requires ""
The Michelson external syntax needs to be converted into an internal representation. We define all our internal representations below.
imports BYTES
imports DOMAINS
We represent types internally without their annotations.
NOTE: This simplification breaks the semantics of some instructions relating to contracts with entrypoints. We may fix this issue in a later release.
syntax TypeName ::= NullaryTypeName
| UnaryTypeName TypeName
| BinaryTypeName TypeName TypeName
| BinaryPlusTypeName TypeName TypeName
syntax TypeName ::= #Name(Type) [function, functional]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #Name(T:NullaryTypeName _:AnnotationList) => T
rule #Name(T:UnaryTypeName _:AnnotationList ArgT) => T #Name(ArgT)
rule #Name(T:BinaryTypeName _:AnnotationList ArgT1 ArgT2) => T #Name(ArgT1) #Name(ArgT2)
rule #Name(T:BinaryPlusTypeName _:AnnotationList ArgT1 ArgT2:Type) => T #Name(ArgT1) #Name(ArgT2)
rule #Name(T:BinaryPlusTypeName _:AnnotationList ArgT1 ArgT2:Type ArgT3:NeTypeList) => T #Name(ArgT1) #Name(T .AnnotationList ArgT2 ArgT3)
syntax Type ::= #Type(TypeName) [function, functional]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #Type(T:NullaryTypeName) => T .AnnotationList
rule #Type(T:UnaryTypeName ArgT) => T .AnnotationList #Type(ArgT)
rule #Type(T:BinaryTypeName ArgT1 ArgT2) => T .AnnotationList #Type(ArgT1) #Type(ArgT2)
rule #Type(T:BinaryPlusTypeName ArgT1 ArgT2) => T .AnnotationList #Type(ArgT1) #Type(ArgT2)
We represent entrypoints as the concatenation of an address and a field annotation.
syntax Entrypoint ::= Address "." FieldAnnotation
syntax Entrypoint ::= #ParseEntrypoint(String) [function]
| #ParseEntrypoint(String, Int) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule #ParseEntrypoint(AddrLit:String) => #ParseEntrypoint(AddrLit, findChar(AddrLit, "%", 0))
rule #ParseEntrypoint(AddrLit:String, -1) => #Address(AddrLit) . %default
rule #ParseEntrypoint(AddrLit, N:Int) => #Address(substrString(AddrLit, 0, N)) . ToFieldAnnot(substrString(AddrLit, N, lengthString(AddrLit)))
requires N >=Int 0
andBool N +Int 1 <Int lengthString(AddrLit)
andBool rfindChar(AddrLit, "%", lengthString(AddrLit)) ==Int N
syntax FieldAnnotation ::= ToFieldAnnot(String) [function, functional, hook(STRING.string2token)]
syntax String ::= FieldAnnotToString(FieldAnnotation) [function, functional, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #ToString(Entrypoint) [function, functional]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule #ToString(#Address(Addr) . %default ) => Addr
rule #ToString(#Address(Addr) . FieldAnnot) => Addr +String FieldAnnotToString(FieldAnnot) [owise]
We map parameter types with annotations to a map of types.
syntax MaybeFieldAnnotation ::= ".FieldAnnotation"
| FieldAnnotation
syntax TypeProcessorList ::= List{Type, "||"}
syntax Map ::= #BuildAnnotationMap(MaybeFieldAnnotation, Type) [function]
| #BuildAnnotationMap(TypeProcessorList, Map) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #BuildAnnotationMap(MA, T)
=> #AddDefaultEntry(#BuildAnnotationMap(T || .TypeProcessorList, #AddAnnotationEntry(MA, T, .Map)), T)
rule #BuildAnnotationMap(or Annots T1 T2 || TL, AnnotMap)
=> #BuildAnnotationMap(T1 || T2 || TL, #AddAnnotationEntry(#GetMaybeFieldAnnot(Annots), or Annots T1 T2, AnnotMap))
rule #BuildAnnotationMap(T || TL, AnnotMap)
=> #BuildAnnotationMap(TL, #AddAnnotationEntry(#GetMaybeFieldAnnot(T), T, AnnotMap))
rule #BuildAnnotationMap(.TypeProcessorList, AnnotMap) => AnnotMap
syntax Map ::= #AddAnnotationEntry(MaybeFieldAnnotation, Type, Map) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #AddAnnotationEntry(.FieldAnnotation, _, AnnotMap) => AnnotMap
rule #AddAnnotationEntry(FA:FieldAnnotation, T, AnnotMap) => FA |-> #Name(T) AnnotMap
requires notBool FA in_keys(AnnotMap)
We add functions for adding default entrypoints to a map or producing the default annotation.
