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Below we describe ERC20-K, our formal specification of a refined variant of the ERC20 standard token in K. Since it uses a small fragment of K and since the reader may not know K, we will also explain K as needed.

Our objective is to define ERC20-K in such a way that it can be imported by an arbitrary programming language semantics, whose programs can then make use of the ERC20-K functions. Our immediate reason for doing so is to test ERC20-K programmatically. But this design choice can have other advantages, too. For example, it can be seen as a way to plug-and-play ERC20-K support to your favorite language, provided you have a K semantics for it.

We start by defining a module called ERC20:

module ERC20

A K definition consists of three major parts, often mixed: syntactic definitions, configuration definitions, and semantic rules.

1 Syntax

We start by defining the ERC20-K syntax.

1.1 Values and Addresses

ERC20-K refers to two major types of data: Value and Address. We assume that any implementation provides an additional Bool type, or ways to encode it. It is not difficult to see that although the ERC20 standard is presented using specific types for values and addresses, namely uint256 and address, respectively, its semantics is rather independent of these. That is, they can be regarded as parameters of the specification. However, to avoid defining adhoc syntactic categories for these, we here choose them to be K's built-in unbounded integers; note that the ERC20-K semantics below is defined in a way that bounds on values will be imposed and preserved. K's (unbounded) integers live under the predefined syntactic category Int:

  syntax Value   ::= Int  // can be easily changed
  syntax Address ::= Int  // can be easily changed

1.2 Main Functions

Below is the syntax of the main ERC20 functions:

  syntax AExp ::= Value | Address
                | "totalSupply" "(" ")"
                | "balanceOf" "(" AExp ")"                       [strict]
                | "allowance" "(" AExp "," AExp ")"              [strict]
  syntax BExp ::= Bool
                | "approve" "(" AExp "," AExp ")"                [strict]
                | "transfer" "(" AExp "," AExp ")"               [strict]
                | "transferFrom" "(" AExp "," AExp "," AExp ")"  [strict]
                | "throw"

Since we want ERC20-K to be easily incorporated within programming languages, a minimal interface needs to be agreed upon. Above, we assumed that such a language must include two syntactic categories: AExp for arithmetic expressions and BExp for Boolean expressions. Values and addresses are AExps and Bool values are BExps. The constructs above, except for throw, correspond to the ERC20 standard functions.

In K, grammars are defined using the BNF notation, with terminals double-quoted. Note that a syntax/grammar of a language may be and usually is more permissive than desired; many languages define static type checkers to reject malformed programs, but this is not our concern here. The constant throw will be used as result of functions which perform illegal operations and will get the computation stuck.

All arguments of all functions above are AExp, meaning that, syntactically speaking, arbitrary arithmetic expressions are allowed as arguments of these functions. This looks different from how these functions are defined in the original ERC20 specification, that is, transfer(Address,Value), etc., because there the signature (and not the syntax) of these functions is defined. It is implicitly understood there that the syntax of high level languages will allow us to pass expressions (of corresponding types) as arguments to these functions. However, K is a general purpose framework and makes no implicit assumptions, so we have to say it explicitly that expressions are allowed to be passed as arguments. In fact, K does not even know that these language constructs are meant to be "functions", nor even what a function is by default.

All ERC20 functions above that take arguments have the attribute strict, which in K means that they should first evaluate their arguments. Their semantic rules below will not apply before their arguments are fully evaluated to their expected types of values. Consequently, programming language semantics importing our ERC20-K semantics will allow their programs to pass arbitrary expressions as arguments to the ERC20 functions, yet the semantics of those functions will apply only after their arguments are properly evaluated.

1.3 Events

The ERC20 functions are required, at success, to log two types of events:

  syntax Event ::= "Transfer" "(" Address "," Address "," Value ")"
                 | "Approval" "(" Address "," Address "," Value ")"

The events are then collected in a log. The precise syntax of the log is not specified in the ERC20 standard, so in ERC20-K we take the freedom to choose the syntax Events: <event1> <event2> ... <eventn>:

  syntax EventLog ::= "Events:"
                    | EventLog Event

The syntax of the event log is unconstrained (by semantic rules) and is irrelevant for implementations. All the above is saying is that implementations of ERC20-K must implement the notion of an event log, together with an empty event log and the capability to append a new event to an existing event log.

