- Works with PHP 8.2
- Changed the route to use . instead of using | for compatibility with some payment gateways
- Payment methods need to be updated:
$method_data = [];
if ($status) {
$method_data = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer',
'title' => $this->language->get('heading_title'),
'sort_order' => $this->config->get('payment_bank_transfer_sor[](')
has changed to:
$method_data = [];
if ($status) {
$option_data['bank_transfer'] = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer.bank_transfer',
'name' => $this->language->get('heading_title')
$method_data = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer',
'name' => $this->language->get('heading_title'),
'option' => $option_data,
'sort_order' => $this->config->get('payment_bank_transfer_sort_order')
[] (Release date: 07.01.2019)
- Mail config hostname variable (opencart#2840)
- Order status id INT size in install.sql (opencart#2820)
- Fix admin alert email for new customer. (opencart#2847)
- Product review fixed when error message is returned.
- Pagination fix in sale/recurring (opencart#2853)
- Product review fixed when error message is returned. Also added check to only attempt recapcha call if no other errors are set first which stops invalidating the saved token. (#2843 #2839)
- Fixed pagination issue on sale/recurring (opencart#2853)
- Amazon - minimum order total bug (
- BUG when sending the e-mail to admin (
- Update modification.php - ensure modification mode is in correct state (opencart#2895)
- Gift Certificate, Back end bug Fix (
- Fixed Handling fee typoe on operator (
- BUG when sending the e-mail to admin (opencart#2888)
- Update cart.php - enforce minimum order qty of the product (
- Update bestseller.php - fix link (
- Update coupon.php - remove current coupon if blank one is entered (
- Added missing jQuery link to order invoice and order shipping. (opencart#2949)
- ocMod regex operations are never trimmed (opencart#2925)
- Bug fixes First Data (
- Fixed security issue on log filename (
- Update product.php - Syntax fixed (
- Amazon module - reverting cookie name to correct value and adding comments to warn against altering (
- Fix when serialized settings are changed to/from serialized state (opencart#3015)
- Full path disclosure due to Undefined index (opencart#2998)
- Added pre & post triggers for customer log in
- Order modified success string changed (opencart#2817)
- Changed the PayPal Express max amount calculation to be currency specific (opencart#2836)
- Worldpay signup icon link changed to new URL.
- Order modified success string changed. (
- Removed unused empty function (opencart#2634 opencart#2634)
- Changed the PayPal Express max amount calculation to be currency specific (
- Removing redundant uninstall code, deleting tables that were never created (
- Remove unneeded array_merge calls (
- Startup file - ensure it's a file, include_once (
- Code standards (indents & whitespace)
- Mail system changes (Commits on Apr 6, 2015)
- Delete MoneyBrokers Icon, Replaces by Skrill Icon (
- Position correction of custom fields in admin panel (opencart#2953)
- Zone name corrected (opencart#2954)
- Lebanon regions added (
- Displays errors custom_field field (opencart#2969)
- Allow config of custom database port during setup (opencart#2967)
- Language change (
- Update installer.php - force array type on glob() result (
- Add check for modification folder write during install. (
- Changed install language file name (default > english). (
- Return $language_id in language.php addLanguage method. (
- Language file standard, removed double quotes to single. (
- Added loading text to form button. (
- Preserve styling of wishlist top menu item (opencart#2814)
- Latest OpenBay Pro release.