syntax Map ::= #AddDefaultEntry(Map, Type) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------
rule #AddDefaultEntry(AnnotMap, _Type) => AnnotMap
requires %default in_keys(AnnotMap)
rule #AddDefaultEntry(AnnotMap, Type) => %default |-> #Name(Type) AnnotMap
syntax FieldAnnotation ::= "%default" [macro]
// ------------------------------------------
rule %default => #token("%default", "FieldAnnotation")
We have a function which extracts a unique field annotation from a type.
syntax MaybeFieldAnnotation ::= #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(Type) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(_:NullaryTypeName A:AnnotationList ) => #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(A)
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(_:UnaryTypeName A:AnnotationList _:Type ) => #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(A)
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(_:BinaryTypeName A:AnnotationList _:Type _:Type) => #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(A)
syntax MaybeFieldAnnotation ::= #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(AnnotationList) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(FA:FieldAnnotation _:AnnotationList) => FA
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(_:Annotation Annots:AnnotationList) => #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(Annots) [owise]
rule #GetMaybeFieldAnnot(.AnnotationList) => .FieldAnnotation
syntax FieldAnnotation ::= #GetDefault(MaybeFieldAnnotation) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #GetDefault(.FieldAnnotation) => %default
rule #GetDefault(FA:FieldAnnotation) => FA
syntax FieldAnnotation ::= #GetFieldAnnot(Type) [function]
| #GetFieldAnnot(AnnotationList) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #GetFieldAnnot(T:Type) => #GetDefault(#GetMaybeFieldAnnot(T))
rule #GetFieldAnnot(Annots:AnnotationList) => #GetDefault(#GetMaybeFieldAnnot(Annots))
We represent Michelson values by constructors which wrap K primitive types.
syntax Address ::= #Address(String)
syntax ContractData ::= #Contract(Entrypoint, TypeName)
syntax Mutez ::= #Mutez(Int)
syntax KeyHash ::= #KeyHash(String)
syntax ChainId ::= #ChainId(MichelsonBytes)
syntax Timestamp ::= #Timestamp(Int)
syntax Key ::= #Key(String)
syntax Signature ::= #Signature(String)
syntax OperationNonce ::= #Nonce(Int)
syntax LambdaData ::= #Lambda(TypeName, TypeName, Block)
syntax Ticket ::= #Ticket(Address, Data, Int)
syntax SimpleData ::= LambdaData
| Timestamp
| ChainId
| KeyHash
| ContractData
| Key
| Signature
| Ticket
syntax BlockchainOperation ::= "Transfer_tokens" Data Mutez Entrypoint Data
We represent the values of byte operations as special constructors.
syntax MichelsonBytes ::= #Packed(TypeName,Data)
| #Blake2B(MichelsonBytes)
| #SHA256(MichelsonBytes)
| #SHA512(MichelsonBytes)
We represent values of collection types (lists, sets, maps) as follows:
syntax WrappedData ::= "[|" Data "|]"
syntax InternalList ::= List{WrappedData, ";;"}
syntax Int ::= size(InternalList) [function, functional, smtlib(listsize)]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule size(_ ;; L ) => size(L) +Int 1
rule size(.InternalList) => 0
syntax SimpleData ::= Set | Map | InternalList
The internal representation of mutez is bounded.
syntax Int ::= "#MutezOverflowLimit" [function, functional]
// --------------------------------------------------------
rule #MutezOverflowLimit => 2 ^Int 63 // Signed 64 bit integers.