2 Configuration

Configurations hold the structure and the data on which the semantic rules match and apply. At any given moment during its execution, the state of the defined system or programming language is an instance of the defined configuration. A configuration consists of a set of potentially nested semantic cells, each cell having a name and containing a specific kind of semantic information. We use an XML-like notation to say where a cell starts and where it ends. The configuration declaration also contains an initial value for each cell. We first show the entire ERC20 configuration and then we discuss it:

  configuration <ERC20>
                  <caller> 0 </caller>
                  <k> $PGM:K </k>
                    <account multiplicity="*">
                      <id> 0 </id>
                      <balance> 0 </balance>
                    <allowance multiplicity="*">
                      <owner> 0 </owner>
                        <allow multiplicity="*">
                          <spender> 0 </spender>
                          <amount> 0 </amount>
                  <log> Events: </log>
                  <supply> 0 </supply>

The configuration consists or a top-level cell <ERC20/>, which holds 6 other cells.

The <caller/> holds the initiator of the transaction, aka the sender of the message, which is an Address; we initialize the configuration with caller 0. It is important to know the caller, because the semantics of the transfer functions depend on it.

The <k/> cell holds the computation to be performed by the caller. The $PGM:K variable is replaced with the input program by the K tools, that is, with the program that we want to execute or whose semantics we are interested in. In this module we define the semantics of the ERC20 functions when they become the first task of the computation, but each programming language will define the semantics of its additional constructs similarly, when they become the first task in the <k/> cell. Instead of "become the first task in the <k/> cell" we sometimes say "it is at the top of the <k/> cell".

The <accounts/> cell holds all the accounts. Each account is held in a separate <account/> cell and has its own unique <id/> and its own <balance/>. The multiplicity="*" tag states that there could be zero, one or more instances of that cell.

The <allowances/> cell holds all the allowances: for each <owner/>, its <spenders/> cell holds an allowed <amount/> for each <spender/>.

The <log/> cell holds and EventLog term, that is, a sequence of Events. Newly generated events are appended at the end of the log.

The <supply/> cell holds the total token supply.

For the remainder of the semantics, we assume the configuration is already correctly initialized: all the account <id/>s are distinct, their <balance/>s are non-negative, and the total <supply/> is the sum of all the balances) and the <caller/> is known. In our simple IMP programming language that we define on top of the ERC20-K semantics (in the tests folder) we define macros that can be used to initialize the configuration.

3 Semantics

ERC20 was originally designed for the EVM, whose integers (of type uint256) are unsigned and have 256 bits, so can go up to 2^256. The exact size of integers is important for arithmetic overflow, which needs to be rigorously defined in the formal specification. However, the precise size of integers can be a parameter of the ERC20-K specification. This way, the specification can easily be used with various execution environments, such as eWASM or IELE, or with various programming languages (e.g., Viper appears to converge towards integers up to 2^128). The syntax declaration and the rule below define an integer constant MAXVALUE and initialize it with the largest integer on 256 bits (one can set it to "infinity" if one does not care about overflows or if one's computational infrastructure supports unbounded integers, like IELE does):

  syntax Int ::= "MAXVALUE"  [function]
  rule MAXVALUE => 2 ^Int 256 -Int 1

The attribute/tag function above states that MAXVALUE is to be reduced, or rewritten, with its rule above, instantly wherever it occurs (rewriting of non-function symbols is constrained by the context). The suffix Int to arithmetic operations indicates that these are the K builtin operations on its unbounded integers; you can think of them as the mathematical rather than the machine integer operations.

3.1 totalSupply

We start with the semantics of totalSupply():

  rule <k> totalSupply() => Total ...</k>
       <supply> Total </supply>

The rule above involves two cells, <k/> and <supply/>, and matches totalSupply() as the first task in the </k> cell and the contents of the <supply/> cell in the Total variable. In K, variables are usually capitalized; ... is a special variable, called a structural frame, which matches the rest of a sequence, set, map, cell, etc. The arrow => indicates that its left-hand-side term is rewritten to its right-hand-side term. In words, the rule says: When requested to compute, totalSupply() rewrites to the Total contents of the <supply/> cell. Note that rules only need to mention the cells they need; the rest of the configuration is inferred automatically and rules do not change it.

