Now it is time to deploy our ArgoCD instance to manage our product, and any component or process needed.
TL;DR: The file includes the commands to set up your environment.
NOTE: This step must done with a cluster-admin
user as we need to setup some properties
in the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator already deployed.
- Setup the GitOps operator to manage the
namespace and disabled the cluster wide instance
export ARGOCD_NS="$(oc get csv/openshift-gitops-operator.v1.4.3 -n openshift-operators \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.install.spec.deployments[?("gitops-operator-controller-manager")].spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env[?("ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CONFIG_NAMESPACES")].value}'),gitops-monorepo-cicd"
- Patching operator to manage the other namespaces, like
oc patch csv openshift-gitops-operator.v1.4.3 -n openshift-operators \
--type='json' \
-p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/22", "value": {"name": "ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CONFIG_NAMESPACES", "value":"'${ARGOCD_NS}'"}}]'
If you want to uninstall the default ArgoCD instance, add the following env variable in the CSV:
oc patch csv openshift-gitops-operator.v1.4.3 -n openshift-operators --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-", "value": {"name":"DISABLE_DEFAULT_ARGOCD_INSTANCE","value":"true"}}]'
The definition of the operator, from openshift-operators
namespace, should be similar to:
kind: ClusterServiceVersion
- name: gitops-operator-controller-manager
- name: manager
value: 'openshift-gitops,gitops-monorepo-cicd'
value: 'true'
- *Deploy a new instance of ArgoCD in the
namespace to deploy applications:
oc apply -f argocd.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
To access to the new ArgoCD instance:
echo https://$(oc get route argocd-server -o jsonpath='{}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd)
Also you could login with the default admin
user created (the default password is stored in a secret):
argocd login $(oc get route argocd-server -o jsonpath='{}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd) \
--username admin \
--password $(oc get secret argocd-cluster -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd | base64 -d) \
To create local users handled internally by ArgoCD, they are defined from ConfigMap
and use the
cli to setup the password. To create some users:
oc apply -f users/argocd-cm.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
To create the password for the new users:
❯ argocd account update-password \
--account operator \
--new-password passw0rd123 \
--current-password $(oc get secret argocd-cluster -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd | base64 -d)
❯ argocd account update-password \
--account developer \
--new-password passw0rd123 \
--current-password $(oc get secret argocd-cluster -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd | base64 -d)
Now we update RBAC policies to match the new roles to the users:
oc apply -f users/argocd-rbac-cm.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
Now we can login with the operator
user created:
argocd login $(oc get route argocd-server -o jsonpath='{}' -n gitops-monorepo-cicd) \
--username operator \
--password passw0rd123 \
To more reference about local users, please, refer to the documentation.
Our Product Monorepo requires a set of common tools to cover our Software Delivery Cycle. These tools are:
- Nexus to manage the different artifacts of our product
- SonarQube to measure the quality of our product
All these tools will be deployed and managed by ArgoCD, as just this is GitOps.
To deploy Nexus by ArgoCD, create the application definition as:
oc apply -f tools/sonatype-nexus/application.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
To deploy SonarQube by ArgoCD, create the application definition as:
oc apply -f tools/sonarqube/application.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
To deploy Pipelines by ArgoCD, create the application definition as:
oc apply -f tools/pipelines/application.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
ArgoCD requires to have the right privileges to manage SealedSecrets
objects. To allow that we will add
the sealedsecrets-edit
role to the service account:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user sealedsecrets-edit system:serviceaccount:gitops-monorepo-cicd:argocd-argocd-application-controller
If you want to integrate with your GitHub's account, then you have to create a secret similar to:
cat << EOF > /tmp/git-cli-auth-github.yaml
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: git-cli-auth-github
type: Opaque
.gitconfig: |
sslVerify = false
[credential ""]
helper = store
.git-credentials: |
Then, get the sealed secret:
/tmp/kubeseal < /tmp/git-cli-auth-github.yaml > /tmp/sealed-git-cli-auth-github.yaml \
-n gitops-monorepo-cicd \
--controller-namespace gitops-monorepo-cicd \
--controller-name sealed-secrets \
-o yaml
Extract the sealed values of the gitconfig
and git-credentials
❯ cat /tmp/sealed-git-cli-auth-github.yaml | grep '\.git'
.git-credentials: AgBULs....
.gitconfig: AgAwSg....
Copy the .git-credentials
and .gitconfig
values into tools/pipelines/values.yaml
file as:
- name: github
type: Opaque
config: AgCfXE....
credentials: AgAMID...
And this is GitOps, so commit and push your changes into your Git repository:
git add tools/pipelines/values.yaml
git commit -m ":passport_control: Added secured values (Sealed Secrets)"
git push
ArgoCD requires to be admin of the different namespaces used by our Product, so we need to
add the admin
to the service account, otherwise ArgoCD will not be able to create objects
NOTE: This step must be done with a cluster-admin
For development environment:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin \
system:serviceaccount:gitops-monorepo-cicd:argocd-argocd-application-controller \
-n gitops-monorepo-dev
For testing environment:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin \
system:serviceaccount:gitops-monorepo-cicd:argocd-argocd-application-controller \
-n gitops-monorepo-tst
For production environment:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin \
system:serviceaccount:gitops-monorepo-cicd:argocd-argocd-application-controller \
-n gitops-monorepo-pro
ArgoCD uses the concept of project to classify the different applications managed by it. Our Product Monorepo will have the following project definitions:
to manage the different tools related with our productgitops-monorepo-apps
to manage the different applications of our product
To create the projects definitions:
oc apply -f projects/ -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
The applications will be created by the CICD pipelines, but you could create them with the following commands:
- Create the new application to deploy:
Applying the application
CR object describing the application:
oc apply -f applications/sample-backend/<ENV>/application.yaml -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
Or use the argocd
CLI to create the definition of the application:
argocd app create sample-backend-<ENV> \
--dest-namespace gitops-monorepo-<ENV> \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--repo \
--path "charts/quarkus-app-chart" \
--sync-policy automated --self-heal --auto-prune
Choose the right value for ENV
defined the development environment.tst
defined the testing
defined the production environment.
Verify the applications are synchronized in the final environments:
❯ oc get applications -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
nexus Synced Healthy
pipelines Synced Healthy
sample-backend-dev Synced Healthy
sample-backend-pro Synced Healthy
sample-backend-tst Synced Healthy
sample-frontend-dev Synced Healthy
sample-frontend-pro Synced Healthy
sample-frontend-tst Synced Healthy
sonarqube Synced Healthy
ArgoCD polls Git repositories every some minutes to detect changes to the manifests. To eliminate this delay from polling, the API server can be configured to receive webhook events. The following explains how to configure a Git webhook.
First we need to edit the argocd-secret
secret of ArgoCD in the gitops-monorepo-cicd
to add the secret value to use from the Webhook.
The secret could be updated by the Web Console or by the command line:
oc edit secret argocd-secret -n gitops-monorepo-cicd
And a new entry to setup the secret:
# git webhook secret
webhook.github.secret: shhhh! it's a git secret
That value will be used in the Webhook definition in the Git server. To create a new webhook navigate to WebHook settings in your repository:
Fulfill the form with these values:
- Payload URL: Your external IP Address from the route with
path. - HTTP Method: POST
- Content type: application/json
- Secret: Value defined by
From now every changed pushed into the repository will trigger a sync operation in ArgoCD.