syntax Bool ::= #IsLegalMutezValue(Int) [function, functional]
| #IsLegalMutezValue(Mutez) [function, functional]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
rule #IsLegalMutezValue(I) => I >=Int 0 andBool I <Int #MutezOverflowLimit
rule #IsLegalMutezValue(#Mutez(I)) => #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
The following representation is used by our legacy type checker.
syntax TypedData ::= #Typed(Data, Type)
syntax Data ::= TypedData
Michelson bool literals are represented internally by the K Bool
syntax MichelsonBool ::= Bool
rule `MichelsonBoolToken`(#token("True", "MichelsonBoolToken")) => true
rule `MichelsonBoolToken`(#token("False", "MichelsonBoolToken")) => false
Michelson byte literals are represented internally by the K Bytes
syntax MichelsonBytes ::= Bytes
rule `MichelsonBytesToken`(M) => #ParseBytes(stripFirst(#MichelsonBytesTokenToString(M), 2), .Bytes)
syntax String ::= #MichelsonBytesTokenToString(MichelsonBytesToken) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax Bytes ::= #ParseBytes(String, Bytes) [function]
// ---------------------------------------------------
rule #ParseBytes("", ByteStr) => ByteStr
rule #ParseBytes(Hex, ByteStr)
=> #ParseBytes(stripFirst(Hex, 2),
+Bytes Int2Bytes(1, String2Base(substrString(Hex, 0, 2), 16), BE))
requires Hex =/=String ""
syntax String ::= stripFirst(String, Int) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------
rule stripFirst(S, I) => substrString(S, I, lengthString(S))
Macros must be converted into strings for further processing.
syntax String ::= #DIPMacroToString(DIPMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #DUPMacroToString(DUPMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #CDARMacroToString(CDARMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #SetCDARMacroToString(SetCDARMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #MapCDARMacroToString(MapCDARMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
These macro conversion functions are currently disabled.
syntax String ::= #PairMacroToString(PairMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
syntax String ::= #UnpairMacroToString(UnpairMacro) [function, hook(STRING.token2string)]
We represent the Michelson stack using the InternalStack
type which contains
the representation of standard stacks as well as failed stacks.
syntax StackElement ::= "[" TypeName Data "]"
syntax Stack ::= List{StackElement, ";"} [klabel(Stack)]
syntax InternalStack ::= Stack | FailedStack
syntax InternalStack ::= #LiteralStackToStack(OutputStack) [function]
syntax Stack ::= #LiteralStackToStack(StackElementList, Stack) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #LiteralStackToStack(FS:FailedStack) => FS
rule #LiteralStackToStack({ LS }) => #LiteralStackToStack(LS, .Stack)
rule #LiteralStackToStack(Stack_elt T D ; LS, SS) => #LiteralStackToStack(LS, [#Name(T) D] ; SS)
rule #LiteralStackToStack(.StackElementList, SS) => reverseStack(SS)
syntax Stack ::= reverseStack( Stack ) [function]
| reverseStack( Stack, Stack ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------
rule reverseStack( EL ) => reverseStack( EL, .Stack )
rule reverseStack( E ; EL, EL' ) => reverseStack( EL, E ; EL' )
rule reverseStack( .Stack, EL' ) => EL'
The internal representation of unset type and data values.
syntax MaybeTypeName ::= ".TypeName" | TypeName
syntax MaybeType ::= ".Type" | Type
syntax MaybeData ::= ".Data" | Data
We specify that both parameter T
and storage T
productions are also groups
(see for a description of groups).
syntax Group ::= ParameterDecl
syntax Group ::= StorageDecl
A Michelson contract consists of three primitive
, storage
and parameter
in any order, separated by semicolons and with
or without an extra semicolon at the end. We standardize this format with these
eleven 'anywhere' rules here.