3.2 balanceOf

We next define the semantics of balanceOf in a similar but slightly more involved way:

  rule <k> balanceOf(Id) => Value ...</k>
       <id> Id </id>
       <balance> Value </balance>

Above, balanceOf(Id) is matched at the top of the <k/> cell. As a result, variable Id is bound to a specific account identifier. Then we match the <id/> cell that contains that precise account identifier. The Value of that account then becomes the result of balanceOf(Id). Note that the <id/> and <balance/> cells are not at the same level in the configuration as the <k/> cell. K will automatically infer the missing configuration cells as part of its configuration abstraction mechanism, thus saving us from writing verbose rules, like the following equivalent rule:

  rule <k> balanceOf(Id) => Value ...</k>
           <id> Id </id>
           <balance> Value </balance>

3.3 allowance

The rule for allowance(Owner,Spender) makes even more aggressive use of configuration abstraction:

  rule <k> allowance(Owner, Spender) => Allowance ...</k>
       <owner> Owner </owner>
       <spender> Spender </spender>
       <amount> Allowance </amount>

Above, the given Owner is matched in its <allowance/> cell, then the Spender is matched inside one of owner's <allow/> cells, and then the spender's allowed Allowance is returned as the result of the allowance function call.

3.4 approve

The semantics of approve(Spender, Allowance) is trickier, because it requires three changes to the configuration (there are three => arrows): the function call itself becomes true in the <k/> cell; at the same time, the allowance of the <caller/>, named Owner in the rule, for the Spender changes to the new Allowance; finally, an Approve event is logged:

  rule <k> approve(Spender, Allowance) => true ...</k>
       <caller> Owner </caller>
       <owner> Owner </owner>
       <spender> Spender </spender>
       <amount> _ => Allowance </amount>
       <log> Log => Log Approval(Owner, Spender, Allowance) </log>
    requires Allowance >=Int 0

Above, _ is an anonymous/nameless variable; it matches the current <amount/> in order to rewrite it to Allowance. K rules can have side conditions on the matched variables, which are introduced with the keyword requires. We explicitly required the Allowance to be positive, which may be redundant in some languages whose type system already ensures that the values are positive. But here we attempt to be as general and safe as possible. In K, rules can be regarded as transactions: they either apply and modify the configuration atomically, when all the specified structure is matched and the side conditions are verified, or they do not apply at all and no change is made to the configuration.

For completeness, we also include the following rule which throws when the allowance to approve is negative:

  rule <k> approve(_, Allowance) => throw ...</k>
    requires Allowance <Int 0

The negative allowance case is not discussed in the ERC20 standard, because the uint256 type guarantees integers to be positive. We believe that the throwing semantics above is more appropriate than having approve return false.

3.5 transfer

The transfer(To, Value) function distinguishes four cases, depending upon whether the caller transfers the Value to itself or to another account, and whether the function succeeds or throws.

3.5.1 Case 1: Caller different from receiver; success

Let us discuss the successful cases first. If the caller transfers to a different account and all the side conditions are satisfied, then the two balances and the log are updated accordingly:

  rule <k> transfer(To, Value) => true ...</k>
       <caller> From </caller>
         <id> From </id>
         <balance> BalanceFrom => BalanceFrom -Int Value </balance>
         <id> To </id>
         <balance> BalanceTo => BalanceTo +Int Value </balance>
       <log> Log => Log Transfer(From, To, Value) </log>
    requires To =/=Int From    // sanity check
     andBool Value >=Int 0
     andBool Value <=Int BalanceFrom
     andBool BalanceTo +Int Value <=Int MAXVALUE

Above, From is the caller (matched in the <caller/> cell) and BalanceFrom is its balance (matched in the caller's account <balance/> cell), while BalanceTo is the receiver's balance (matched in the To's <balance/> cell). Since we assume the configuration is correctly initialized, From should always be different from To because they are ids of different <account/> cells; nevertheless, we prefer to add a sanity check to catch potential errors in our semantics or in implementations of it. The other side conditions require that the transfered value is positive and no larger than the BalanceFrom, and that the resulting BalanceTo of the receiver does not overflow. The ERC20 standard does not cover overflow, but many implementations throw when overflow occurs, so we prefer to do the same in our specification (the throwing rules are given after the successful ones).

