Command Mode
'/' - forward search
'?' - backward search
'*' - 向下完全匹配光标下的词
'#' - 向上完全匹配光标下的词
'g*' - 向下部分匹配光标下的词
3diw—delete inside the current word and the next two words
dwwP—swap the current word with the next word
d?foo—delete from the cursor to the previous string “foo”
ct.—change from the cursor until the next period
d^—delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line
d>D—delete from the cursor to the end of the line
2J—join the current line with the line below
das—delete around the current sentence
c(—change from the cursor to the begining of a sentence
>}—go to the end of the current paragraph
dapP—swap current paragraph with the next paragraph
:%s/\s+$// - 去掉所有的行尾空
:%s!\s//.*!!* - 去掉所有的注释//
:%s!\s/*_.{-}*/\s!!g** - 去掉所有的注释/* */
Put your cursor on the first #
character, press CtrlV
(or CtrlQ
for gVim), and go down until the last commented line and press x
, that will delete all the # characters vertically.
For commenting a block of text is almost the same: First, go to the first line you want to comment, press CtrlV
, and select until the last line. Second, press Shift``I``#``Esc
(then give it a second), and it will insert a #
character on all selected lines. For the stripped-down version of vim shipped with debian/ubuntu by default, type : s/^/#
in the second step instead.