rule code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule code B ; parameter Pt ; storage St => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule storage St ; code B ; parameter Pt => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule parameter Pt ; code B ; storage St => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule storage St ; parameter Pt ; code B => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule parameter Pt ; storage St ; code B => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule code B ; parameter Pt ; storage St ; => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule storage St ; code B ; parameter Pt ; => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule parameter Pt ; code B ; storage St ; => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule storage St ; parameter Pt ; code B ; => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
rule parameter Pt ; storage St ; code B ; => code B ; storage St ; parameter Pt ; [anywhere]
This function converts the other_contracts
field into its internal
syntax Map ::= #OtherContractsMapToKMap(OtherContractsMapEntryList) [function]
| #OtherContractsMapToKMap(String, Map, OtherContractsMapEntryList) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #OtherContractsMapToKMap( .OtherContractsMapEntryList ) => .Map
rule #OtherContractsMapToKMap( Contract A T ; Rs )
=> #OtherContractsMapToKMap(A, #BuildAnnotationMap(.FieldAnnotation, T), Rs)
rule #OtherContractsMapToKMap(A, TypeMap, Rs) =>
#BuildOtherContractsMap(#Address(A), TypeMap) #OtherContractsMapToKMap(Rs)
syntax Map ::= #BuildOtherContractsMap(Address, Map) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------
rule #BuildOtherContractsMap(A, FA:FieldAnnotation |-> T:TypeName TypeMap:Map)
=> A . FA |-> T #BuildOtherContractsMap(A, TypeMap)
rule #BuildOtherContractsMap(_, .Map) => .Map
This function converts all other datatypes into their internal represenations.
syntax DataOrSeq ::= Data | DataList | MapEntryList // Can't subsort DataList to Data, as that would form a cycle.
syntax Data ::= #MichelineToNative(DataOrSeq, Type, Map, Map) [function]
Michelson has several datatypes whose values are given as Micheline Strings. These include:
- address
- key
- key_hash
- signature
- string
- timestamp (in its human-readable form)
We delegate these datatypes validations to their own functions.
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, key_hash _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ParseKeyHash(S)
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, address _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ParseAddress(S)
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, key _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ParseKey(S)
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, signature _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ParseSignature(S)
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, timestamp _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ParseTimestamp(S)
A simple hook to return the Unix epoch representation of a timestamp passed to the semantics in an ISO8601 format string. See time.cpp for its implementation. The semantics accept timestamps in one of two formats:
- An ISO-8601 string.
- A unix timestamp
We also include a (partial) internal timestamp validation check.
syntax Int ::= #ISO2Epoch(String) [function, hook(TIME.ISO2Epoch)]
syntax Timestamp ::= #ParseTimestamp(String) [function]
rule #ParseTimestamp(S) => #Timestamp(#ISO2Epoch(S)) requires findString(S, "Z", 0) >=Int 0
rule #ParseTimestamp(S) => #Timestamp(String2Int(S)) requires findString(S, "Z", 0) <Int 0
syntax Bool ::= #IsLegalTimestamp(Timestamp) [function, functional]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #IsLegalTimestamp(#Timestamp(I:Int)) => I >=Int 0
The other string based datatypes have stubs for their validation functions.
syntax KeyHash ::= #ParseKeyHash(String) [function]
rule #ParseKeyHash(S) => #KeyHash(S)
syntax Address ::= #ParseAddress(String) [function]
rule #ParseAddress(S) => #Address(S)
syntax Key ::= #ParseKey(String) [function]
rule #ParseKey(S) => #Key(S)
syntax Signature ::= #ParseSignature(String) [function]
rule #ParseSignature(S) => #Signature(S)
Note that timestamps have an optimized form based on integers. We convert that form here.
rule #MichelineToNative(I:Int, timestamp _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #Timestamp(I)
A ChainId is simply a specially tagged MichelsonBytes.
rule #MichelineToNative(H:MichelsonBytes, chain_id _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #ChainId(H)
An int can simply be represented directly as a K int. Nats get an additional sanity check to avoid negative nats.
rule #MichelineToNative(I:Int, int _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => I
rule #MichelineToNative(I:Int, nat _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => I requires I >=Int 0
Strings, like ints, represent themselves.