3.5.2 Case 2: Caller same as receiver; success

Next we discuss successful transfers from the caller to itself. A self transfer is useless, so it will likely not happen in practice. Yet, a complete specification to be used for smart contract verification must nevertheless consider it. There are at least three possible behaviors to consider for self transfers:

  1. Throw.
  2. Ignore.
  3. Make the actual transfer and log the event.

The first and second cases are the easiest and cleanest to define semantically, but they may require more code and an additional runtime check in implementations, so they may result in more gas consumption. All ERC20 implementations that we've seen, however, do not special case self transfers, so they implicitly have the third behavior. Consequently, we also choose the third behavior in our specification. However we do special case the semantics of self transfers because:

  1. Only one of the last two conditions in the requires clause above needs to be checked for self transfers (see the note below); and
  2. We believe it is important that developers of ERC20-compliant implementations be aware of the semantic choice and program verifiers explicitly consider the case of self transfers.
  rule <k> transfer(From, Value) => true ...</k>
       <caller> From </caller>
       <id> From </id>
       <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
       <log> Log => Log Transfer(From, From, Value) </log>
    requires Value >=Int 0
     andBool Value <=Int BalanceFrom

Note: implementations of transfer which first add Value to recipient's account and then subtract Value from sender's account will fail to satisfy the rule above, because of the potential overflow. To favor those implementations we would have to change the second requires clause of the rule above to BalanceFrom +Int Value <=Int MAXVALUE.

3.5.3 Case 3: Caller different from receiver; throw

This is the complement rule of Case 1 (distinct caller and receiver), which throws when the transfered Value is negative or exceeds the BalanceFrom, or when overflow happens at receiver:

  rule <k> transfer(To, Value) => throw ...</k>
       <caller> From </caller>
         <id> From </id>
         <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
         <id> To </id>
         <balance> BalanceTo </balance>
    requires To =/=Int From   // sanity check
     andBool (Value <Int 0
      orBool Value >Int BalanceFrom
      orBool BalanceTo +Int Value >Int MAXVALUE)

3.5.4 Case 4: Caller same as receiver; throw

Finally, a transfer from the caller to itself throws when the Value is negative or exceeds the BalanceFrom:

// self transfer; again, we assume withdrawal followed by deposit
  rule <k> transfer(From, Value) => throw ...</k>
       <caller> From </caller>
       <id> From </id>
       <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
    requires Value <Int 0
      orBool Value >Int BalanceFrom

Note that the rule above is a true special case that the specification has to explicitly treat, and not a trivial instance of the rule preceding it. Indeed, we chose to not include the overflow condition. If we included it, then most implementations of the ERC20 token would be incorrect, because they could not formally guarantee that transfer to self throws in case of overflow. Like in Case 2, they would need to first deposit and then withdraw Value, but in that case the side condition Value >Int Balance needs to be eliminated, because a transfer to self would succeed also in that case.

The four rules above only treat the cases where transfer either returns true or otherwise throws. There is no rule where transfer returns false. Nevertheless, implementations of tokens may choose to deviate from our ERC20-K specification, or to refine it, in ways where returning false may be useful. For example, a particular token implementation may choose to ignore transfers from some particular account, say 0, intended to hold the burnt tokens, and may prefer to do that by having transfer return false instead of throwing. Therefore, to allow future flexibility, it makes to give the functions transfer, transferFrom and approve semantics which return either true or throw, without any specific cases returning false.

3.6 transferFrom

Like transfer, transferFrom(From, To, Value) also has four cases. However, unlike transfer, we now need to also check and update the Caller's Allowance.

