For this exercise your goal is to make the tests pass.
Given the following constructor functions and prototype methods and properties:
function HashTable(size=5){
this.keyMap = new Array(size);
HashTable.prototype.RANDOM_VAL = 18539;
HashTable.prototype._hash = function(key) {
var hashFunction = function(numericKey, multiple, size) {
return (numericKey * multiple) % size;
if (Number.isFinite(key)) {
return hashFunction(key);
if (typeof key === 'string' && !isNaN(Number(key))) {
return hashFunction(Number(key), this.RANDOM_VAL, this.keyMap.length);
var tempKey = key;
if (key === null) {
tempKey = "null";
if (key === undefined) {
tempKey = "undefined";
if (isNaN(key) || !isFinite(key)) {
tempKey = "NaN";
if (typeof tempKey === 'string') {
var numKey = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tempKey.length && i < 5; i++) {
numKey += tempKey.charCodeAt(i);
return hashFunction(numKey, this.RANDOM_VAL, this.keyMap.length)
Implement the following on the HashTable.prototype
This function should set a value in the hashTable based on a specified key.
This function return a value in the hashTable based on a specified key.
This function should return true if the key specified exists in the hash table
This function should remove a value from the hash table
This function should return all of the keys in the hash table
This function should return all of the values
This function should set a value in the hashTable based on a specified key. It should handle collisions using separate chaining.
This function return a value in the hashTable based on a specified key. It should handle collisions using separate chaining.
This function should set a value in the hashTable based on a specified key. It should handle collisions using linear probing.
This function return a value in the hashTable based on a specified key. It should handle collisions using linear probing.