diff --git a/lua/plugins/backup.lua b/lua/plugins/backup.lua
index c5d5508f5..e4fd1f20d 100644
--- a/lua/plugins/backup.lua
+++ b/lua/plugins/backup.lua
@@ -85,76 +85,85 @@ local imported_text = [['Done.
function plugin.onTextMessage(msg, blocks)
- if msg.from.admin then
- if blocks[1] == 'snap' then
- local key = 'chat:'..msg.chat.id..':lastsnap'
- local last_user = db:get(key)
- if last_user then
- local ttl = db:ttl(key)
- local time_remaining = get_time_remaining(ttl)
- local text = i18n([[I'm sorry, this command has been used for the last time less then 3 hours ago by %s (ask them for the file).
+ if not msg.from.admin then
+ return
+ end
+ if blocks[1] == 'snap' then
+ local key = 'chat:'..msg.chat.id..':lastsnap'
+ local last_user = db:get(key)
+ if last_user then
+ -- A snapshot has been done recently
+ local ttl = db:ttl(key)
+ local time_remaining = get_time_remaining(ttl)
+ local text = i18n([[I'm sorry, this command has been used for the last time less then 3 hours ago by %s (ask them for the file).
Wait [%s
] to use it again
]]):format(last_user, time_remaining)
- api.sendReply(msg, text, 'html')
- else
- local name = u.getname_final(msg.from)
- db:setex(key, 10800, name) --3 hours
- local file_path = gen_backup(msg.chat.id)
- api.sendReply(msg, i18n('*Sent in private*'), true)
- api.sendDocument(msg.from.id, file_path, nil, ('#snap\n%s'):format(msg.chat.title))
- end
+ api.sendReply(msg, text, 'html')
+ else
+ -- no snapshot has been done recently
+ local name = u.getname_final(msg.from)
+ db:setex(key, 10800, name) --3 hours
+ local file_path = gen_backup(msg.chat.id)
+ api.sendReply(msg, i18n('*Sent in private*'), true)
+ api.sendDocument(msg.from.id, file_path, nil, ('#snap\n%s'):format(msg.chat.title))
+ end
+ end
+ if blocks[1] == 'import' then
+ local text
+ if not msg.reply then
+ text = i18n('Invalid input. Please reply to the backup file (/snap command to get it)')
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ return
+ end
+ if not msg.reply.document then
+ text = i18n('Invalid input. Please reply to a document')
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ return
+ end
+ if msg.reply.document.file_name ~= 'snap'..msg.chat.id..'.gbb' then
+ text = i18n('This is not a valid backup file.\nReason: invalid name (%s)')
+ :format(tostring(msg.reply_to_message.document.file_name))
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ return
- if blocks[1] == 'import' then
- local text
- if msg.reply then
- if msg.reply.document then
- if msg.reply.document.file_name == 'snap'..msg.chat.id..'.gbb' then
- local res = api.getFile(msg.reply.document.file_id)
- local download_link = u.telegram_file_link(res)
- local file_path, code = u.download_to_file(download_link, '/tmp/'..msg.chat.id..'.json')
- if not file_path then
- text = i18n('Download of the file failed with code %s'):format(tostring(code))
- else
- local data = load_data(file_path)
- for chat_id, group_data in pairs(data) do
- chat_id = tonumber(chat_id)
- if tonumber(chat_id) ~= msg.chat.id then
- text = i18n('Chat IDs don\'t match (%s and %s)'):format(tostring(chat_id), tostring(msg.chat.id))
- else
- --restoring sets
- if group_data.sets and next(group_data.sets) then
- for set, content in pairs(group_data.sets) do
- db:sadd(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, set), unpack(content))
- end
- end
+ local res = api.getFile(msg.reply.document.file_id)
+ local download_link = u.telegram_file_link(res)
+ local file_path, code = u.download_to_file(download_link, '/tmp/'..msg.chat.id..'.json')
- --restoring hashes
- if group_data.hashes and next(group_data.hashes) then
- for hash, content in pairs(group_data.hashes) do
- if next(content) then
- --[[for key, val in pairs(content) do
- print('\tkey:', key)
- db:hset(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, hash), key, val)
- end]]
- db:hmset(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, hash), content)
- end
- end
- end
- text = i18n(imported_text)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- text = i18n('This is not a valid backup file.\nReason: invalid name (%s)')
- :format(tostring(msg.reply_to_message.document.file_name))
+ if not file_path then
+ text = i18n('Download of the file failed with code %s'):format(tostring(code))
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ return
+ end
+ local data = load_data(file_path)
+ for chat_id, group_data in pairs(data) do
+ chat_id = tonumber(chat_id)
+ if tonumber(chat_id) ~= msg.chat.id then
+ text = i18n('Chat IDs don\'t match (%s and %s)'):format(tostring(chat_id), tostring(msg.chat.id))
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ return
+ end
+ --restoring sets
+ if group_data.sets and next(group_data.sets) then
+ for set, content in pairs(group_data.sets) do
+ db:sadd(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, set), unpack(content))
+ end
+ end
+ --restoring hashes
+ if group_data.hashes and next(group_data.hashes) then
+ for hash, content in pairs(group_data.hashes) do
+ if next(content) then
+ --[[for key, val in pairs(content) do
+ print('\tkey:', key)
+ db:hset(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, hash), key, val)
+ end]]
+ db:hmset(('chat:%d:%s'):format(chat_id, hash), content)
- else
- text = i18n('Invalid input. Please reply to a document')
- else
- text = i18n('Invalid input. Please reply to the backup file (/snap command to get it)')
- api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, text)
+ api.sendMessage(msg.chat.id, i18n(imported_text))