git clone
npm i
npm run start:dev
If you are only interested in checking the code and running the example you may skip the below step by step guide, which serves as a guide for creating a basic express server, using a express-react-views
view engine and JSX.
The end result of the below step by step guide would be a project more or less similar to what is included in this repo.
Using the express
generator, create the basic server without views by running the following command:
express --no-view react-views-express-ssr
cd react-views-express-ssr
npm i
You must explicitly install react
and react-dom
as a dependency, as it is not directly included in the express-react-views
npm install express-react-views react react-dom
# Create a views folder
mkdir views
# Create a view file
touch views/Home.jsx
# Remove the routes folder - we won't be using them in this exapmle
rm -rf ./routes
Fist step is to import the express-react-views
package and set the view engine.
Add the following code to your app.js
const erv = require('express-react-views');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jsx');
app.engine('jsx', erv.createEngine());
Create a simple route to render the home /
Note that the res.render
syntax is the same as with other view engines :
// syntax example
res.render('ViewFileName', objectWithDataToInject )
Add the following code to your app.js
// Basic home route rendering a view
app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.render('Home', { name: 'Your Name', list: ['MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'JSX'] });
Next step is creating a function compoent which returns JSX.
The data passed to the render
// We have to require React to allow Babel to transpile our JSX to HTML
const React = require('react');
// Object with the data, injected to the view via `res.render`,is represented by the `props`
function Home(props) {
return (
<h2> Hello {} ! </h2>
{ => <li>{item}</li>)
module.exports = Home;
npm run start:dev
Refer to the code in this repository on the example of using multiple components in the place of partials. For example components/Card.jsx
component can be used as a partial