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, string _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => S
MichelsonBytes conversion is done by the function rule.
rule #MichelineToNative(B:MichelsonBytes, bytes _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => B
Mutez is simply a specially tagged int - we also sanity check the int to ensure that it is in bounds.
rule #MichelineToNative(I:Int, mutez _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #Mutez(I) requires #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
K's function expansion step has already handled converting Michelsons "True/False" booleans into "true/false" K bools, so we don't need to do anything special with them here.
rule #MichelineToNative(B:Bool, bool _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => B
The Unit token represents itself.
rule #MichelineToNative(Unit, unit _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => Unit
We recursively convert the contents of pairs, ors and options, if applicable.
rule #MichelineToNative(Pair A B:Data, pair _ T1:Type T2:Type, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
Pair #MichelineToNative(A, T1, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) #MichelineToNative(B, T2, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
// type pun
rule #MichelineToNative(Pair A (Pair B C), pair Annots T1:Type T2:Type T3:NeTypeList, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
Pair #MichelineToNative(A, T1, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
#MichelineToNative(Pair B C, pair Annots T2 T3, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
// data pun
rule #MichelineToNative(Pair A B:Data C:NePairDataList, pair _ T1:Type (pair Annots T2:Type T3:Type), KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
Pair #MichelineToNative(A, T1, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
#MichelineToNative(Pair B C, (pair Annots T2 T3), KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
// type and data pun
rule #MichelineToNative(Pair A B:Data C:NePairDataList, pair Annots T1:Type T2:Type T3:NeTypeList, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
Pair #MichelineToNative(A, T1, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
#MichelineToNative(Pair B C, (pair Annots T2 T3), KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative(Some V, option _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => Some #MichelineToNative(V, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative(None, option _:AnnotationList _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => None
rule #MichelineToNative(Left V, or _:AnnotationList TL:Type _:Type, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => Left #MichelineToNative(V, TL, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative(Right V, or _:AnnotationList _:Type TR:Type, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => Right #MichelineToNative(V, TR, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
Externally, tickets are represented by Pair
Internally, we represent tickets with the #Ticket
Notice that this rule does not overlap with the rule for ordinary pairs
since they match on different types (second argument of #MichelineToNative
rule #MichelineToNative(Pair Addr (Pair V N), ticket _:AnnotationList T:Type, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
{#MichelineToNative(Addr, address .AnnotationList, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)}:>Address,
#MichelineToNative(V, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps),
{#MichelineToNative(N, nat .AnnotationList, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)}:>Int
We wrap Lambdas appropriately and save their type information. Note that we do not recurse into the Block.
rule #MichelineToNative(B:Block, lambda _:AnnotationList T1 T2, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #Lambda(#Name(T1), #Name(T2), B)
Collections are converted one element at a time. We need to handle the cases of 0 and 1 length lists separately due to parsing ambiguities between a size 1 element list, and another embedded list.
rule #MichelineToNative({ }, list _ _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => .InternalList
rule #MichelineToNative({ D1:Data }, list _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => [| #MichelineToNative(D1, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) |] ;; .InternalList
rule #MichelineToNative({ D1 ; DL:DataList }, list _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => #MichelineToNativeList(D1 ; DL, list .AnnotationList T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
syntax InternalList ::= #MichelineToNativeList(DataList, Type, Map, Map) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #MichelineToNativeList(D1:Data ; D2:Data, list _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
[| #MichelineToNative(D1, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) |] ;; [| #MichelineToNative(D2, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) |]
rule #MichelineToNativeList(D1:Data ; D2:Data ; DL:DataList, list _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
[| #MichelineToNative(D1, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) |] ;; #MichelineToNativeList(D2 ; DL, list .AnnotationList T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
Sets are handled essentially the same way as lists, with the same caveat about needing to handle 3 cases (0-Size sets, 1-Size sets, and otherwise).
