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Extracts localizable strings from .cs, .vb, .cshtml and .liquid files into POT files


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OrchardCoreContrib.PoExtractor is distributed as a dotnet global tool to extracts translatable strings from the C# and VB code, Razor templates and Liquid templates to POT (portable object template) files. It is designed to follow conventions used in the OrchardCore project.


Install with the following command:

dotnet tool install --global OrchardCoreContrib.PoExtractor


dotnet extractpo <INTPUT_PATH> <OUTPUT_PATH> [-l|--language {"C#"|"VB"}] [-t|--template {"razor"|"liquid"}]


Extracts all translatable strings from projects at the specified input path and saves generated POT files at the specified output path. It creates one POT file per a project. This includes liquid views.



The path to the input directory, all projects at the the path will be processed.


The path to a directory where POT files will be generated.


  • -l|--language {C#|VB}

Specifies the code language to extracts translatable strings from. Default: C# language

  • -t|--template {"razor"|"liquid"}

Specifies the template engine to extract the translatable strings from. Default: Razor & Liquid templates.


dotnet tool uninstall --global OrchardCoreContrib.PoExtractor


OrchardCoreContrib.PoExtractor assumes, the code follows several conventions:

  • IStringLocalizer or a derived class is accessed via a field named S (This is a convention used in Orchard Core)
  • IHtmlLocalizer or a derived class is accessed via a field named H (This is a convention used in Orchard Core)
  • IStringLocalizer or IHtmlLocalizer is accessed via a field named T (This is a older convention used in Orchard Core)
  • Liquid templates use the filter named t (This is a convention used in Fluid)
  • context of the localizable string is the full name (with namespace) of the containing class for C# or VB code
  • context of the localizable string is the dot-delimited relative path the to view for Razor templates
  • context of the localizable string is the dot-delimited relative path the to template for Liquid templates


C# code:

namespace OrchardCore.ContentFields.Fields { 
    public class LinkFieldDisplayDriver : ContentFieldDisplayDriver<LinkField> {
        private IStringLocalizer S;

        public LinkFieldDisplayDriver(IStringLocalizer<LinkFieldDisplayDriver> localizer) {
            S = localizer;

        public override async Task<IDisplayResult> UpdateAsync(LinkField field, IUpdateModel updater, UpdateFieldEditorContext context) {
            bool modelUpdated = await updater.TryUpdateModelAsync(field, Prefix, f => f.Url, f => f.Text);

            if (modelUpdated)
                var settings = context.PartFieldDefinition.Settings.ToObject<LinkFieldSettings>();

                if (settings.Required && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Url))
                    updater.ModelState.AddModelError(Prefix, S["The url is required for {0}.", context.PartFieldDefinition.DisplayName()]);

            return Edit(field, context);

VB code:

Namespace OrchardCore.Modules.GreetingModule 
    Public Class Greeting
        private readonly S As IStringLocalizer(Of Greeting)

        Public Sub New(ByVal localizer As IStringLocalizer(Of Greeting))
            S = localizer
        End Sub

        Public Sub Saulation(byVal name As String)
            Console.WriteLine(S("Hi {0} ...", name))
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Razor view:

@model OrchardCore.ContentFields.ViewModels.EditLinkFieldViewModel

<div class="row">
    <fieldset class="form-group col-md-12">
        <label asp-for="Url">@Model.PartFieldDefinition.DisplayName()</label>
    <fieldset class="form-group col-md-6" asp-validation-class-for="Url">
        <input asp-for="Url" class="form-control content-preview-text" placeholder="@settings.UrlPlaceholder" required="@isRequired" />
    <fieldset class="form-group col-md-6" asp-validation-class-for="Text">
        <label asp-for="Text" @if (settings.LinkTextMode == LinkTextMode.Required) { <text> class="required" </text>  }>@T["Link text"]</label>
        <input asp-for="Text" type="text" class="form-control content-preview-text" placeholder="@settings.TextPlaceholder" required="@isTextRequired" />

Liquid template:

div class="page-heading">
   <h1>{{ "Page Not Found" | t }}</h1>

Generated POT file:

#: OrchardCore.ContentFields\Drivers\LinkFieldDriver.cs:59
#. updater.ModelState.AddModelError(Prefix, T["The url is required for {0}.", context.PartFieldDefinition.DisplayName()]);
msgctxt "OrchardCore.ContentFields.Fields.LinkFieldDisplayDriver"
msgid "The url is required for {0}."
msgstr ""

#: OrchardCore.Modules.GreetingModule\Greeting.vb:94
#. Console.WriteLine(S("Hi {0} ...", name))
msgctxt "OrchardCore.Modules.GreetingModule.Greeting"
msgid "Hi {0} ..."
msgstr ""

#: OrchardCore.ContentFields\Views\LinkField.Edit.cshtml:32
#. <label asp-for="Text" @if (settings.LinkTextMode == LinkTextMode.Required) { <text> class="required" </text>  }>@T["Link text"]</label>
msgctxt "OrchardCore.ContentFields.Views.LinkField.Edit"
msgid "Link text"
msgstr ""

#: TheBlogTheme\Views\Shared\NotFound.liquid:0
msgctxt "TheBlogTheme.Views.Shared.NotFound"
msgid "Page Not Found"
msgstr ""



Lukas Kabrt


Extracts localizable strings from .cs, .vb, .cshtml and .liquid files into POT files







No packages published


  • C# 99.9%
  • Liquid 0.1%