3.6.1 Case 1: From different from To; success

When From different from To, indicated by the fact that they are ids of different accounts, a successful transfer additionally requires that the Allowance of From for the Caller is larger than or equal to Value:

  rule <k> transferFrom(From, To, Value) => true ...</k>
       <caller> Caller </caller>
       <owner> From </owner>
       <spender> Caller </spender>
       <amount> Allowance => Allowance -Int Value </amount>
         <id> From </id>
         <balance> BalanceFrom => BalanceFrom -Int Value </balance>
         <id> To </id>
         <balance> BalanceTo => BalanceTo +Int Value </balance>
       <log> Log => Log Transfer(From, To, Value) </log>
    requires To =/=Int From    // sanity check
     andBool Value >=Int 0
     andBool Value <=Int BalanceFrom
     andBool Value <=Int Allowance   // `transfer` does not check allowance
     andBool BalanceTo +Int Value <=Int MAXVALUE

Note that a Transfer event has also been logged.

3.6.2 Case 2: From same as To; success

The case of a self transfer (first two arguments of transferFrom in the rule below are equal, From) is similar to that of transfer, but the allowance of the Caller also needs to be checked and updated:

  rule <k> transferFrom(From, From, Value) => true ...</k>
       <caller> Caller </caller>
       <owner> From </owner>
       <spender> Caller </spender>
       <amount> Allowance => Allowance -Int Value </amount>
       <id> From </id>
       <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
       <log> Log => Log Transfer(From, From, Value) </log>
    requires Value >=Int 0
     andBool Value <=Int BalanceFrom
     andBool Value <=Int Allowance   // `transfer` does not check allowance

Checking and updating the Caller's allowance may look unnecessary for transfers from an account to itself, but if we do not do it then ERC20-compliant implementations would require to treat this case as special and thus would require more code and computation and thus more gas. Like for transfer, our specification above favors implementations that first withdraw and then deposit the Value. To favor implementations that first deposit and then withdraw, we would need to replace the last side condition above with an overflow check.

3.6.3 Case 3: From different from To; throw

This is simply the complement of Case 1:

  rule <k> transferFrom(From, To, Value) => throw ...</k>
       <caller> Caller </caller>
       <owner> From </owner>
       <spender> Caller </spender>
       <amount> Allowance </amount>
         <id> From </id>
         <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
         <id> To </id>
         <balance> BalanceTo </balance>
    requires To =/=Int From    // sanity check
     andBool (Value <Int 0
      orBool Value >Int BalanceFrom
      orBool Value >Int Allowance
      orBool BalanceTo +Int Value >Int MAXVALUE)

3.6.4 Case 4: From same as To; throw

This is simply the complement of Case 2:

  rule <k> transferFrom(From, From, Value) => throw ...</k>
       <caller> Caller </caller>
       <owner> From </owner>
       <spender> Caller </spender>
       <amount> Allowance </amount>
       <id> From </id>
       <balance> BalanceFrom </balance>
    requires Value <Int 0
      orBool Value >Int BalanceFrom
      orBool Value >Int Allowance   // `transfer` does not check allowance

The ERC20-K semantics is now complete, so we can close the module:


4 How To Use ERC20-K

One way to use ERC20-K, illustrated in tests, is to import it in other programming language semantics and thus offer ERC20 support to those languages. In particular, this can be useful to test the ERC20-K specification programmatically, as well as for producing tests that can be then used with implementations of ERC20.

Another way to use ERC20-K is as a standard for ERC20 compliance. That is, as an answer to what needs to be proved about a smart contract claiming to implement an ERC20 token. Each of the rules above is one reachability claim that needs to be proved. Several of them have been proved as part of the KEVM project about Solidity and Viper implementations of ERC20 tokens, and all of them are planned to be proved for a forthcoming ERC20 token implementation in IELE. Indeed, note that the ERC20-K specification above, unlike the original ERC20 standard, is not bound to the EVM anymore. Finally, since the programming languages in which the tokens are implemented may have not been given a semantics in the same style as our tests/imp by importing the ERC20-K configuration, a mapping of ERC20-K configurations into the target language configuration may need to be separately defined.