when to run the purge routine on a backupset. By default this is run after a new successful backup completes. Up to backups_to_keep backups will be retained including the most recent.

before-backup will run the purge routine just before a new backup starts. This will retain up to backups_to_keep backups before the new backup is even started allowing purging all previous backups if backups_to_keep is set to 0. This behavior is useful if some other process is retaining backups off-server and disk space is at a premium.

manual will never run the purge routine automatically. Either holland purge must be run externally or an explicit removal of desired backup directories can be done at some later time.

Default value: 'after-backup'


Data type: Optional[Enum['no', 'yes']]

This is useful only when running Holland on a MySQL slave. Instructs Holland to suspend slave services on the server prior to running the backup. Suspending the slave does not change the backups, but does prevent the slave from spooling up relay logs. The default is not to suspend the slave (if applicable).

Default value: undef


Data type: Optional[String]

Only include the specified tables. Comma seperated glob patterns.

Default value: undef