rule #MichelineToNative({ }, set _ _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => .Set
rule #MichelineToNative({ D:Data }, set _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => SetItem(#MichelineToNative(D, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps))
rule #MichelineToNative({ D1 ; DL:DataList }, set _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => #MichelineToNative(D1 ; DL, set .AnnotationList T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative(D1:Data ; D2:Data, set _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
SetItem(#MichelineToNative(D1, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)) SetItem(#MichelineToNative(D2, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps))
rule #MichelineToNative(D1:Data ; D2:Data ; DL:DataList, set _ T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
SetItem(#MichelineToNative(D1, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)) {#MichelineToNative(D2 ; DL, set .AnnotationList T, KnownAddrs,BigMaps)}:>Set
Maps and big_map
s do not have the same parsing ambiguity, so we do not need to
handle the case of size 1 maps separately. Note that, internally, no difference
exists between maps and big_map
s in K-Michelson.
rule #MichelineToNative({ }, map _ _ _, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => .Map
rule #MichelineToNative({ M:MapEntryList }, map _:AnnotationList KT VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
#MichelineToNative(M, map .AnnotationList KT VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative(Elt K V ; ML, map _:AnnotationList KT VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
({#MichelineToNative(ML, map .AnnotationList KT VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)}:>Map)[#MichelineToNative(K, KT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) <- #MichelineToNative(V, VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)]
rule #MichelineToNative(Elt K V, map _:AnnotationList KT VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
#MichelineToNative(K, KT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) |-> #MichelineToNative(V, VT, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
rule #MichelineToNative({ }, big_map _:AnnotationList _K _V, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => .Map
rule #MichelineToNative({ M:MapEntryList }, big_map _:AnnotationList K V, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
#MichelineToNative({ M:MapEntryList }, map .AnnotationList K V, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) // We handle big_map literals as maps.
We construct a contract datatype from its string address and type. Note that,
for convenience, we do not enforce that this address exists in the
rule #MichelineToNative(S:String, contract _ T, _KnownAddrs, _BigMaps) => #Contract(#ParseEntrypoint(S), #Name(T))
rule #MichelineToNative(#Typed(D, T), T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => #MichelineToNative(D, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
These rules exists for the unit testing semantics - operations are not legal data literals in normal Michelson. Note that we need to recurse into the data elements.
rule #MichelineToNative(Create_contract { C } O M S N, operation _, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
{ C }
{#MichelineToNative(O, (option .AnnotationList key_hash .AnnotationList), KnownAddrs, BigMaps)}:>OptionData
#MichelineToNative(S, #StorageTypeFromContract(C), KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
requires (isWildcard(N) orBool isInt(N))
andBool #IsLegalMutezValue(M)
rule #MichelineToNative(Set_delegate K N, operation _, KnownAddrs, BigMaps) =>
Set_delegate {#MichelineToNative(K, (option .AnnotationList key_hash .AnnotationList), KnownAddrs, BigMaps)}:>OptionData N
requires (isWildcard(N) orBool isInt(N))
syntax Type ::= #StorageTypeFromContract(Contract) [function]
rule #StorageTypeFromContract(code _ ; storage S ; parameter _ ;) => S
These rules use the K syntax for a withConfig
function. This attribute allows
a function read-only access to the K configuration, and is necessary here to
avoid needing an explicit configuration argument in all other rules. We need the
configuration because we need to be able to construct a contract
value from an
address specified in the Transfer_tokens
production, and thus need to perform
a contract lookup.
rule #MichelineToNative(Transfer_tokens P M A N, operation _, KnownAddrs, BigMaps)
=> Transfer_tokens
#Type({KnownAddrs [ #ParseEntrypoint(A) ]}:>TypeName),
requires (isWildcard(N) orBool isInt(N))
andBool #ParseEntrypoint(A) in_keys(KnownAddrs)
andBool #IsLegalMutezValue(M)
We extract a big_map
by index from the bigmaps map. Note that these have
already been converted to K-internal form, so there is no need to recurse here.
rule #MichelineToNative(I:Int, big_map _:AnnotationList _K _V, _KnownAddrs, BigMaps) => {BigMaps[I]}:>Data
The wildcard value maps to itself.
rule #MichelineToNative(WC:Wildcard, _, _, _) => WC