PSAdminComputer is a Central Storage location to manage your Computers.
For Example its a birds eye view of your environment allowing you to see at a glance what you have.
PS C:\> get-psadminmachine -VaultName LAB
VaultName Name LocalIP ProvisioningState Description LastOnline
--------- ---- ------- ----------------- ----------- ----------
LAB WA01MGT01GW001 Remote Desk...
- Get-PSAdminComputer Gets a PSAdmin Computer.
- New-PSAdminComputer Creates a PSAdmin Computer.
- Set-PSAdminComputer Sets a Value in PSAdmin Computer.
- Remove-PSAdminComputer Remove a PSAdmin Computer.
- Get-PSAdminComputerSecret Gets a PSAdminComputer Secret
- Set-PSAdminComputerSecret Sets a PSAdminComputer Secret