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How To Create A Ripper for HTML websites

cyian-1756 edited this page Jul 1, 2018 · 10 revisions

This guide explains how to rip from an unsupported website using RipMe.

If you like to learn by example, check out the simple


  • Some knowledge of the Java programming language
  • Some knowledge of the build tool Maven
  • This is for dependency resolution & so you don't have to download a ton of .jar files
  • Some knowledge of the HTML DOM, CSS selectors, and the like.

Step 1: Create a new .java file

Create the file within / src / main / java / com / rarchives / ripme / ripper / rippers

File should follow the naming scheme <Site>

Step 2: Extend the AbstractHTMLRipper class

public class YoursiteRipper extends AbstractHTMLRipper {

Step 3: Understand the fields available

By extending AbstractHTMLRipper, you have access to the this.url object containing the URL to be ripped.

Step 4: Constructors

We need to let the superclass know what URL we're working with.

Change the constructor's class name to your ripper's class name.

    public YoursiteRipper(URL url) throws IOException {

Step 5: Override the required methods

The methods below are defined in AbstractHTMLRipper and must be overridden in your .java file.

String getHost()

Returns: The name of the website (no need for .com).
This String is used in naming the save directory.

    public String getHost() {
        return "imgur";

String getDomain()

Returns: The domain of the website.
This String is used in the canRip() method to determine if a URL can be ripped.

    public String getDomain() {
        return "";

String getGID(URL)

Returns: A unique identifier for the album (Gallery ID or GID).

Note: The URL to every album on the website should return a different GID.
This is because the save directory will be named in the scheme HOST_GID

Most rippers use regex to strip out the GID.

Example: could return abc123

    public String getGID(URL url) throws MalformedURLException {
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^https?://imgur\\.com/a/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*$");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(url.toExternalForm());
        if (m.matches()) {
            // Return the text contained between () in the regex
        throw new MalformedURLException("Expected URL format: " +
                        " - got " + url + " instead");

Document getFirstPage()

Returns: A Jsoup Document object containing the contents of the first page.

Tip: Use the Http class for easy methods of retrieving the page.

Most rippers just need to get the page, and do so with:

    public Document getFirstPage() throws IOException {
        // "url" is an instance field of the superclass
        return Http.url(url).get();

This works for the majority of websites (most sites don't require cookies, referrers, etc).

Document getNextPage(Document) // Optional!

Input: Jsoup Document retrieved in the getFirstPage() method.
Returns: The next page to retrieve images from.
Throws: IOException if no next page can be retrieved.

Note: By default, this method throws an IOException within AbstractHTMLRipper, meaning it assumes there is no next page. If you need to rip multiple pages, override this method & retrieve the next page. See for an example of how this is used.

String normalizeUrl(String url) // Optional!

Returns: The url that will be either written to or checked against the url history

This function normalizes a url so that non-static urls can be used with the url history file

Here is an example removing the time stamp ID from instagram links

    public String normalizeUrl(String url) {
        // Remove the date sig from the url
        return url.replaceAll("/[A-Z0-9]{8}/", "/");

List getURLsFromPage(Document)

Input: Jsoup Document retrieved in the getFirstPage() method (and optionally the getNextPage() method).
Returns: List of URLs to be downloaded or retrieved.

This is where the URLs are extracted from the page Document.
Some rippers return a list of subpages to be ripped in separate threads (e.g.

This is when CSS-Selectors come in handy. Say you wanted to grab every image that appears on the page:

    public List<String> getURLsFromPage(Document doc) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Element el :"img")) {
        return result

This would return the source to all images on the page (although they will likely be thumbnails).

The URLs returned are passed into the next method...

void downloadURL(URL url, int index)

Input: URL: One of the URLs returned by getURLsFromPage()
Input: index: The number for this URL (whether it's the 1st image, 2nd image, etc).

This is where your ripper downloads the image/file.
Most rippers simply use the AlbumRipper's method addURLToDownload():

    public void downloadURL(URL url, int index) {
        addURLToDownload(url, getPrefix(index));

The above will download the URL to the appropriate save directory, guessing the filename to save based on the url and a given prefix (index).

The addURLToDownload() method is heavily overloaded with lots of options.
Variants of this method allow you to:

  • Define the exact file name to save as,
  • The subdirectory to save to,
  • HTTP headers (such as cookies or referrers) that should be used while downloading the file,
  • Saving the file with the MIME type as it's extension

Other rippers, as mentioned before, start a separate Thread to retrieve the full-size image from the provided URL. Your implementation may vary.

Bool hasASAPRipping() // Optional!

If this function returns true then ripme does not call addURLToDownload and does not expect getURLsFromPage to return any urls. This is usful if you want to download images as you find them instead of waiting for getURLsFromPage to finish

For an example of a ripper which rips like this see the 8muses ripper

boolean hasQueueSupport() // Optional!

Note: This has nothing to do with support for ripmes download Queue. This has to do with a ripper which adds new albums to ripmes download Queue. Rippers without this override can still have links for site they support added to the download Queue by the user.

This denotes whether or not a ripper has support for QuickQueuing (Adding new albums to ripmes download Queue as if a user had entered it into the rip textbox and then pressed rip)

boolean pageContainsAlbums(URL url) // Optional!

If this function returns true then ripme expects nothing on the paged to be ripped, but instead to add links from the page to ripmes download queue. If you over ride this you must also override hasQueueSupport and getAlbumsToQueue

List<String> getAlbumsToQueue(Document doc) // Optional!

Input: The Document returned by getFirstPage() Returns: A list of urls that will be added to the download Queue to be ripped

This is very useful when you want your ripper to be able to support subalbums.

For an example of a ripper which uses these functions see the Myhentaicomics ripper

Step 6: Test!

RipMe automatically detects new rippers without any other code changes required.

  1. Execute the ripper.
  2. Paste in a URL to the site you're trying to rip.
  3. Click Rip
  4. Look at the output for errors, warnings, Exceptions, etc.
  5. Fix any bugs.
  6. Repeat.