- Added Jenkins automation install script for demo store (
- Fraud extension support (
- Fraud labs pro module added (
- G2A Pay module (
- Fix recurring profile copy button (instead of deleting them) (opencart#2458,
- Owl carousel slider CSS fix (
- Incorrect argument passed on customer group query (
- PayPal logo saved for Express Checkout
- Price alignment fixed in product list (opencart#2491)
- Incorrect successful registration contact us link incorrect (
- Fedex language typos (opencart#2532)
- Disable maintenance check for API requests (
- Summernote bold formatting (
- OCMOD path fix when starting with a brace (opencart#2561)
- getModule method not found bug, missing class load (
- Added minimum order quantity to all product list pages (
- Cart not updated when adding product from a grid table or a related product (opencart#2629)
- Post quantity value fixed when adding to cart (
- Upgrade pages CSS fixed (
- Address book language string and menu positions in account area (opencart#2574)
- Unable to use return key when searching products (
- Ajax upload (opencart#2610)
- Compare does not cross original price when special price available (opencart#2555)
- Login attempts comparison (opencart#2552)
- Affiliate Forgotten password (opencart#2637)
- Skrill hash validation (
- Gift Vouchers, email sent to all even when only one is selected (opencart#2581)
- Second level menu collapse (
- Multiple pop over elements shown (opencart#2544)
- DIR_UPLOAD missing from CLI installations (opencart#2642)
- grouped product purchased with product id and not model (
- Sales Report Product Count (opencart#2556)
- Customer report model incorrect query (opencart#2554)
- Postcode fix for customer form in admin (
- Recent activity links not correct when a customer is waiting approval (opencart#2658)
- Reports product viewed. wrong method used, corrected method was deleted (opencart#2656)
- Remove tooltip fix (opencart#2595)
- $totals variable in foreach loop corrected (
- Admin>Modules>Featured-Home Page : gives error if no products are added (opencart#2660)
- $data['tax_class_id'] integer casting (
- Typo in filling addresses after login (
- store product_reward entries only when points > 0 (
- Fix default value of error_address (
- .htaccess "download" wrong rule (opencart#2684)
- product_recurrings and recurring should be product_recurring (
- Admin review notification failing (opencart#2708)
- Path Replacement (opencart#2696)
- Added missing default admin permissions (opencart#2685)
- Fixed a bug when product layouts were used in left and right columns. (
- Fix event bug in manufacturer.php (
- Review button (in product page) cleared to new line (
- Removed Sagepay direct cron debug code (
- Sagepay callback method when PayPal is chosen as payment type (
- Recurring orders array fix in cart (opencart#2760)
- IE copy product fix (
- Remove config_ignore_token (
- fix cart quantity input width on mobile (
- removed double semi-colons (
- "See All" text changed to "Show All"
- Store setting keys changed in config table (
- Change to language check (
- Database name added in backup (
- Bootstrap updated to latest version (
- Royal Mail shipping module
- Google reCAPTCHA added to replace old captcha text system
- Added more zip and rar mime types for allowed upload file types (
- Removed unrequired check on PayPal standard order status (
- Maintenance mode should be triggered when important modifications are missing (opencart#2647)
- Removed redundant product_attribute queries (
- Add HTTPS support during installation (
- Admin Tweak - Reverse Default Order of Reviews (
- Lots of whitespace and CRLF>LF fixes applied.
- Mailing class changes
- Sort modules by name (
- Added exit() function to DB connection on failure (
- Added check if title is set in HTML module (
- Latest OpenBay Pro release.
- Global payments gateway
- Amazon Login and Pay module
- PayPal merchant onboarding/signup added to Express Checkout
- Changed namespace issues in DB driver files.
- Added missing text_edit string in the settings area.
- Fixed scaling issue for admin progress status bars.
- Fixed image_width and image_height modules #1916
- Sale total dashboard fix (
- modification refresh does not clear files #1919
- Best seller module can now be enabled #1926 (
- Summernote fix for marketing #1935 (
- Pagination closing tag fix #1933 (
- FTP settings variable correction #1930 (
- Fixed Secure Trading image in gateway list.
- Fixed missing review_guest check in product.tpl
- Added formatting to number format in pp express to ensure no comma is added for items over 1000 #2216
- Fixed issue that allows for unapproved logins with Log in With PayPal
- Changed missing image link in catalog recurring list template. Changed to button.
- Changed DB connection error response during install when using mysqli to use native message from mysqli
- Removed unused text in stats menu in the admin
- No module validation added (
- Typo fix #1929
- Module name strip_tags #1925
- FTP status check added (
- Added check for compression size #1772
- Update moment.js #1896
- Updated affiliate link to correct OpenCart promotion page for users to get special offer.
- Added check for current category before getting child data to improve speed.
- Added DB indexes to OC URL table. REF: #2120
- Check for URL alias #1915 (
- Latest OpenBay Pro release.